
Me and the dead against the world

Miguel awakens a very rare talent “necromancer” this talent isn’t well known and requires souls and corpses before he can summon a servant. Taking place in Las Vegas, the Guilds are littered with criminals and taking advantage of the weak. When he awakens he gets a F rank which is almost a normal person.Can he make this new career work out? Can he find a place where he belongs? Can he protect what's important?

LuckyGambit · Fantasy
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20 Chs


Mike had to take a moment when he saw the state of the unnamed servant, it's movements even when missing chunks of meat meant that they really were dead and what was moving them wasn't common logic. Since they were part of a skill it only made sense that mana would be what was keeping them together and without it their flesh would rot away and wouldn't regenerate.

After observing the difference between a named servant and the nameless one the importance of the naming skill was obvious, and all doubt of whether or not to name servants was cast away. There was still something that mike wanted to experiment with, although the servants were clearly undead, he wanted to know what happened to the servants when they died. Mike gripped his sword firmly and swung hard and decisively, the goblin servant's head was crushed and it's whole body slowly dissolved into thick black smoke until it disappeared and nothing was left. Mike received a menu notification:

Undead goblin servants lvl 1: soul and body have suffered irreversible damage and has returned to rest in peace.

Mike noticed that the soul was also lost and now he had 1 less servant in the menu. Mike now knew that although the undead wouldn't die from hunger or rot, but they would die from enough damage. Mike looks at Jenkins, the servant twitches after watching it's companion get killed and now his master is looking at him "go to sleep for now" the servant relaxes and disappears. Mike turns around and leaves with rocky, when he leaves the dungeon and walks back to his car the association agent sends a text message to his boss "1 in, 1 out. All are accounted for, also the only awakened to enter only had a permit."

The sun was coming down and mike was in his bedroom looking at his menu:

Level 14

Exp: 97%

Health: 192/236

Mana: 136/316

Strength: 7.2 (+3)

Stamina: 7.3 (+4)

Dexterity: 6.9 (+2)

Intuition: 7.5

Magic: 15.8

Unassigned points: 5 points


o Soul reaping: "The Dead can leave a portion of their soul behind; with this skill, you can collect them." (The portion left behind is only excess power, which is why not all deaths leave souls behind and some may be stronger than others may)

o Soul storage: "a space in another dimension where you can keep souls."

12(from the orcs raiding)/100 weak souls

24(16+8 from the orcs raiding)/100 souls

o Undead summon: "From the remains of the dead you can place a soul into it and reanimate it, the undead will then serve you" (exceptional undead may develop higher intelligence) (Undead summons take on the appearance of the corpse and the damage, is healed)

o Undead servants: 6/30 "When not needed they sleep in another dimension where your undead await your summon, the dimension can heal the summons gradually when wounded"

Rank C monsters

Bonny level 78

Favorability 5%

"skills hidden until servants favorability increases"

Rank E monsters

Rocky level 11

Skills: Howl, Festering Fang

Ruina level 18 "Orc archer"

Skills: concentrated shot "requires slightly longer than normal but delivers great power and accuracy for vital organs" Ankle shot "analyzes the target's movement and immobilizes it"

Rollo level 14 "Orc"

Skills: thick skin "damage taken is reduced", heavy strike "with or without a weapon damage is increased and can cause immobilization from broken bones"

Ruffus level 14"Orc"

Skills: thick skin "damage taken is reduced", heavy strike "with or without a weapon damage is increased and can cause immobilization from broken bones"

Rank F monsters

Jenkins (Named Servant) Lvl 10

Skills: rock bullet

"the servant has reached its F-rank limit, 10 weak souls or 1 normal soul should be fed to the servant for the servant to enter E-rank and continue leveling"

mike was astonished by the amount that he had grown, he thought that his profession was going to be a dud, but it ended up having plenty of potential. Tomorrow he would meet with the head of his sister's guild the next day, so it was nerve wrecking, getting a chance to join a guild was life changing, although his sister was already in one they were new and small still attempting to make a name for themselves. This means that they were not as profitable as a larger guild, but mike knew that if his sister was in it then he would be able to trust them not to take advantage of him. Mike felt that this was a safe choice for him, when it would be difficult just to get recruited and much less gain a favorable contract from a larger guild. Mike understood that his profession and skills had plenty of potential but was not confident that he would be able to get others to see it, although there weren't many people with his profession those with it, ended up being a liability to their parties.

