
Me and my mind, in the apocalypse

I transmigrated into a world where humans struggle to survive against beasts far more terrifying than I could have ever imagined. Yet humans have awakened and developed superpowers. My arrival in this world will upset the balance especially when one day [Beep... system activated].

Le_Merwen · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Systeme :

I walked over to the headmaster. My steps are unsteady because of nervousness.

"Here my child, drink" he said to me, handing me the potion.

I swallowed it all in one go. The liquid flowed into my stomach, I felt it heating my organs as it passed, the energy was coming in abundance. What a nice feeling.

I smiled and walked towards the huge crystal when suddenly...

[Presence of a powerful energetic liquid... Activation of the system]

[Binding successful... Bzzzt... New host set...]

[Hello host]

Stunned by the messages suddenly appearing in front of me, I completely stopped walking.

"Altaïr hurry up a bit"

"Yes sir"

For more than fifteen years I had given up hope of having a system like all the transmigrators in the novels I read when I was young.

I decided to deal with it later and put this system aside to focus on the ceremony.

Starting to walk again, I finally arrived in front of the crystal ball. My two hands came together and I waited.

[Ding...An alien gaze inspects you, do you want to block it ?]

[Yes No]

"NO" I thought

Finally after a few seconds the crystal ball lit up.

I sigh in relief. At least I wouldn't be powerless.

Magnus opened his mouth to announce the result.

"Exceptional talent in mind control"

A great silence ensued and then laughter broke out throughout the room.

"Oh no poor man, an incredible talent for such a trashy specialty"

"What will he be able to do with this, staying at home is the best of the future"

Here and there mockery flared up. Even the headmaster and Mr. Magnus looked at me with pity.

"A loser will always remain a loser" declared Nico Gray with his arrogant smile.

I stormed out of the room. Returning to my room without even speaking to my parents. I lay down on the floor, the rage still in my eyes. As hatred seized me more and more at the memories of their mockery, their laughter and contemptuous looks, a voice suddenly rang out:

[Remember the system is there to walk you the path to greatness]

"Ah yes the system that I am stupid, tell me is my specialty as trashy as these losers say.


A cold, robotic simple response, yet the seed of hope was planted in me.

"What can I do with it then ?"

[The evaluator misunderstood your specialty, it is not mind control but rather mind unleashing. Your potential is to become the most powerful by becoming a master of psychic powers.]

A master of psychic powers?? I have never heard of a human ever having such an ability.

[Ding...to help you get off to a good start on your ascent, a beginner's pack has been offered to you]

[Do you want to open it ?]

[Yes No]


[Ding...obtaining rewards: ten points of spirit stats + three skill points + the telekinesis skill + five recovery pills]

"The rewards are really above my expectations !"

I suddenly felt my mind open. I could now modulate part of it to grab, repel objects, or be alive. This feeling is indescribable!

"System show me my status"


Name: Altair Saito

Age: 16 years old

Human race

Powers: Psychic type

Classification: Low level apprentice.

Level 1


Strength: 3

Agility: 4

Spirit: 16

Stamina: 3

Constitution: 4


Telekinesis (lev 1)

[Stat points to distribute]: 0

[Skill Points]: 3

"The average of an ordinary man without powers is 5, I'm so weak in strength and agility, it saddened me"

A little + was written next to the different statistics and the new skill I got.

[Strength: Combines the power of your body, i.e. your punching power]

[Agility: Combines your movement speed and the flexibility of your body]

[Spirit: The strength of your psychic powers, your intelligence, the reaction time of your senses, and your reservoir of powers.]

[Endurance: The body's ability to make a long and exhausting effort]

[Constitution: The power of your physique, its resistance to diseases or poisons, the ability to adapt to extreme environments and others that you will discover for yourself]

By learning about the different functions of statistics, I felt enlightened on several points that had remained unclear until now.

For a moment I began to dream of a self that had become extremely strong.

"HUM HUM let's resume"

I pressed the little + behind my only skill

[Telekinesis: the ability of the mind to move objects by the sheer force of thought. Its power will depend on your strength]

"Awesome !"

Immediately I wanted to try this new power.

I focused on the glass of water on my bedside table 5 meters away from me, the feeling of my mind stretching again and the glass starting to shake. I time my hands and the glass takes off quickly before landing perfectly between my fingers.


Looking at the bed, a gleam lit up in my eyes and I immediately stood up.

My mind stretches again and my bed starts shaking. I put more pressure with my mind and the bed shakes harder and harder. When finally I think I finally manage to lift it, an immense weakness invades me accompanied by a huge headache.

[Ding...Your mind is in a weak state after overuse, you will enter a sleepy state]

5 hours later:

I woke up and it seems to be late afternoon. I was no longer lying on the ground, my parents must have had something to do with it.

Going back to the incident earlier, it seems that my power was not enough to lift the bed.

If I'm so weak, how can I claim to have the strength to kill monsters.

I'm thinking... I'm thinking... I'M THINKING...

"F*ck am I stupid or what ?"

Suddenly my eyes lit up. Didn't the system mention skill points ??

"System, add my three skill points to my telekinesis skill"

[Ding... Telekinesis (Level 1 -->Level 3)]

New acquaintances popped into my mind.

