
Exploring the system shop

At this time back at Dimitri's room.

DImitri laid down on the bed and was thinking about the moment on earth. Having transmigrated in another world feels great because he always dreamt about it. He always wanted to be a cultivator or superhuman after reading all those novels and watching tv shows. His opportunity is here now. It turned into reality.

He recalled the System. System, Show my status windows.


Host current status,

Name: Dimitri Paul

Level: 6

Next level: 7. Experience needed (00/1000)

Realm: Boly evolving stage 1

Universal points: 10000

Bounds to Universal System.

Dimitri asked, "System, what's the use of universal points?"

System,"Host can use universal points in the system shop. There are many items and martial arts techniques you can buy from it. You can also buy 'experience capsules' which can help you level up."

"WoW, that's great. System, open the shop interface for me." Let's see what he can buy now. For tomorrow's journey he need a few safety measures. He is too weak now. Maybe he should buy an experience capsule to increase his level. That will be awesome.

After a Ding sound the status window in front of Dimitri changed into a shop interface.

There were five options to choose from. Items, Martial arts, Experience and growth capsule, Side Jobs and lottery.

In the item shop, there are many types of weapons and other items can be seen. In the weapon category; Swords, daggers, spears, handguns, snipers and all kinds of modern and non-modern weapons can be seen. There are also defensive items. There are many weird looking items that can also be seen, like items for appearance changing, aura restriction etc. But the price is particularly not cheap for weapons. At least not for now. There was a convertible weapon at the end. Its price is 1 million UV points.

Damn, he really wants this convertible weapon. it can change its shape to any kind of weapon including modern weapons and defensive items. This one is the best. All items in the shop are growth type. So, they can level up along with its user. But it's out of his reach now. He may have to buy a sword or handgun.

The sword priced three thousand UV points only. Dimirti should check those other options first. With these limited amounts of Universal Points he needs to be careful to choose his option. Let's see the martial art category.

There are Fist technique, Leg technique, clocking technique, weapon specific technique and many more. Same as items, all of these techniques can be level up. Items and technique both needed Universal points to level up."

"System, I forget to ask. How can Universal points be earned?"

"Ding, Host can earn universal points at the time of killing and doing side jobs like alchemy, smithing, painting etc." system replied.

Dimitri thought it wouldn't be hard then. He again started investigating the shop.

Dimitri," Let's see if I can buy an experience capsule. Leveling up before tomorrow will be quite helpful."

When he saw the experience capsule price he got dumbfounded. Damn I hit the jackpot.

One experience capsule required 100 Uv points and it has 1000 experience value. He can readily level up.he will surely buy this. For a moment he forgot about the growth capsule. After the initial excitement Dimitri looked at the growth capsule.

Growth capsule

Price: 3000 Universal points for body evolving realm capsule.

Effects: Increase the power three times at the same level. Host will be undefeatable against the same realm opponents.

Dimitri, "I should buy it later. First I need to upgrade my level."

Then he checked the side jobs. He directly ignored it for now. He doesn't want to waste Universal points now. Then he turned his attention to The lottery system. It needed 1000 Universal points per rotation chance.

Lottery system has many rare items, martials arts and many more. Dimitri is clearly tempted but he controlled himself for now. He made a plan inside his head. He needs a weapon, martial art technique, experience capsule and if possible growth capsule.

First he bought a Handgun with 100 bullets which cost him 2500 universal points. These bullets can penetrate internal strength gathering realm cultivators' defenses. Then he bought a shield which can be used against peak internal energy gathering realm cultivators to defend himself. It could reduce 80% damage. These items can be level up later, so he was not worried about their uses later. This cost him another 1000 Universal points. He left with 6500 UV points.

Dimitri," Umm, WIthout enough UV points I can't buy bullets. I need a martial arts technique. The Overlord Fist technique will suit me better. It also sounds cool. I only need 1000 points. Why bother!"

So He bought the overlord fist technique. He felt something cool entering his brain and the overlord fist technique integrated inside his mind.