Mike arrived the next day at the offices of the guild with rocky by his side, once he walked in he sees his sister Lily talking to a man in a business suit. Lily notices the moment he walks in and smiles then walks to him and hugs him, then walks him further into the guild and introduces Chance the guild master. Mike and chance shake hands "so your Lilys brother, looks like we'll be seeing a lot of each other since she wants you to join us" mike felt awkward since he would be getting accepted into the guild solely because of his sisters recommendation "anyway lets head into the training room and see what you have to offer the guild" chance was skeptical of mike having enough skill to join their ranks, this could become an issue if he wasn't strong enough to protect himself. When they entered the training area Chance took off his suit jacket and rolled up his sleeves, mike felt intimidated but still joined chance in selecting a practice weapon. They both chose blunt swords and faced each other "come on don't be shy, and don't worry you won't be able to hurt me "Rocky slowly positioned himself on the right flank of chance then waited, keeping an eye on chance and listening for movement from mike. Chance looked at rocky "looks like you trained him well but one pet won't be able to do much in a dungeon" suddenly rocky howls and chance felt a much stronger presence from him but more importantly it overlapped mikes presence making it difficult to pay attention to both. "interesting, so its not just a dog, a familiar makes this much more fun" mike takes his first step forward and rocky rushes chance, mike knew that chance had to have a high level in order to become a guild master but still his objective was to at least land a hit but as they approached him without being able to see how it happened rocky was thrust backward and mike was kicked with such force that it made him fall over and roll. Mike thought this was strange because instead of a harmful impact it felt more like a push, mike knew that chance was toying with him without wanting to actually hurt him. When mike looked at rocky that had hit the wall, he saw that rocky wasn't hurt either. "alright that's enough, this isn't a training session, its an entrance exam" chance unrolls his sleeves and takes the jacket then looks at Lily "he's not even at minimum requirements, if you want him in, he is your responsibility and he doesn't enter our dungeons without you until he meets requirements" Lily looks at mike then punches him in the shoulder "if you were going to let him in any way you didn't have to overpower him so much" mike stands up "its fine, he was nice enough to hold back a lot, since it didn't even hurt to get hit" chance just smiles at Lily "come on babe if I didn't do at least this then what would the rest of the guild think of this" Lily looks at Chance angrily "well talk about this later" Lily walks over to mike and notices that there isn't even a bruise on him, she knew that if chance had really hit him there would have been a couple broken bones. "alright Miguelito, enough games show chance your knew summon" mike was confused since she didn't know about the orcs however she must mean Bonny "Bonnie, come on out" suddenly Bonnie is summoned and looks around and sees chance, she then immediately tenses up and growls lowly "that's strange, she hasn't done that with anyone else" Lily smiles and pets bonny "its ok he is a good guy" she looks at mike "she can probably tell how strong Chance is and is just on guard" mike thought to himself that she hadn't done anything with the previous party he was with but suddenly reacted this way with Chance, she didn't see 4 hunters as a threat but with Chance it was different. After a moment Bonny seemed to understand that Chance wasn't an enemy and she relaxed "so Miguelito has she warmed up to you yet?" mike thought for a moment "she still won't do as a I say but she protected me from some orcs yesterday that snuck up from behind, so even if she's not obedient she at least doesn't seem to want me hurt" Lily pets Bonny some more "what a good girl…. She probably instinctively understands you're her master and when you get stronger, I bet she'll be a great help."

Lily hadn't told Chance everything and thought that mike only had 1 familiar, however having 2 made a difference and the last one summoned seemed strong enough to understand the difference in strength. Chance now understood why Lily was so adamant in admitting him into the guild. At first, he thought it was because they were family and she wanted to have him close but with the aggressive guilds around them this would only put him in more danger. With 2 summons he would most likely be forced to join a guild under unfavorable terms, joining them would be the best outcome for him for now. "alright now that he is in the guild he is going to need better equipment, since he already used my brothers equipment last time, he can keep using them" Chance looked at Lily and she just gave him a mischievous smile "but only during our raids if you're not with us the equipment you have on would most likely be a better fit so you don't get attacked for the equipment since its more expensive than what you have on now" Mike looks at the equipment "thank you, ill make sure to take care of it" mike was grateful since he had already looked into equipment prices he knew that this was like being given a brand new car.

Lily was happy that chance had accepted mike so much "I understand what this equipment means to you since your brother passed…" Chance stops Lily from speaking further "soon enough mike here is going to also be family so helping him with this is only natural" Chance grabs Lily's hand.