This knowledge focused on how to expand my mind to minimally surround the desired object thus saving mental strength. A new technique specific to telekinesis is born in my mind.

The principle was to weave a thin thread of mental strength which went from my mind to the desired object then to deploy the technique said previously, that is to say to surround the object at a minimum, a bit like a net but hyper sticky.

I closed my eyes and applied these two principles.

I weave a thin thread of mental strength stretching it to my bed. Once the thread was connected all the way to the bed, I ran it all over the bed, much like water wetting a cloth.

Finally I put my mental power there...

The bed took off!


I thanked the system with all my heart.

However, there were other surprises in store for me.

About thirty minutes after my feat, my father knocked softly on the door.

"Altaïr, is everything okay ?"

"Yes father, I'm fine"

"Would you mind coming to eat with us ?"

"I arrive in a moment"

I sigh. It is time to face their questions. So I went down the stairs and sat down in my usual place.

The good smell of mom's cooking wafted through the room.

"In view of your anger when you came home earlier, I take it you didn't wake up?"

"Actually it's not quite that but it's pretty much the same"

"Tell us everything"

"My mother served us food while we talked.

"I have an exceptional talent but my specialty is trash. I will still have the chance to participate in the New Awakened competition next month but I feel like I have no hope."

My parents looked at each other.

"No matter what you decide to do my darling we will support you" my mother told me.

"Son, if the path of the supernatural does not suit you, come and talk to me about it, I have some contacts that will get you into a good company"

I felt tears sting my eyes as I waited for their word. The anger I had accumulated throughout the day turned into gratitude.

Finally the meal went well and I went back to my room to sleep. The other mysteries of the system will wait until tomorrow morning.


The ringing of the system jolted me awake.

"But what's going on ???"

[Host has 3 hours to complete daily system missions.]

[Mission 1: Train the telekinesis skill on 25 objects]

[Missions 2: Do 100 push-ups]

[Mission 3: Run 5km]

"But wtf, it's 6 a.m. and you're asking me to do all this, you might as well go back to bed"

[If unsuccessful, the host will have to undergo mind torture for 72 hours]


I got up to start the system missions right away.

one, two, three, four...Ten push-ups.

My arms, which weren't used to this kind of exercise, were already shaking with fatigue.

"How am I going to be able to do a hundred if just ten tires me out so much?"

While my arms rested, I practiced Mission 1. The water bottle, water glass, pen, and various other items flew around the room.

"Let's try to go faster by lifting several objects at the same time"

The five objects I had sent flying just before lifted up again.

Five threads of my mind were connected to the objects, I tried to create a sixth but my still too weak mind couldn't keep up and a weakness seized me again.

I did ten push-ups again.

10 minutes and 50 seconds have already passed.

"System, show me what I have left to do."

[Mission 1: Lift objects using the telekinesis skill (10\25)]

[Mission 2: Do 100 push-ups (20\100)]

[Mission 3: Run 5km (0\5)]

[Remaining time: 2h49]

5 minute break and here we go again. I chained the push-ups five by five this time and sent the objects flying two by two. I exhaust myself less quickly for more performance.

After an hour and a half I finally finished the first two missions. I only have 5km left to run but I'm still so tired. I wonder how I will accomplish them.

My arms are heavy, my mind is heavy. Fortunately my last mission uses the legs. I drag my tired body out into the street and start jogging.

At this hour, not many people are in the street. There are mostly people driving to work or grandmothers walking their dogs but not much activity like at peak times.

It took me over 45 MINUTES to finish this jog. I seriously questioned my physical condition.

[Ding...All missions have been completed within the time limit, please choose from the following rewards]

[#Reward 1: +5 on all stats + 10 EXP]

[#Reward 2: 2 Free Skill Points + 10 EXP]

[#Reward 3: A key to a low-level monster dungeon]

The three rewards were extremely appealing especially the stats that would address the main weakness of my fitness.

But I have a feeling that what awaits me in this dungeon, even if it contains enormous dangers for the current self, will be able to advance me so that I can have a chance in the new awakened contest for my entrance to the university.

"I accept reward 3"

[The key for the low level monster dungeon has been placed in your inventory]

"So I could use it later, it's great !"

I will wait a week, the time to strengthen myself with the daily missions.

While waiting for a good shower I was expecting.

After my shower, that was the time my parents woke up on weekends. So I had breakfast with them before going out into the street.

The market was in full swing in the large square in zone D of the city. A huge market that takes place once a week and all sorts of things can be found such as necessities such as food, first aid utilities but also other rarer items that hunters had brought from outside and sold to merchants who currently stood in the market.

These famous merchants were shouting everywhere to attract as many customers as possible. Such as :

"My good fruit who wants my good fruit not very expensive. All my fruit is 10 republican credits. Come come ladies and gentlemen."

Seeing these delicious fruits made me wonder if my telekinesis skill might come in handy.

I leaned against a wall and closed my eyes, letting my mind open.

A thread that had become familiar woven itself to the fruit that had become my target. Slowly the fruit rolled from the crate where it was stored.

I slowly floated it from the crate to the floor, behind the stall, out of sight.

Second by second, the fruit made its way to me and finally without difficulty, it ended up in my hand. Very happy, I continued my way in the market with my little snack.

"Interesting" said a female voice

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