
Mazuno the celestial child

Mazuno Star is a celestial being who have destroyed many worlds in the celestial planes . Not having a single memory of his lineage he destroys worlds to harvest its Celestial energy . Until he one day appear in a plane called The Abandoned Plane . After journeying through this plane he decides to destroy it as it didn't have any celestial energy to be harvested . In his Quest to destroy planets he comes across a planet which had living species whose sentience although not at the level of celestial beings in the celestial planes yet lived a life which managed to fascinate him to the extent that he descended on the planet to feel the fascination it presented to him . But at a cost of being mortal .

Derren_Addo · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 11:Night Gathering

Night quickly came as a bonfire illuminated the whole outskirts.

Mazuno's eyes opened blurry under a dimly lighted hut. His body filled with vigor and strength once again as he sat up slowly.



Mazuno turned towards the entrance as his blurred vision made out a curvaceous white haired woman with an impressive chest in a straight knitted brown beast's skin with inconspicuous black dots.

The figure approached him unhurriedly as he rubbed his eyes to retain his clear sight. Mama Afia, who had just entered, appeared beside her son after taking a few steps. In her hands were a set of brown beast skin attire with inconspicuous black dots, the same as hers.

Mazuno, whose eyes had cleared up, found his mother placing a set of beast skin attire beside him.

" Woke up just in time. " Mama Afia, now seated on her knees, said as she pulled the covers of Mazuno aside.

" Hah! Mama, how long have I been asleep? " Mazuno asked with crossed legs.

" Hmm. I came quite late so I can't tell. Anyway, put this on. We need to join the Night gathering. " 

" Is that so? Sigh, I wonder if those guys put me in my bed. " Mazuno mumbled with an image of his friends around him. Thinking about it, he couldn't help but wonder who among them carried him here. But none came to mind.

" What are you waiting for? Hurry and put it on? Also, don't forget to rinse your mouth and wash your face. " Mama Afia said with a mysterious smile on her beautiful face.


' What's with that smile? ' Mazuno thought with a curious gaze but soon thought of something.

" Errm! Mama, where is Adepa? " He asked, tilting his head to the left. He remembered sleeping under the tree with Adepa in his embrace, and now he woke up and she was gone.

" Hmmm. Adepa? I didn't find her here when I returned. Forget about it. You can ask her when you see her at the night gathering. " Mama Afia answered, getting on her feet. " Don't waste time and meet me outside. We are already late. "

" En. I'm right behind you. " Mazuno said he stood up lazily, going to the bathroom, which had its door destroyed by Adepa. 


Outside the Hut.

Mama Afia stared at the night sky, a nostalgic feeling taken hold of her body. ' Oh! My celestial one, my beloved mate. Our son has finally become a spiritualist amiss hovering danger. Sigh! I can't protect him at all. If I don't do anything, that woman will definitely come for him. So today, just as I promised, he shall become a man. ' Mama Afia thought as she revealed a mysterious golden totem with star patterns on it. 

" Mama I'm here. Mm. What's with the tears. " Mazuno, who emerged out of the hut upon seeing his mother in tears, revealed a perplexed look.

" Oh! You are here, son. " Mama Afia shook for a moment hearing her son's voice.

" Hehe! Don't worry, I'm just happy for you, my child. Since today's gathering will mark your journey to adulthood itself. " 

" Hmmm. But you don't need to..." Mazuno couldn't complete his words as he was suddenly pulled into a tight, motherly hug. His face immediately tinged red as he felt the soft hefty bosom of his dear mother pressed against his chest. The hug then became so tight that Mazuno couldn't even breathe properly. Yet he didn't stop it as he also hugged her back, trying as much as possible to also squeeze her and at that moment he felt a string pull in his chest as his pair of deep black pupils glowed a hazel colour. At that moment, he felt a certain feeling built on a connection that went beyond that of mother and son. In fact, it was a more intimate feeling than what he had established with Adepa. 

But that's not all, as an influx of blurred memory suddenly hid deep within his mind such that only a certain circumstance could trigger it. On the other side, Mama Afia was not left out at all. She suddenly felt a surge of Earth Spark so pure that her spirituality had a leap course through her spark threads. Even the several suppressive wards that the dual spiritualist Agyeiwaa established in her body disintegrated into nothingness. Not stopping there, certain passionate memories were triggered as it played in her head, leaving her breathless and clearly hot, making her break the hug.

At least she tried because the grip from her little boy pulled her back. And for a moment, she felt a powerful presence before her. 

Mazuno, who now hugged the woman who was his own mother, tightly had an expressionless visage with his hazel eyes glowing more radiantly. 

' For mortals to seek their own destruction. Touching the untouchable and harboring filthy thoughts about the things only the supreme of supremes cherishes. Demise awaits you mortal... ' his pair of hazel eyes, which could slaughter all his adversaries from a glance, now reflected a gaunt-looking man who was relishing in torturing a captive.


In a distance away from the outskirts of Mama Afia. A man adjusted his beast skin attire, which wrapped his lower body. His whole body was covered with sweat as he released deep breaths to calm his overworked heart. 

" Plowing a Spiritualists woman is surely the best. I can't wait to ruin that arrogant woman. After all, everything is finally gearing in place. I shall conquer the whole outskirts by dominating that arrogant witch first. Hehehehehe!! Hahahaha. " Brute with a lustful look, broke into a wanton laughter revealing his dark ambitions. 

Sitting in a corner was a shivering woman with disgusting marks tainting her body as she stared fearfully at the man who seemed to have gone insane from all the laughter.




