
MCU : Woke up in Kamar Taj

Reader_With_Ideas · Anime & Comics
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Now due to Naruto, a change occurred in the fate of a villain.

Yes, it is Kaecillius.

Although he asked me for a philosopher's stone, I couldn't make it at the time, so he left it there.

But with Impure World Reincarnation, he found hope and would not stop asking me.

The only way he even found that was the manga. Of course I made a copy here as it would take a longer time to complete.

As although the written works were being released rapidly, as they were complete, but the animated or movies were not.

So, I consulted the Bald One and we decided to let him have a meeting and then decide weather be wanted to really use Impure World, or move on with life.

- Flashback -

"Teach me Impure World Reincarnation. I know you know that even if you did not put it in the library. I need to see them."

"Okay. I will not teach you as that art does not respect the dead, but I do. I have an alternate solution to that. I will ask teacher about it, and then we decide."

"Okay. Let's go now."


One walk later as we are not allowed to portal inside, which is bullshit I think.

"So I think that after letting him talk to his family, through the spirit summon, he can decide for himself what to do."

"Very well. I hope that you will find your own path Kaecillius."

This time we portalled to their grave as we end their DNA for it.

So we went to their Graves, he plucked out a hair, their spirits were summoned.

After the touching family reunion, he finally decided not to reincarnate them and moved on.

- Flashback end -

He became much more calm and no longer had a stick up his ass all the time.

The only problem being that Lady Death had her eyes on me now.

How I deeply regret doing this now.

Plus, even after I told my friends, yeah I had friends as I had nothing to do all day long, of course I found friends to relieve my boredom.

Them being Mordo, Wong, Kaecillius, and the Bald One.

Yeah even Kaecillius as he was grateful to me, so we just became friends instead of owing business.

They just laughed at me.

Ungrateful pricks.

The lot of them.

Even after I gave so many skills and resources to them, they still did not help and only laughed at me catching the attention of one of the most powerful gods in the world.

"You should not worry too much. As you didn't resurrect the souls, only summoned them for a chat, you should not be in any major problems."

"Yeah for that I am really grateful to you. But you have to agree that this is funny."

"For the first time I agree with you Kaecillius. The one who kept telling that he won't use magic that borrow power from gods, now getting the attention of even stronger gods, this is really funny."

"Hahaha! That is what you get for teasing me you brat."

"Oh just you wait. I will prank the heck out of all of you now. And you won't even know."

Was my conversation with the Bald One, Kaecillius, Mordo and Wong.

After that, life continued. Although I really lranked them hard.

Wong with his Beyonce music audible to everyone and him not aware of it, along with mustache and other such pranks.

Mordo with horror props always popping around him randomly.

The best one was for Kaecillius because he started the funny stuff. I made him to look female version of himself while sounding the same.

He wasn't even aware why everyone was acting so strange towards him at first.

It was hilarious.

You have no idea what pranks can be done when you have magic, a code to reality along with a way to use said code.

I recorded it all and kept it as a treasure for future. *Sinister Laugh*


So anyway, that was a small episode, and now the Kamar Taj skill repritoire has changed a bit as well.

Which is where I am now with the Ancient One.

The architecture of Kamar Taj has changed as well to better accommodate the increased students, and different skill practice areas.

Of course they have their original skills as core, but they used different energy sources which are more suitable to them rather than dimensional energy always.

They still use it, but only in emergencies.

"This is the Apprentice section. You never actually visited the changed Kamar Taj apart from the library did you?"

"Yeah. I didn't expect that what I mentioned in passing would actually have such a big impact. Well this is really done well."

In front of us was a large ground at the left side of which, there was a podium made by me and the Ancient One, to see which energy is suitable to the ones who come as not everyone can practice everything.

I could because I was a hax.

Anyway, so the way the podium worked was that it scanned the person first to check his body type and most suitable martial art styles, both unarmed and armed, and gave the options for the person to select.

It produced hologram images, and displayed the kata of the art in front of the person and ask them to chose.

All apprentices were required to choose at least one of each armed and unarmed combat art and get proficient in it upto Advanced level at least to rank up.

The armed ones though, they were all breathing styles as I had gotten an upgraded version which let's tou start using elements on a base level which will only help them further.

Then, it checked their compatibility with different energies, I had managed to make a neutral form of the different types I had gotten as rewards.

Based on that, they would get their basic art to practice.

The way was not to memorization or copying it down, it was like the jade slips I'm Chinese novels which inspired me and made it send like that, along with the skill level Unlocking based on mastery.

All the books were replaced with that after I showed my invention to the Bald One.

That was the coolest thing in my opinion, which my friends just called childish.

