
Me and God of Wibu

Hai_Thi · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Buggy is a hidden Yonko

"It comes. Watch carefully, Yamato. Watch my 10 years of research." 

Yamato looked at the screen while trying to guess what made Furina become excited.

[ This will be the last news for you guys. ]

[ The character of the day is Buggy, the Red Nose Clown. ]

When this character appeared on the screen, there were many opinions.

For normal people who knew him, they were fear of him since he was very brutal and merciless.

For Navy, they had many questions but they didn't know where to start.

"This guy's bounty is only 15 000 000 Beri. " Sengoky accepted Buggy's wanted paper from the lieutenant general. 

"What is so special about him that he is on the screen," Sengoku asked his comrades.

His comrades only shook their heads instead of saying 'I don't know'.

"Just watch and think later. There are still many things we don't know about the guy on the sky." Tsuru gave her suggestion.

Sengoku could only wait for the information from the guy on the sky.

[ Enjoy a show ]

The guy on the sky left the scene. The scene turned black with the background music played.

[ I am a man with many dreams and ambitions ]

Everyone who watched this line asked themselves what are they watching.

[ I have too many things that I want to complete ]

[ After that man shows me the way, I know what I really want ]

An image of Roger appeared on the screen. 

[ Guahaha ]

Roger laughed out loud on the screen. Many scenes were changed. Each time the screen changed, it showed a different location and different time where Roger laughed.

[ His smile ignites something inside me ]

[ However, his smile is not something eternal. It will end when its time comes. ]

The scene changed. Roger. Still with that smile. But this time. He was on the execution platform.

Even though he was on the execution platform, his smile was still there.

[ My treasure? If you want it, I'll let you have it. Go look for it. I left all of it at that place ]

Roger was executed on the platform. His blood ran out from his wounds staining the wooden boards with crimson. However, his smile was still there.

[ The Last Laugh. The Last Smile, and the Last Words. Roger. I have many questions that I want to ask you. ]

There was a deep and long silence. Everyone was watching with bated breath. Reading carefully every single line on the screen.

[ All of the way. Why did you choose to submit yourself to the Government? I assume that you prefer being killed by the Marines than being killed by the disease. ]


When this word rang out breaking the silence, the crowd discussed each other lively.

"I thought Roger was caught by Marines."

"I guess this is a conspiracy of someone."

"Is this false or true?"

Despite hearing the truth, they chose to believe the marine's fabricated story over a random guy on the sky.

This was a result of a monopoly in media. The government could change from black to white at their will. In addition to that, they were brainwashed that pirates are evil and marines are justice by the common sense of this world.

Even though, most pirates are evil. But this doesn't mean all pirates are evil.

People on the screen were celebrating after the death of the pirate king.

"I remember this," Sengoku said.

"We, Marines, want to use the death of the pirate king to give a strong message to every pirate at that time." Sengoku let out a deep breath.

"However, it was backfire in the end. Instead of making pirates fear the sea, we indirectly help Roger open the new age, the pirate age."

"Sengoku. It's not your fault. The government ordered us to do that." Tsuru comforted him.

"I know. It's just. I couldn't see through Roger's goal. Who know that he will use the treasure called One Piece as a catalyst to open a new age. How narrow-minded me back there."

[ I will miss your smile. ]

The scene changed to Buggy standing on the desk of the ship alone.

[ Sometimes I want to ask what should I do now ]

Taking the moment that no one was near. Buggy asked himself while looking at an object in his hand.

"That's" Sengoku stood up suddenly.

[ I even create an Eternal Pose aiming at Laugh Tale. What I should do with this thing now? ]

An Eternal Pose had only 2 words. Short but powerful. Even many powerhouses all over the world stood up from their seat. They couldn't sit still after seeing the Eternal Pose on the screen.

"Sengoku. That can't be." Garp said.

Sengoku swallowed his saliva without replying. His face was enough to describe the importance of that Eternal Pose.

[ I even create a shortcut to One Piece. Haiz ]

Buggy held his head in headache. He gritted his teeth. His next action caught everyone off guard.

He picked up the Eternal Pose and threw it as far as possible with his strength.

The camera changed to the thrown Eternal Pose. The Eternal Pose sank to the abyss of the sea.

In the abyss, a sea monster appeared and swallowed the Eternal Pose that aimed at One Piece.

This marked a shortcut was destroyed.

Sengoku sighed in relief.

The scene changed to the text instead of a video.

[ Buggy decides to form his own pirate crew in order to find the potential candidate for the pirate king position. ]

The scene showed a short video. 

