
MC's not part of the story

[Note: This series is already completed on Pat reon.] After six years of coma, Mikael opened his eyes and realized that everything changed. The world that he tried to protect changed as he sees Demihumans all around. On top of that, the family that he swears to protect was nonexistent, because all of them lost their interest in him. He was the strongest Hunter once but he reached rock bottom. Join M ikael as he does his best to achieve his position formerly, the Overlord of the Earth. ------------------------ Mikael is a graduating student when a global summoning transported him inside a forest that full of monsters. Inside this place, he will meet people that will help him reach his priority: to return back to Earth and meet his family. ------------------ Advance 25 Chapters here: https://www.patreon.com/Puji_maki Discord: https://discord.gg/EAcYxbG36Y

pujimaki · Fantasy
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528 Chs

Chapter 146

Chapter 146

In Hokkaido, Japan.

Shinsetsu Orphanage, this is the orphanage that Yuuki made. This was the common place where the children that lost their parents because of the Monster Wave lives. Yuuki decided to adopt them, her fortune was used to give these children a house to live in and food to eat.

Yuuki is a woman that swore to protect the innocent lives of young ones.

Right now, a group of young children was happily celebrating. Shelly, one of the orphans was celebrating her 5th year birthday.

Cedy was the oldest child here, Yuuki was not in the orphanage because the government of Japan, the JSDF was having a hard time closing a 2nd level Black Portal. Yuuki was fighting together with the warriors of Elves that were contracted to the government. Sometimes, Yuuki would hire adults to help them run the orphanage but she only did it when she was going to be gone for long, just like the time she searched for Cedy. Yuuki would return after a couple of days so she didn't hire adults.

"Cedy- onnichan! The cake, let's eat it."

"Shelly will make a wish before eating, okay?"

Even though Cedy was alone, he could still do his job because of his stronger physique. He called the restaurant and cake shop to deliver food. As for the decorations, the kids helped in decorating. They worked hard to give their little sister the best birthday.

"Shelly, blow the candle and make a wish."


Cedy said. The little nodded and she spoke.

"I wish that I can be Sister Yuuki, I wish that I can have powers to protect my brother and sister. Please make my siblings happy…"

She blew and the fire perished, Cedy didn't know how to react, Shelly's wish made his heart flutter. He smiled, his little sister was a lovely child. She wished for power, not because of her greediness but because she wanted to protect her family.

"Now let's eat the food!"


Cedy struggled to pacify the children but he was happy. Compare to his original family, he treated the children in the orphanage like his real family.

He received beatings when he was a child, that's why he was thankful that he met his sister Yuuki.

Yuuki decided to create the orphanage because she saw many children lost their families. That's why she became the mother of these children. Since then, he could see her smiling. Cedy realized that having a family was not about blood or relatives. It's about having connections to others and spending important times together.

He was complete when he was them, for him and Yuuki, these children were their real family.

Actually, the whole money that Yuuki earned was spent to create this orphanage. Right now, Cedy and Yuuki were the only grown-ups here. However, it was not a problem, they were both Hunters so they could protect the children. Besides, sister Yuuki was a good cook, she could cook a lot of delicacies.

Cedy cut the cake and gave it to the children equally, some children protested but Cedy only laughed at them. While he was busy with the kids, he heard the children shouting outside.

"Cedy- niisan!! Yuuki onee-chan return!!"

One of the kids ran to him and tugged his shirt. He was surprised that Yuuki returned earlier but it was explainable. Maybe Yuuki came back because she didn't want to miss Shelly's birthday. The kid opened the door and quickly ran to Yuuki, they hugged her. These children really loved Yuuki.

"Sister Yuuki, you are earlier than I..."

Cedy followed them but his eyes widened when he looked at Yuuki. His face began sweating and he felt like he ate shit. He didn't move, he couldn't. His face was stiff and he wanted to vomit.