Dimitri can feel the power of the overlord fist. It is really powerful. If he can level up this technique to the pinnacle then destroying a world won't be impossible by a simple punch.

Now it's time to increase his level.

First he bought one experience capsule and it increased his level to 7. He can clearly feel his power level increased. Level 8 needed 1500 experienced points.

Dimitri directly bought 2 more and promoted himself to level 8. Level 9 requires 2500 ex points and 500 is already filled. So, He need 2 more capsules. From his calculation he needs 12000 experience points to reach level 11, which is internal strength gathering realm.

He used 300 UV points and needed 1200 more. After that 4000 UV points will be left.

"System, If I bought the body evolving realm growth pack after reaching the internal strength gathering realm, what would happen?"

Ding, Host power will increase according to the body evolving realm and before buying it you can't buy the next one. So feel free to buy anytime. There is no loss for you.

Dimitri was clearly delighted after hearing the system answer. So he used 1200 more UV points to increase his level to level 11. He can hear a boom sound inside his mind and he feels something is changing inside his body. His power directly increased many times more than before. He can feel the surroundings clearly now. His sudden increase of power didn't feel awkward. System adjusted it according to his body. Having a system is really convenient.

"System, Show my status window."


Host current status,

Name: Dimitri Paul

Level: 11

Next level: 12. Experience needed (00/20000)

Realm: internal strength gathering realm stage 1

Universal points: 4000

Martials Arts: Overlord Fist (Level-1)

Items: Handgun (Level-1), Shield (Level-1)

Bounds to Universal System.

Dimitri, "Now, I wouldn't have any problem defending myself. I also can ensure Miss Susan's safety tomorrow. Having a systeem makes everything easy. Maybe I should use 3000 Uv points to buy the growth pack value. After that I will have 1000 Uv points left. It's more than enough for an emergency."

Dimitri didn't wait anymore and bought the growth capsule. He directly used it.

Again he could feel a cool sensation all over his body and it was really comfortable. He felt like he was having an orgasm. Whatever, it ended soon.

Dimitri noticed his power is two times more than before and he can feel 1000 meters around him with his spiritual senses. His mental power increased quite a lot after he leveled up, so he can easily cope up with the changes.

System, can you compare my energy level with cultivators?

Ding, Host your energy reading is equivalent to a normal peak internal energy gathering realm cultivators. But there are cultivators who have the same energy level as the host when they are stage 2 or 3. They are the geniuses of the cultivation world. But, host can improve his energy again after buying another growth capsule of the internal energy gathering realm and it will increase host power again. System will ensure that, Host can be the best and the greatest genius cultivation world ever seen.

Dimitri is quite satisfied now. He was worried when he took the bodyguard job. But now it would be a piece of cake for him. And having such an elegant person like Miss Susan with him won't make him bored. He has quite a good impression on Miss Susan and he genuinely wanted to help her.

Another fact he noticed after leveling up. He was quite hungry at first but after leveling up it seems his hunger went away for the time being. It's quite good news for him. Otherwise, where he can get food at this hour.

He suddenly asked, "System can you get me food?"

Ding, Host can exchange food and other daily necessary goods with Universal points and it's quite cheap.

This was quite good news towards Dimitri. He was worried about the food problem and now it can be easily solved by the system.

Miss Susan was troubled with her father's issue. So, Dimitri didn't want to trouble her.

So,Dimirti prepared for sleep now. He was not tired but transmigrating into another world made him a bit mentally exhausted. He soon fell asleep. Sounds of breathing can be heard from his room.

At the same time, Miss Susan was thinking about tomorrow. She is determined to find the herb. Anyone could feel her determination if they could see her eyes. Time passed on and her mind cooled down. She started to recall the moment she met. Dimitri.

"Dimitri doesn't seem like a bad person. He was quite awkward when I didn't shake his hand. It seems a weird custom in his village. Maybe with his help I really can help my father. I can only hope for the best now."

Having different thoughts in her mind she slowly fell asleep. Only breathing sounds can be heard.

A new day was coming with a new journey and expectation.