Shanks, one of the Yonkos at the moment, invited Buggy to join his crew in the past but Buggy declined it and he preferred forming his own crew.

[ Year after Year. Month after Month. Day after day. From rainy to sunny. No matter what obstacles blocked his path. He has sailed for many years in order to find a successor. ]

[ However. No result was found. Just as he was about to stop. That boy appeared in front of him. As if fate had answered him, he found the successor in the Orange Town ]

[ I am hungry. Can you give me something to eat? ]

The screen showed Luffy in the cage. 

Garp raised his brows when he saw his grandson in the cage.

Buggy approached Luffy with a cup filled with beer. He laughed out loud when hearing what this boy said. However, his mind told a difference.

[ That hat. ]

Buggy's eyes bulged out as if his eyes wanted to pop out from his eye-sockets 

[ For a short moment, his head turns gear. Information was solved at a high speed. ]

[ That hat. If I am not wrong, that is Roger's hat. Did that bastard give it to a random person? ]

Buggy's inner thought was revealed to everyone. The straw hat, which looked very normal, turned out to be a Roger's hat.

[ Despite the negative opinion, Luffy's smile did ignite something inside him. However, he, Buggy, won't acknowledge this boy easily. In order to find out the truth, he decided to test this boy. ]

The camera changed to the cannon.

[ Buggy reloaded the cannon with a special cannonball. He demonstrated its power by shooting at a row of buildings. ]

The power was so great that many houses were destroyed in the cannon's trajectory.

The citizens at Orange Town saw this scene and immediately ran away for the shelter since they knew Buggy's pirate was coming to their island.

[ The test of this time is shooting at Luffy. Buggy once was a Roger's pirate so he knew some important information. He wanted to test whether it was true or not. ]

The scene changed to the result instead of the process.

[ Buggy lost at the end of the day. However, it's not a defeat to him. Because he found it. ]

The scene changed to Loguetown. 

[ The birth and the end of pirate king. At this place, he met that boy again. But this time. His test is slightly different from before. ]

Garp held his head with his hands. He couldn't believe what he was watching.

[ Buggy was going to execute Luffy right on the execution platform that was used to execute Roger. ]

[ He wanted to see If this boy is really the person he wanted to find. ]

[ The sky turned bad suddenly. However, it didn't change her choice. Buggy attempted to execute Luffy like Roger was. Suddenly, the bolt of lightning struck him making him incapacitated. Only seeing it with his eyes, he finally believed Luffy was the person that he ... ]

The scene changed suddenly without revealing the next word.

[ To make it more successful, he walked right into the Marine garrison so that he could be sent to Impel Down. Not out of his expectations, the Marines did send him to Impel Down. Buggy met Luffy at Impel Down. He helped Luffy escape and make a way to Marineford easier. ]

[ At that place, he saw ]

The scene changed. Everyone around the world was shocked. 

Akainu turned Ace into a donut with extra lava flavor.

Akainu saw this scene expressing his surprise on his face. Ace was still alive. How can he be on the scene?

[ Ace's death. Luffy passed out due to despair. ]

[ As Buggy has expected, Ace wasn't really the person that he wanted to find. ]

The scene changed.

[ Buggy saved Luffy at the last minute. At this moment, he can be sure that the tale will come true. ]

[ Thank you for watching ]

The clouds in the sky dispersed. Everything returned to normal.

"So. Buggy is a former pirate on Roger's ship. That's" A vice-admiral said in thought.

Just as Sengoku was about to answer. He received a call. He picked the snail up.


"Fleet Admiral. We see Buggy Pirate in Orange town. What should we do now?"

When hearing Buggy was in Orange town, he hesitated.

Usually, he would give the order to catch this weak pirate and throw him into Impel Down but he changed his mind.

"Stand by. Wait for an Admiral." Sengoku said. He would make a safe decision this time.

"Kizaru. I want you to catch this Buggy pirate. Can you do that?"

"If you order me, I have to." Kizaru stood up and reached to the window.

"Wait and hear my good news." he disappeared at light speed.

"Isn't it too careful for a small pirate?" A vice-admiral asked.

"Maybe. But. Buggy was a former Roger's pirate. We should be more careful." Sengoku answered while looking in the direction where Kizaru's left.

"Or Buggy may have some connection with the guy on the sky."

Everyone in the room didn't believe the guy on Sky too much. However, if the first news was true then what about the other?

At Orange Town.

"Buggy. I don't know that you once was Roger's pirate."

"My idol. Why I don't know this?"

Buggy was driven to the corner by the enthusiastic fan. Roger's pirate. He was standing bottom of the pyramid at that time. How can he tell them the truth?

