
His home.

As we walk out of the school, we make sure no one is around to tell a teacher that we're skipping. As we are out of the school, I feel somewhat free. "This way!" Yohan says, while pointing to a path to the neighborhood I live in. "Do you live in that neighborhood?" I ask. "Yeah, why?" Yohan replies. "Because that's the same neighborhood I live in" I say. "Oh!" Yohan says. "We should get going." I say. "Ok" Yohan says. We walk in silence over to his house. It's a simple, white home with flowers and bushes in the front. I can also spot a pool in the back. "You have a nice home" I say. "Thanks!" he says, happily. We walk towards the entrance of the house. "Could I maybe come over over the weekend to swim in your pool?" I ask. "S-sure." he replies, I'm a flustered voice. For a second, Yohan looks red and has a surprised, but happy look in his eyes. When he noticed me looking at him funny, his expression quickly changed to a calmer expression. When we get to the door, Yohan lifts up the rug and picks up a key, which opens the house door. As we go inside, I notice it's very clean and tidy. "It's so clean!" I say, surprised. I was surprised because I always pictured that a guy's house would be messy and smell funny. "What would you like to do?" Yohan asks. I think for a moment. "Do you have any games?" I ask. "Yes. I have a few video games and board games." he replies. "Could we play some of your video games?" I ask. "Sure." he replies. He leads me to his room. When we get there, it's just and nice and tidy as the rest of the house. We start up the game and start playing. He plays very well, so he beats me every time. After about an hour, I start feeling cold. Yohan must've noticed, because he gets to up and went to his closet and got a jacket out. He hands it to me. "Thanks" I say. "No problem" he replies. I put on the jacket. I notice it smells like him. "Wait! Why am I thinking about this?!" I think to myself. I start feeling sleepy. I get up and walk over to his bed. I lay down and fall asleep.