Mazuno's hazel eyes yet again reflected the same man he had seen in that mysterious Colossus Tree Shrine. With that, the hazel glow vanished, replaced with a brief headache. 


" Son, are you alright? " Mama Adepa asked, her hands placed on Mazuno's shoulders. Her eyes revealed confusion, which was masked by her worried gaze.

Mazuno, with a heavy brow, just smiled, shaking his head. But in his mind, he wasn't alright. He didn't like the feeling he was having now. And so he asked indirectly to his mother.

" Mama, is there anything we should prepare against? I don't know for some reason I feel uneasy. " 

Mama Afia's heart palpitated heavily for a breath as her expression trembled. She swallowed hard, looking at the handsome boy whose physique had spurted significantly within the past few days. Her little boy, who she used to bathe, had now grown so fast in a short period that it seemed almost abnormal. Though it wasn't. After all, Awakening one's spirituality with a Dual Awakening Vision across the sky in itself would look abnormal to any ordinary person or spiritualist, but for those who fall out of the ordinary people or spiritualist, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Especially for female spiritualist since their spirituality would rise exponentially. Simply put, even she wasn't excluded from it. And that's why his son was in so much danger now and maybe forever.

" Hehe. Look at you being all nervous. Don't worry, my son, your Mama is strong. " Mama Afia said, making her way towards the entrance.

" Now let's go. Leave everything to me. Okay!! " 

" En. " 

Mama Afia, who was ahead face was cold. ' The lucky thing is a Dual Awakening Vision doesn't give away the location of the pair who awakened dually. The only way one could find out is either when the person has an intercourse and when he breaks through a major realm. But even that too depends on his proximity to Spiritualists. ' all these went through Mama Afia's head as she paused, offering her hand to her lovely son. She had decided to pay a visit to that bastard Brute and to put an end to him and his ambitions.

' I believe you, Mama, but I have to also take a part of your burden, if not all. That man he has to die. No, anyone who tries to disrupt our peace needs to die. I will make sure of it. ' Mazuno thought with a firm resolve as he took his mother's hand with a smile.

The game had already started.


Tumtumtumtum! Tumtumtumtum!

Beating drums accompanied by melodic howls could be heard all around the outskirts with smoke rising in different outskirt settlements scattered around the Adwumum village.

At the outskirt where Mazuno resided, several women in brown knitted attires danced around the bonfire while holding hands. 

Their hips swayed, their chest shook and their behind clapped as they danced sensually before a crowd of children who looked with fascination.

Adepa, who was in the same brown knitted attires watched absent mindedly with her eyes staring at the bonfire deep in thought. Around her, the children cheered for their mothers.

" Hey! Adepa " 

" Adepa " 

A hand suddenly touched her shoulders and instinctively her hand moved, gripping the hand and pulling at it while pushing a little back.

" Ah!! "


A figure was thrown to the ground before her with a painful groan, swallowed by the rising cheers and drum beating.

" Hey! What's wrong with you? " Said a spiky braided girl as she rushed to the side of the figure who was moaning painfully on the ground.

Adepa, who had now recovered, stared eyes wide at the two girls before her. 

" What's going on here? "

Faruq, who seems to blend in the night, asked, standing with Tumi, Dahoud and a squinting Aggrey who now stood before the three girls.

" Hmf!! Ask her, not me, you damn charcoal. " The spiky-haired girl said angrily.

" Haan! Charcoal. Talata... Did you just call me charcoal? " 

" Yes! I called you charcoal, you charcoal. " 

" Talata...guys, I think... " Abe, with a pained face, tried to calm the heating atmosphere between the duo.

" Y- you damn. " seemingly lost at words Faruq's eyes wondered all over the spiky-haired girl as his eyes fell on her flat chest. His eyes soon brightened, a ruthless smirk taken shape on his face. 

" HMF!! You flat chest your attire always looks deflated at your chest region. Tch! Even though all your peers have melons, you are stuck with only a pepper. HAHAHA!! " Faruq broke into laughter at his own words as the surrounding atmosphere plummeted. Unbeknownst to him his bros, who stood with him slowly distanced themselves from him while he was busy laughing at his own words.


Faruq, with a now awkward expression from laughing to his own words, looked around him only to find out that his bros stood away from him. But before he could question the reason behind their distancing themselves from him, he felt a killing intent directed at him. Startled, he looked in the direction only to find a certain spiky braided girl staring at him with a crazy look.

But our guy unrepentant sneered, adding to the sentence.

" What's with that look, HMF! Don't expect any chest development tips from me. I Hmmm... " 

Standing a distant away from Faruq. Dahoud patted Tumi with a sly look. " What do you think? I put my mother's beads for Faruq to be beaten to a pulp. What will you put on? " 

" My mother's undergarment. Faruq will resist and both sides will suffer equal damage. " 

" Sigh!! I would put my mother's breast fastener on it. Faruq will run away. " Aggrey said calmly, taking a seat on a nearby stool.




Mazuno and his mother finally appeared at the night gathering.


A figure suddenly dashed pass the mother - son pair melded with the night.

" FARUQ! IF YOU ARE A MAN FACE ME! " A spiky braided Talata sped pass them just as they took a step forward.

The Mother - son pair looked at each other, utterly stumped. 

" Hmmm. What are those two up to? The important part of the night gathering is about to commence and they're already leaving. I wonder what Fatema and Brago are doing? Letting their children leave the gathering. Anyway, those two can't be left out. I will bring them... " 

" I'll go Mama. You will need to be there for the night gathering to begin as the Head. So don't worry, I'll bring them back. " 

" But is... " before Mama Afia could finish her words, Mazuno had already disappeared.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Derren_Addocreators' thoughts