"Of course, I do. My strength is average among Roger's crew."

"I see. As expected my boss."

Suddenly, a laser landed near him.

"Hello there. Red nose."

When hearing someone say his red nose, he wanted to kill the guy already. However.

"Kizaru. Why did an Admiral arrive in this small place?"

Buggy's soul wanted to scream out loud.

"Kill him."

"Yes, sir."

His pirate crew enthusiastically attacked Kizaru but got decimated easily.

"Low key," Kizaru commented. "I expect more from a person once a Roger's pirate, Buggy."

The battle between Admiral Kizaru and Buggy's pirates was broadcast online.

Everyone could see the fight. However, the pirate side was a little bit overwhelmed. Too overwhelmed that this couldn't be called a fight after all.


"Hey. Furina. If you do that, aren't you destroying the trust? Besides, from my impression, Buggy is not too strong. If I put it in another sentence, it should be Buggy is too weak."

"No. Yamato. It won't. There is a guy who is responsible for this. Trust me. Buggy will win."

I looked at the live-stream on the sky like everyone around the world.

The live-stream showed the decimated landmark which once was the Orange Town.

Citizens were evacuated from this island long ago. Navies thought that would be bad if their entire operation was recorded by someone. They may be denigrated for not saving innocence.

"Now. Only you are left." Kizaru pointed at Buggy with his laser finger.

Buggy couldn't do anything to escape from this monster. 

He stuttered. 

"Why don't you escort me to Impel Down instead? I am willing to hand myself."

"Hmph" Kizaru looked at Buggy before answering.

"Too bothersome." A laser beam shot out. 

Buggy looked at his incoming death with a pale face. 

'What I have done wrong to deserve this?' Buggy asked to the sky demanding an answer.

Suddenly, a strange voice talked to him from behind.

"Hey, you. Won't you mind if I take your body?"

"Who is that" Buggy asked.


"Cameraman," Buggy repeated.

"I will make it short. You will be dead in 1 second. Do you want to live or die? Tell me. Buggy."

"Live. Live. Please let me live." 

"Alright. Our contract has been formed."

The light beam passed through Buggy's body. After that, an explosion appeared swallowing Buggy in a flame.

"Haiz. It's a fake of fake after all. I will take my leave from here." 

A dust scene blocked the sight of everyone who was watching the live-stream.

Suddenly, the live-stream played some kind of music.

Jojo theme music.

Even Kizaru could hear this strange and unfamiliar style of music.

"That was a close call." it was Buggy's voice. Kizaru couldn't mistake it for someone else.

Kizaru stopped walking and looked back.

From the dust, Buggy stepped out unharmed.

Kizaru was very surprised. It was a clean shot. There was no way a weak pirate like Buggy could survive it. Unless.

Not only Kizaru was surprised, but all the marines also were shocked like Kizaru.

Although they knew Kizaru was a little bit lazy, there was no way Kizaru would leave when his job was undone.

The next event made everyone even more shocked.

"What is this? Why my left sight suddenly loses" Kizaru's view suddenly lost half.

When Kizaru looked at his ground, he found something that should be there.

His left eye was on the ground. Kizaru looked at it wanting to pick it up.

But Buggy stared at him while standing in a weird pose. Kizaru was very vigilant against Buggy now. A pirate that he thought just a small ant turned out bigger than he expected.

"Deploy Buster Call, immediately. The destination is Orange Town." Sengoku reacted very fast to the sudden change.

Short moment but it was more than enough to give everyone around the world a new look at Buggy.

This time was a big campaign. Akainu and Aokiji responded to the call. They moved to Orange town for support.

Garp looked at the screen on the sky with worry.

"Such a strong pirate like this wandering around East Blue. Why I never know before."

Back to the battle.

"I am Buggy. Who eats Bara Bara no Mi. I am a Splitting Human." Buggy pointed at Kizaru while standing in a very weird pose. It looked like S. Quite gay in Kizaru's opinion.

"Sorry for not being serious. Allow me to give you an Appetizer." the black lighting danced crazily behind Buggy.

"This is."

"Conqueror Haki" Sengoku slammed the table. He didn't expect a low-key guy like Buggy to know how to use it.

Kizaru had to endure the storm of pressure coming from Buggy. Losing one eye made his body hard to balance. He felt like he was an ant crushed by an invisible palm.

The violence of Conqueror Haki made him weak. He had to gather all his strength to resist it.

Suddenly, the pressure disappeared. 

"I see. It will be unfair if I fight you with Haki. Let's have a contest of Devil Fruit and Devil Fruit. Let's see whose Devil Fruit is stronger. Ready yourself." 

