
Me and Myself or us

Alicia,a girl who remembers nothing about her past but lives in her present with a cold heart. Let's see who will give her the warmth she always wanted....

Hosanna_Lawal · Urban
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42 Chs

Actual cousin?

He kept going closer and closer. She was red as a tomato already. What is he doing geez,she said as she kept bending backwards. She could not bend further as her back hit the wall.She is stuck now. He smirked wickedly as he removed the thread on her hair. She sighed so hard.

What was that for? She asked. What are you talking about? He asked. I asked you first... don't try to cut me off,here I was thinking you.....Before she could finish her statement he cut her off with a soft kiss which seemed to be demanding later on.

She could not get angry anymore but she started to lose her breath. He knew she wasn't breathing well as his kiss was demanding.He stopped immediately.Are you okay babe,Alex asked. She could not reply as she was trying so hard to get fresh air.

He held her hand,kissed it.He kissed her fore head,and gave her a comforting hug. How much I love teasing you babe,he said. That wasn't an ordinary kiss,she said with her husky voice. It's a little punishment,he said. Punishment? what the,She said. For making another guy fall for you when I was away,Alex said. Alex,it's not my fault...I didn't seduce him or whatever,Alice said.Yes,you should know by now that even if you do not try so hard.....

It's Betty,Alice said with a pleading eye. Alright,pick it up,Alex said. Hey Betty, what's up? ohhh,yeah you told me you weren't feeling so good,you should know this is the ninth month,you shouldn't stress yourself. Wait! what? You've given birth? Oh my God,we will be there,yeah! Sh said as she hung up.

Betty has given birth,Alice said. We should tell Ryan and Dinah,Alex said.Yeah, that's true,Alice said. Let me,Alex said. Thanks babe,Alice said as she prepared.

Really? she is back? she didn't tell us,Dinah said. My baby just got to know too,she told me to tell you while she gets ready,Alex said. Babe,maybe you should get ready too,Ryan said. I'm okay this way,let's just wait for Alice.

Hey guys,I'm ready,Alice said as she came closer. Let me drive you,Kim offered. A car horned from outside. That should be my ride,Alex said. What? Alice asked with a surprised look. I was going to surprise you but seems like you are still surprised,Alex said. Do you have anything to tell me? Alice asked. I will explain babe,Alex said apologetically. Let's do that when we get back,Alice said as they all entered Alex's car.

Did everyone ignore me? Even my sister? Kim said to himself. Pretty boy? Lily said. Bad ass? Kim said. What are you doing here? I should be asking you? I asked first,they both echoed. They both laughed. Wanna go on a date,Kim asked. So,you are Dinah's brother that likes Alice? Lily asked. How did you find out? Kim asked.

I'm Ryan's cousin,not cousin cousin though,my parents and his parents have the same surname,so they became family because of their surname.Right from childhood,I've been calling him my cousin, Lily said. So,Ryan told you I like Alice,I liked rather,Kim said.Tisha knows everything,Lily winked. Just so you know,I like you now,Kim said as he winked at her.

I also like you pretty boy but that won't stop me from crushing on other pretty boys but I will choose you above all,Lily said. I don't mind,I will just keep in my mind that this is who I love even if I'm flirting with other girls,Kim winked.

Alex,Alice,Dinah,Ryan and Tisha "..." . They don't know we are still around,Dinah said. This is wired,Alice said. Can we just get the baby gift we came to take? Tisha said. Tisha? when did you get here? Ryan asked. She followed my car,Alex said. Uh? The trio echoed. Babe,you didn't tell me she is not your actual cousin,Dinah said. Alright,guys we have a lot go settle,can we just do that after we get back home from the hospital,Alice said.