
Me and The Football Player

cailinsims2020 · Teen
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Chapter 4

"Well David, it is so nice to meet you." I said smiling at him.

"So what's your story? Why did you move out here?" He asked me.

"Long story short, my parents got a divorce and my mom decided it would be a good idea for us to move away from my dad. The problem with that is that it'll take longer to get here because my dad lives 20 minutes away." I said looking down at my paper.

"That must be really hard, I am so sorry." He said touching my shoulder. I felt a jolt of electricity run through my whole body when he touched me.

"Yeah it is." I say still looking down at my paper. For the next 30 minutes we worked on our class work and the notes. We were one of the first groups to be done so we were able to start on the homework. Just as we were done with the last problem of the homework the bell rang.

"Good class everybody, I hope you guys got far on the homework, if you didn't finish it then you can turn it in tomorrow. For those of you that finished you may bring your homework up here and I will grade it. Have a nice day everyone." He said. I put everything that I didn't need in my backpack and walked up to the front of the class. Mr.Edwards looked up from his phone and grabbed the paper in my hand.

"Are you done?" He asked as he looked over the paper.

"Yes, I did all problems and showed my work, though I was confused on a couple problems but I managed to complete them, thanks to David." I said.

"David is such a great student. He's a great tutor, maybe you guys can work with each other more." He said.

"Yeah it's always a possibility. Well I should get going to my 2nd period, anyways it was nice to meet you, Mr. Edwards." I said

"Yeah it was nice to meet you too Allison, I hope you have a great first day." He said back to me. I returned to my seat where my backpack was and picked it up, walking out of the classroom. I hurried to my 2nd period class because I only had 2 minutes until the bell rang. I made it just in time because right when I sat down the bell rang.

"Good morning class. We have a new student here with us today, her name is Allison and she will be spending the rest of the year in this class. Please make her feel welcome." She said as she smiled at me. I looked around and saw a group of students gossiping and on their phone. What type of school is this? The bell already rang, they should be in their seats working. Ugh, whatever, if they get in trouble that's their fault. I'm just going to let it be.

"Ariana, Jocelyn, Abby, and Jennifer, hand your phones over now" the teacher said sternly. "You know the rule" she said softer this time. All four girls scoffed and then walked up to the teacher's desk to give her their phones. One by one, they returned to their seats.

"Now that we don't have any distractions, I need you guys to take out the book like water for chocolate. Allison, do you have the book?" She asks me, I turn my attention towards her and I felt my face grow red. I dig in my backpack and grab the book that she was talking about.

"Yes I have the book, I got it yesterday and I read the first two chapters you assigned." I said opening the book to the chapter March.

"So today we will be talking about what you guys thought about the relationship between Mama Elena and Tita. Does anyone want to speak to that?" She asked looking around the classroom.