
To be a Doctor


Chine finally home. She look into her sister room and knock.

"Venice!" chine calling her sister.

"Yes momshie!" Venice answerd.

Venice is 8 years old, a grade 3 student. Smart and beautiful like her sister. She call her sister momshie, bcoz chine is the only one, acting like her mother,always by her side and guiding her.

"Hows school?" Chine ask.

"Its great" Venice answerd.

"Sister dont worry to me,"

"Im a big girl now". " I can handle my self." Venice hugging her sister.

"OK." Chine sighed and patted her sister hair.

"Just tell me anything happened.?"

"OK?" Chine assured her sister.

"I'm going to prefare our food, minute later you can eat dinner." Venice nooded.

After dinner, chine sat down on bed,searching for a partime job this coming vacation on her laptop. She send resume to 3 company, a minute later she fall asleep.


Today is the most hated day of all student. The exam started, all of them quietly answer their exam paper. As usual, being the top 1 jelo finish the exam fastly, followed by Nara and chine. Finally the exam is over.

The next day, the exam result will be posted at bulletin board. As expected, the ranking has not change, jelo is top 1, followed by Nara and Chine.

(Author; because this is my first story I'm going to fast forward, avoiding my readers to get bored. And please understand my grammar, im not fluent in English, I'd just want to share my imagination, and I will do my best to write. Thank you.)

Time past, their graduation will be held 1 week from today. Their teacher will going to announce the valedictorian.

Teacher Rock standing in front of her student.

"Class im going to annouce our valedictorian this year."

"Our valedictorian this year is Mr.Jelo Feng ."

after hearing the announcement. All student applauded and congrats Jelo.

"Mr.Jelo, prepare your speech next week."

teacher Rock told him.

"Yes sir." Jelo answerd.

"All student, prepare for your upcoming graduation"

"class dismiss". Finishing his annoucement and left the room.

Everyone felt happy and the other are sad. At last there high school journey ended next week.

Chanda, " let's grab a food?" Asking chine and Luna. "OK" luna and chine agreeing.

@canteen. While eating.

Luna, "chine, your grade is high, so the school can provide you a suitable university for you."

"Yes". Chine answers

" Hans University". Chine added. Hans university is a well known university, student with higher grade can enter that university without taking the exam with a full scholar, minimal for those student passing the intrans exam can enter the university, except for those rich with a high backer can enter to.

" Did you decided what course you want to take?" Chanda asking chine. "Yes" "I want to be a doctor (neuro surgeon)."

"Huh?" "I thought you take cpa?" Coz your smart with those numbers.

"I change my mind,I want to help those whose in need". Chine say with a smile looking to her two best friend.

"Luna, did you pass the exam on Hans University?" Chine ask Luna. "I'm still waiting for the result."

"Maybe tomorrow or the other day"

Luna hoping to pass. Luna is talented in disigning, that's why she wanted to become a fashion designer.

And upon looking to Chanda, she's the 5th lowest in there class.

"don't worry chine, " I had a plan to."

Chanda nodded to chine. Chanda all she want is to become a stylish and make up artist.

"I already choose to take my course in sma school." A 2 years vocation school. Seeing Chanda's Positive look, Chine and Luna hands up for giving a good vibes to chanda.

After finishing there food they go back in there class room.

Seeing those classmate chatting and laughing, made the class room so noisy, chine can't stand it, so she decided to spend time in library.

"I go to library". Chine told to her friend. " OK" luna and chanda agreeing. She left her two friend.

@ library.

She decided to get a book " the doctor's." Sitting at the corner table, chine was so interested focusing into her reading , while a few minutes a guy sit down in front of her. She didn't mind who it is. She continue reading. Until…

"Do you want to become a doctor?" The guy ask. After hearing the voice, she lift her head and look forward to Jelo.

For the first time in her high school life, this guy is talking to him now. She never expected jelo, talk to him, she know his attitude, he can only speak when somebody ask him and when he need to participate in school activities. It means jelo is a very serious guy, so no one can dare to mess him around, but he is so kind. Jelo has a strong personalities, which every girl can fall inlove anytime. Looking to his handsome face, his beautiful chinito eyes that anytime disappear when he smile, his pinky small soft lips. His skin is white, his so tall like a basket ball player and his masculine features looks good, oh my god. His totally a prince charming of every girl dream. Chine didnt realize she's staring jelo for awhile. When,

"Chine?" "Are you OK?" Jelo say looking at chine. That time chine go back to reality.

"A,ah yes!," "I take this course". Chine replied. Her cheek blushed upon thinking what she think on jelo.

" that's good." Jelo replied.

A long silence has come between the two of them, chine make a slight look into jelo. Wondering she felt some strange feeling that she never expected, her heart beat like a running horse, fast beating. This time she get distracted, can't focus reading. Without hesitation she stand up and pick those book she read, and left without talking to jelo. Jelo left in library and Sighed looking to chine's back walking far away.

He felt something to this girl, he is smart, but this time he can't understand her self.