

What will cheon ma do in this new world

Magical_Thor · Book&Literature
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: Awakening in the World of Sorcery

As the darkness enveloped him, the Heavenly Demon felt a strange sensation of weightlessness, as if he were floating through the void without direction or purpose. Time seemed to lose all meaning, and space became an endless expanse of nothingness.

But even in the depths of the void, there was a spark of light - a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness. And as the Heavenly Demon reached out towards that light, he felt a surge of energy course through him, filling him with newfound strength and resolve.

And then, with a sudden burst of light, the darkness was banished, replaced by the dazzling brilliance of a new world. Before him stretched a vast expanse of unfamiliar terrain, a land of towering skyscrapers and bustling streets, bathed in the glow of neon lights and pulsating with life.

The Heavenly Demon blinked in astonishment, his senses overwhelmed by the sights and sounds of this strange new world. For a moment, he simply stood there, taking in the wonder of it all, before the realization of his situation began to sink in.

"I am reborn," he murmured to himself, his voice tinged with wonder and awe. "But where am I? And what purpose does this world hold for me?"

As if in response to his thoughts, a voice echoed in the depths of his mind, its words clear and distinct despite the absence of sound.

"Welcome, Heavenly Demon," the voice said, its tone both soothing and enigmatic. "You have been chosen to wield the power of the Mysterious Technique, a force beyond comprehension that has the potential to shape the fate of this world."

The Heavenly Demon frowned, his mind reeling at the implications of the voice's words. "The Mysterious Technique? What is that, and why have I been chosen to wield it?"

But before he could ponder the question further, a sudden commotion erupted nearby, drawing his attention away from the voice in his mind. Turning towards the source of the disturbance, the Heavenly Demon saw a group of people gathered in the street, their faces twisted in fear and desperation.

Curious, he approached the crowd, his senses sharp and alert for any sign of danger. As he drew closer, he heard snippets of conversation, fragments of words that spoke of a creature of unimaginable power wreaking havoc on the city.

Intrigued, the Heavenly Demon pushed his way through the crowd, his eyes scanning the chaos for any sign of the creature's presence. And then, amidst the chaos, he saw it - a monstrous apparition, its form twisted and grotesque, its eyes burning with malevolent intent.

Without hesitation, the Heavenly Demon leapt into action, his movements swift and fluid as he charged towards the creature with righteous fury. With a mighty shout, he unleashed the power of the Mysterious Technique, channeling its energy into a devastating attack that sent the creature reeling.

But even as the creature staggered back, the Heavenly Demon knew that victory would not come easily. For the creature is powerful beyond measure, its strength fueled by dark forces that threatened to overwhelm him at every turn.

And so, with a steely resolve and a heart full of determination, the Heavenly Demon braced himself for the battle to come, knowing that his destiny had only just begun.