"It is childish."

"It is not! You didn't even have something similar anyway. Plus it is cool."

"Yes, but you made it, so why do you always gush on looking at it?"

"Because it doesn't get any less cool!"

As I was walking around while reveling in my creation and improvisation, Ancient One just chuckled as we walked around looking at the students who were practicing.

I had also introduced a thing which didn't happen before was that there could be a surprise lecture or a whim lecture.

The people who would walk around the training grounds, if they are in the mood, they can teach the students on it and make it a voluntary thing, which actually improved their performance and relation with everyone.

On the ground, there were more subsections divided by what they are practicing.

On one side with logs and weight clothes was the absolute newbies, who first condition their bodies with unarmed and armed combat.

Other had newbies who had gotten the hang of what they were practicing and were at Beginner level.

Another one had still newbies who were at Intermediate level in their skill.

At this point, they were taught the Mystic Arts and use and sensing of dimensional energy. The basics.

This would go on till they have reached the satisfactory level for their rank up.

After they were done with all that, they would then again go to the podium to get their Advanced art which was decided based on their first time testing it.

This was divides between Mystic Arts as some had a better affinity with Mystic Arts based on dimensional energy than other arts.

Jutsu, Physical techniques, where the superhuman techniques would be given as per suitability, and advanced forms of breathing styles where the amount of elements you control increases to be more damaging.

There was Magic, as in Wand magic, but the wand was used more of a training tool at first and then a magical focus later but it could be in any shape.

Bending styles was also the option.

We had already came to the intermediate magician training grounds, which was in a similar fashion, divided based on their Elemental specialization, magic or physique.

The extension charm was used everywhere for not using too much space.

There were different terrains, and places and training tools suitable to practice their art.

The next rank up could be done when they had reached Advanced level in their advanced art.

Then was the advanced magician rank, where it was more of self practice, research and sparring.

There was a sparring arena for all different levels of magician as they would make better progress that way.

The advanced magicians could ask Master magicians for advice once a month, and same with the lower and higher levels.

Beyond master was Grandmaster of course which were very few and disciples of Ancient One at least for now.

The threshold for Master, was to be at least advanced in 2 different arts, and master in one of them.

The same was for Grandmaster where at least two master arts and one Grandmaster art of their specialization.

Then there was Ancient One above them. She of course could do, understand and/or counter if not learn all of the ones.

The choice for their weapons and art was always fun to guess.

I has made a bet with her to see which ones of her disciple we could guess correctly.

I still remember the fun we had with those, especially when they were learning them, we would especially mess with them and spout out uncle iroh, or ugway quotes.

- Flashback -

We were sitting drinking tea on the newly made gazebo with magical scenery by a lake.

"So now that there will be more skills, wanna bet on who chooses what? But, no using time stone or future reading."

"Oh? That does sound like fun. What will the bet be?"

"How about a request that the other has to fulfill. It shouldn't be anything too extreme or hard. It should be completed quickly or an item or it won't be fun."

"Okay. You have my interest."

"So, for Kaecillius, he would choose orochimaru jutsu and snake Sage mode. Or, fire and lightning bending, with twin swords."

"Counter is with he would choose dark arts and defense against Dark Arts along with Charms and one handed sword."

"Ohh. This is so exciting! Then for Mordo, Water Bending, katana, bo staff and double batons."

"Earth Bending, weapons will be batons and Armament Haki with some of the six marine arts."

"Wow this is really interesting. Wong will go physical route of all haki, six styles, spear, air element, with Charms."

"Wong will go Charms, and Jutsu with breathing styles, but multiple."

"Okay last one. Master Hamir. He will go sealing jutsu, wards and Runes, and research Bending."

"He will most likely go sealing jutsu, wards and Runes and research wand magic or jutsu."

"Okay, so what will be the bets for them from your side. You tell first then I will go."

She took another sip and then answered.

"For the first one, I want you to make a feast by yourself without using Magic for everyone."

"Sure! I want Uru and star core. I still have no idea why you didn't give it to me."

"Sure I have those stored up eating dust anyway. For the second one, I want you to make me a custom pair of fans. I will tell you all the stuff I want on it later. They will work as magical focus for me."

"Nice! Now you have me excited. I want a meeting with Odin."

"Okay. For the third, I want custom weappn and magical focus for all four."

"The stakes are getting higher huh. Okay. Then I want to know why you want to die."

"We will see about that. Then this one I want your plans for future."

"I don't have any. Really. Anyway, your loss, so I want a change to make one change to the system of Kamar Taj. Nothing major. Trust me, you will like it."

A prank. A huge prank. Plus animating and livening up the atmosphere.