
MC Stories Untold

Hey I’m Steve the protagonist of this story I will be telling you of my story about my adventures in Minecraft. This is how me and my friends went to a journey of crime and merit. Defeating all that crosses our way and Unraveling the Mysteries of my existence. This is MC Stories untold. Please review us and leave a comment or a question thank you.

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CP2: The War Plan

Previously in Stories Untold, Steve left there village to get supplies for the village on his way back and dreamed a premonition that there might be a burn down in the village but what really happen was much more, the raiders that first raided and robbed there farm land attacked and created a battled that burned down almost all of the village. Before departing the village he discovered a women or a girl with the emblem of the raiders embedded on her left arm he tied her up and here we are," Ooooh I like your hair but it is blonde or red? " I creepily said from there she sreamed!!

I didn't care but she's annoying me so I just covered her mouth so shi'll shit up but she bit me, she's absolutely a player and awfully moves to much. I didn't want to knock her out so I told her to shut up because it was really annoying me I didn't want to hit a girl but I have to so I did. I brought her to camp and on time they were already prepared to leave the village. " Steve what do you got there? Hurry up I got to show you some thing Important! " John shouted, I ran towards him the girl might be banging on my back but I didn't really care but I am curious for who is she. " what is that " John said " I found her under the bridge get the cleric so she would be treated keep her tied she might woke up knowing that she's a Red Creeper member she might be dangerous. Anyways what's so important? " Steve replied as he gave the girl to the cleric. " The council of Kitsune Kingdom sent a letter and I couldn't understand the language they use, I think they used the International Noble language, I think " said John " You mean to tell the enchanting table language or enchanted language " Steve replied with a frown face. " Let's just talk on the way there, Cristopher! let Harold. The blacksmith to get the mounts moving we're ready to leave. " John yelled loudly, we got on movi'n. As we walk through the high oak forest I read the letter that was sent to us my the council ( the council is the one that is responsible for protecting the kingdom but they have little power compared to the high council they are the ones that are responsible for the protection of the royal family ). The council said that we are requested to move the village next to the city of Yōgan for better defense that they might wanting something or someone out of interest from the village. As I read the letter I think my soul was rising to the heavens As I read this. I'm thinking of how could we move the whole village. We stopped for to eat lunch, after eating I wrote letter to send to the council. I Requested a group of Players to Help salvage the village's remains but I also refused about the request on moving the village net Yōgan I thought the council had gone mad. I strapped a written letter to transport Parrot and sent it to the council. Eventually It got dark and We arrived to Yōgan. We arrived near the gates of Yōgan, we got In with relief Immediately I and the chief ,John were called to by the City major we tasked the others to the find our fellow villager that fled here in Yōgan. We were escorted by four Noble guard, I'm suspecting that this may be about the council's request. We arrived to the City hall was escorted in the meeting hall in City hall we waited. Eventually the mayor and a council member arrived, my suspicions were right. " Good day gentle men please take a seat. I'm Henry the mayor of Yōgan also this is Council Officer Alexander he would like to speak with you " said Henry, " I know that both of you are aware of the council request of rebuilding or moving the village near Yōgan but I see that you rejected this request, why exactly? " Alexander questions us As John looked at me with a blank face. " we would like to stay In the same location of Midoriiro village our village " I replied. " the Fox Kingdom or you commoners nicknamed Kitsune kingdom, is under war with the neighboring The Creeper Kingdom are moving East and Raiding the Villages near the West borders of our Kingdom. The Red Creepers there the Rejiment that we're sent near the border to scout the west province of Moeru. We are needing to garrison in your Midoriiri So we can fend of the Raiders." Alexander Explained. I still agreed to there request of needing a garrison but in one condition that I together with Johnand Cristopher will be joining the Rejiment with a high authority that will garrison in the village. They agreed to my request, John questioned will the village be rebuild and reoccupied. Gladly yes after the battle. We were about to leave but Alexander questioned us of a girl that we may have seen, he showed a picture of a girl she was very familiar. She looked similar to the woman I found under the bridges but younger. Then she said it was took 4 years ago It's certain. It was her, they explained that she was one of the Battalion lieutenant colonel, I was stunned I stud with shock. " Is there a problem gentle men? " Henry asked, " This person I got her tied up with the cleric! " I Said with high tone of pitch, " Not to worry we already know that's we sent Noble Knights in the Nishiyama Inn were your village members are currently staying" Alexander replied, " we should make her hostage for to the rejiment to surrender " John suggested they agreed to John suggestion but we're the ones who will take hostage of her so for the time being were bady sitting.

When we finally arrived we saw a small flock of people in front of the Inn. I got curious and investigated I saw the two Nobel knight knock Out dead asleep I noticed that ther both mising there diamond swords. " John! The Noble Knights are knocked out Call back Up from Alexander! " I yelled loadly, John Ran back to the City hall as I Go in to investigate Everybody was except for the cleric he got knocked out sleepi'n. I got to the Black Smith and got two Iron Axes, a diamond Sword, including a lead. I rushed out and climbed to the roof of the Building to get a greater angle, I got there and I looked around and got a glimpse her running with two flashy Diamond swords. I drank a jump boost potion so I jump houses to buildings I leapt to the direction she went to I saw Johnand signal him to follow me. I stopped at the roof of one of the houses in city and saw her near by she was under battle with the the noble guards I climb down rushing! I ran towards her and the guards " move away from the red head! " I shouted as I tie my axe to a lead Then I shout again as I ran towards them " freaking! Move away from the red head!!! " Galadly they moved away from her then I threw my axe, the lead got a grip of her and she fell over I got to them And got her sword and pointed it at her.

" your to easy to catch..... What's your name and I might spare you " I started, " I'm Alex what do you want I'm just an innocent Girl " She responds. " You keep your lies for your self lieutenant colonel Alex ". I laughed and carried her and pass her to one of the guards I told the guards to accompany her to the Inn where we were staying. " make sure she's tied up tightly " . I was walking towards one of the canteen to pick up food for the villagers I saw Alexander and John walking towards me. " where is she ! " Alexander yelled " I tied her up and sent the guards to accompany her to the Inn why are you here Why not sent some other dude " I questioned him with a perfect smirk on my face " I'm more hands on, in this types of problems " Alexander replied, " seriously we need Elites to guards this girl! seriously. " We talked for a bit in the canteen and after a while we got back to the Inn. Alexander sent four Royal Guards to the inn. Personally I guarded Alex for extra protection, there are nights that she tried to kill me but didn't succeed.

Few Week past, I, Alexander, Alex, Cristopher, and John together With the Military Rejiment marched to the villages and built a camp garrison there. It was war and blood lust among the air the following battles began on the beginning of the climax of the battle we were shocked for what has come.