His eyes glowed, it could see that this Yuuki was fake. He could see that there are two entities inside the body. He choked, one wrong move and the kids were going to die. Cedy wanted to scream.

' Francisco!!'

He cursed, he could see the real identity of this person.

Yuuki ( Francisco) smiled at him and walked. Cedy's eyes were glowing signaling that there were dangerous creatures close at him. The Eye of Merlin was saying that he must run and escape, but he didn't move. The children were going to die if he did that.

He could tell that Francisco was using Illusion to imitate Yuuki's appearance. With his eyes, he could see that there was another creature underneath him, it was hiding under the shadow of Francisco. The shadow was slowly moving to the children, making Cedy frustrated.

"Cedy, how are you?"

Francisco said, Cedy twitched in agony and forced himself to smile.

"I- I'm fine sister…"

The children jumped and smile at them. Cedy and Yuuki entered the orphanage. The children didn't find any strangeness in their behavior, they were happy that their family was completed.

Cedy couldn't believe that this would be his last time seeing his family. He wanted to protest but he knew that two dangerous enemies had the heads of the children.



Two hours later, the orphanage became a quiet place. The party was over and the children were resting… forever.

Yuuki came back but it was horrible.



"T- This... is..."

Yuuki returned to the orphanage but what she saw was a gruesome scene.


She immediately touched the children hoping that they're still alive. Her eyes were unfocused and she forced her arms to summon all of her healing potions. The potions clanked and tumbled on the floor.


Her views were becoming blurred and she couldn't see but red, the red blood of children on the ground. She moved hysterically, she staggered walking.

She looked at them, she took a potion and put it on the mouth of the kid closest to her.


She tapped the kid hoping that she would wake up... But the kid didn't open her eyes. The kid didn't drink the potion, the liquid slowly dripped out of her mouth.

"... Everyone?"

Yuuki couldn't detect any living presence. She lost her strength and kneeled. She screamed like a madman.

A drop of blood fell on her, she looked at the ceiling and she cried. She saw the teenage kid that saved her when she was in the midst of destruction.

Cedy was on the ceiling and his eyes were missing. Bruised and wounds were visible on his body. Seventeen black needles stabbed him.

Yuuki couldn't control her emotions and cry. Her family was gone, and the worst was that she didn't know who did it. Based on their wounds, the massacre happened around five hours ago. Her mind was blank and she couldn't think. Tears flowed out of her and she wailed. She felt like she was the one who received pain and yes she was.

She punched her chest cursing her incompetence. She wanted to die, she wanted to see her family. Whenever she thinks about the innocent smile of the kids, her heart was aching. She slammed her fists on the floor and ice broke out.

Her crazy and emotional mourns echoed inside the lonely house. She started to lose hope... However, her suffering was heard and Yuuki caught a small voice calling her.

".. ki...nee-chan…"

Yuuki awakened and she used her everything just to locate the sound. She saw a small girl, her legs were gone and she wept quietly. Yuuki's eyes widened, her face contorted, she wanted to cry more.


She called her sister. Shelly was delirious and she couldn't see, her blood was close to none. The kid lifted her weak hand, trying to find her big sister.


Yuuki immediately ran to her and gave her a healing potion. A cold liquid poured inside the child's mouth. Shelly drunk it because she was thirsty. Yuuki was salvaged, this little child saved her from going crazy. Shelly's wounds were healing and her legs started to return. Yuuki hugged the child tightly. Shelly closed her eyes, before she slept, she saw her sister crying. The little girl touched her back.

"Sister, please don't cry..."


Note: it's hard writing this, I feel like I killed innocent children. Though I must, I need to make our Kuudere Yuuki experience a horrible situation, I have to create enough reason for her to do "that". As for what kind of character growth will happen to her, I don't know, let's just hope it's not a negative one. And yes, I did a foreshadow about Cedy's death, okay. Try to find it if you can, and if you found it you will realize that I have more ammo to shoot.