"Please be lenient on this old man," Kizaru said while picking his left eye up. He knew Buggy was toying with him. However, if the fight is mainly about competing Devil Fruit then victory is in his palm. He was confident that his devil fruit, Pika Pika no Mi, was stronger than Buggy's devil fruit, Bara Bara no Mi.

Those two looked at each other tensely for a very long time.

It was Kizaru who made the first move. He shot laser beams from afar trying to wound Buggy first. 

Buggy looked at the incoming light and didn't do anything.

Just as Kizaru thought he was about to win. Suddenly, those light beams turned into LEGO pieces. Everyone was bewildered.

"You are being childish, Admiral." Buggy was already standing behind. Kizaru made distance quickly.

He didn't know that his light speed would be defeated by simple Devil Fruit.

The next moment, Buggy already stood behind Kizaru like before making him sweat profoundly. 

"Looks like you are not clear enough about what you are facing. Let me kindly remind you. I am a Splitting man and I have already awakened my Devil Fruit." Buggy said.

People around the world were shocked. There were too many shocks for one day. 

They were watching with bated breath.

"Like you see. Your lights have been split by me. Do you see what I split?" A short silence before Buggy answered.

"I split the space instead of my body. As a result, there was an empty space around us." 

Kizaru rolled his eyes back to observe his movement. He didn't feel fear like this before.

"Even though you are fast. But. Are you faster than space itself?"

Kizaru heard the question clearly but he didn't know what to say. Does space really move by itself?

Kizaru couldn't guess Buggy's hidden intention at all.

Even so, he still fought back. 

He forged a sword with his light. He turned and attacked Buggy. 

Decisive and determined.

Buggy didn't move at all. He grabbed the sword. The light sword was split into many tiny pieces.

"Ridiculous." Kizaru teleported far away making a safe distance and attacked from a distance.

Countless laser beams shot out. However, it was very strange. The trajectory of the laser beam should be a straight line. How can it move around like a tornado?

"Like I say, Kizaru. The space. I have split it. Your strange trajectory of laser beams is the evidence that I have distorted the space." 

Kizaru looked at his light beam. He seemed to figure out what really happened.

"Tsk. Another monster is born."

He continued shooting out lasers in order to find a solution to this dilemma.

"Don't be so greedy. It's my turn. Buggy special attack. Space tear" Buggy chopped towards Kizaru.

Kizaru could vaguely see the word Death. He immediately moved away with a speed light.

In a neat of time, Kizaru dodged and looked at the aftermath of the attack.

The heaven and ocean were split into halves. 

A huge explosion covered the whole area. After the explosion, the space collided with each other creating a crack in the air. A wave of vibration is sent all over the world. Naturally, the space automatically fixed itself.

Luckily, he had already escaped earlier. Or else, he would lose his life in that collision.

The fight between them continued for 1 hour straight. Mostly, Kizaru was fighting at a disadvantage. 

From afar, Kizaru could see many Marine battleships. 

"You are a monster, Buggy. I admit. It's time to say goodbye." Kizaru ran away to reunite with his comrades.

Akainu and Aokiji looked at Kizaru. Kizaru's hands didn't stop trembling.

"Buggy, a red nose clown pirate. We have completely surrounded you. Please surrender and no one will be hurt."

Buggy's sigh was very long to show his tiredness.

"I have one more special attack for you, Kizaru."

"Have you ever torn a paper to atomic level?" Buggy clamped his hands tightly.

Kizaru's face changed when hearing Buggy's words.

"Move away. Quickly." Kizaru shot laser beams to stop Buggy. However, his laser beam couldn't move in a proper straight line.

Akainu and Aokiji stood guard ready for the attack.

"Bit by bit. Molecule by molecule." a smile formed on Buggy's face.

Everyone who was watching the live-stream could see his smile clearly.

"Atom by Atom" Buggy split an atom into 2 parts. 

A calm before storm moment.

A huge explosion blasted reaching to the sky.

The fierce and dazzling light generated by the explosion made its way toward the Navy's fleet.

Navies watched in despair. Even people behind the screen also felt the despair.

The first battleship was disintegrated by the fierce and dazzling light.


The Navy's fleet retreated but it was too late.

One by one was swallowed by a light.

Even the fastest one among Admiral, Kizaru, couldn't escape.

The last image that they saw was the light engulfing Kizaru.

It was so strong that 10 minutes later, people could see clearly what happened.

A very big and deep hole was in the middle of the ocean.

Sea water was poured into the hole to fill it fully.


No Marines were found.

And no Buggy.

This marked the first failure of Buster Call.