
Maze of Darkness

Charlie Walter is a wealthy, tall, and good-looking high school student. A tragic incident takes place. He is tired of his very existence. He desperately wants to get out of the dark maze. He is curious as to why he keeps having nightmares. He wants to know the true identity of the perpetrator of all the incidents that keep happening to him. With the help of his friends, Charlie discovers some secrets. Join them on their journey through a maze filled with deceit, vengeance, betrayal, and loyalty.

ArialRiri · Fantasy
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11 Chs


The end is near.

The worst is about to happen to us.

Our fate has been sealed.

The man is holding a shiny knife with a keen blade, glowing even in this suffocating darkness.

"Do you think you can leave alive from here after witnessing all this?" His menacing voice rumbles through the jungle. His eyes are sparkling, but not in a good way.

They are filled with evil intentions, boring into my soul.

Panic and defiance fight inside me as his heavy breath fills the silence and swallows the air around us.

  The man inches closer. His predatory eyes are on me. He is wearing a sleek black suit. There's a scar that runs along his right cheek. He has a tattoo which is slightly peeking out from the collar of his shirt and a signet ring on his right pinky finger.

  The chilly night air made my skin prickle, sending shivers down my backbone.

I can taste the bitter cold enveloping me. Every muscle and every nerve is tingling with shock.

The scent of the wood blending with the metallic sting of the knife reminds us of the danger we are facing.

Something disastrous is about to happen to us. We are hopeless, helpless, and utterly defeated.

We are doomed.

My hands trembling with fear and starting to sweat.

I've always felt fear engulf me, ready to rob me of my freedom and render me helpless. Fear has attached itself to me like a second skin. It holds me firm and makes it challenging for me to move forward. I can feel its icy tendrils in the marrow of my bones.

It is a shadowy beast, waiting in the darkness to pounce and devour me alive. It defines me, rules my entire being, suffocates every breath I take, and controls my life. I am the one who is only its victim, constantly running and hiding. Its darkness is strangely addictive.

It always gets one step ahead of me despite my continual attempts to free myself. And I always lose because this game is so brutal.

Everything seems to be against me.

I am trapped in what feels like an endless maze. I have no clue about the way out.

I thought that maybe- just maybe someday, things will change eventually- that I'd find a way out. However, all of this is simply a lie that I have told myself every freaking day.

Arthur's command brought me back to the present, "Charlie, take Leon and get out of here," his voice clear and firm. He took a brave step forward. His fierce eyes were set on the scary man in front of us.

"Worry not," Arthur says while rolling his sleeves up, "I will handle it." He is sounding meaningless to me right now.

Arthur believes that his words hold some magical power and will solve everything. But it feels more like someone giving false hope to a crying kid.

My trembling hand instinctively reaches for Arthur's arm, desperately trying to hold him back.

"Please, let's stick together," I implore, my words barely audible as a whisper.

But Arthur pulls away, "You think I'll let you hurt my friends?" His voice echoes with raw conviction. His jaw clenched and his shoulders square. Sweat trickles down his face, and his breathing comes in rapid gasps.

The man's sinister chuckle grates on my nerves, crawling under my skin like a thousand tiny spiders. "Ah, the courage of youth. But it won't help you against me. I've faced far tougher opponents."

"Move, Charlie! Now!" Arthur's sharp voice cuts through the tension. His focus is now shifted to the glittering blade.

"Don't play hero! Look at that— that's not a toy. He's got a real knife. You know what this shit can do—" I took a deep breath and gestured frantically at the sharp edge, its terrifying potential hanging in the air.

"DO YOU EVEN KNOW? One stroke, and it's game over," I shouted, my words lacing with fear.

Arthur's anger boils over, "Very well, genius!" He spits out, "We are going to die here, thanks to your brilliant idea of 'sticking together'.'' He vents his frustration on a nearby tree, his fist pounding on the bark, his emotions running high.

The sound of leaves crunching, crickets chirping, and twigs breaking beneath the man's boots sends a chilling ripple of dread down my spine as his predatory presence inches nearer with each step.

"You thought you could outsmart us," the man hisses, his voice dripping with malice. He towers over me. Horror floods my eyes when his rough hand clamps around my throat like a vice. I struggle against the suffocating grip, my body desperate for air.

Every breath becomes an agonising struggle, and the world around me begins to fade.

''We were only— pass...passing through...please!...leave ...us, we saw nothing—'' I begged him for mercy, but he continued to choke me.

It feels like an eternity between each passing second.

The man laughs, "You think we're going to play nice and take turns?'' He taunts us, his voice booming like thunder.

His grip tightened, suffocating me even more, ''No chance! All three of you will meet your end right here.'' His head turned in my direction. His fingers twirled the knife with a threatening flourish.

My pulse pounds in my ears.

The knife's cold steel cuts through the air. Pointing directly at my throat, mocking me that this is the end of my story.

I squeeze my eyes shut and prepare myself for the sweet release of death.

Silently, I begin counting the moments, waiting for my soul to finally escape this miserable existence.


What purpose do I have in a world that continuously denies my worth?

Every time I walk down the street, the weight of judging eyes upon me, their mocking glances and cruel whispers pierce my soul.

''Look, there he is- the forever coward guy." Painfully, their words ring true.

Even the slightest triggers send me spiralling into a frenzy— sudden sounds, passing shadows.

I have forgotten what true relaxation feels like. It is as if I live in constant terror, my nerves always on edge.

Finally, I can be free...

Free of the chains that bind me.

I have been waiting for this moment for so long. This is my chance now, the long-awaited ticket out of this endless nightmare.


I counted the seconds, minutes, hours, and days for this critical time to arrive.

I am tired.

So tired of feeling everything. This void of emotions is eating away at my soul.


A lone tear escapes my clenched eyes and mixes with the heaviness of my heart.


Silence only enveloped me. I did not feel a thing, neither pain nor the sharp blade on my neck.

The entire universe seems to be holding its breath and waiting in expectation.

I gradually open my eyes, and what I see seems totally unbelievable.


It's saturating my vision, painting the scene in crimson hues.

The man is holding his head. Crimson rivulets running between his trembling fingers.

Arthur stands confidently, his intense gaze fixed upon the scene. "Let him go!" He exclaims, his voice reverberating in the serene night like a mighty roar.

Arthur did this.

Arthur hurled the stone at his head. The impact is brutal. The man abruptly throws me to the ground. I gasped for breath, somewhat grateful to be free.

The man rushes furiously towards Arthur.

My heart is beginning to pound like a wild beast against its cage.

Arthur slips just then and loses his balance on the dark, muddy trail. The man takes advantage of the situation.

The man's eyes flash with an evil glint.

The blade slashes into the air, aiming directly for Arthur's vulnerable heart. But Arthur's reflexes are lightning-fast.

Against all odds, he caught the knife's blade with his bare hand– a move that defied all expectations.

The scene is unfolding in an instant. Blood starts gushing out from Arthur's hand, staining his skin crimson. My lips let out a gasp.

Arthur's words breach the tension-filled environment, his voice strangely calm. "What is your desire?" His question floats in the air with confidence beyond my wildest dreams.

The man fiercely struggles to wrestle the knife from Arthur's grip. But Arthur refuses to let go. His fingers were wrapped tightly around the lethal weapon, preventing it from stabbing into his chest.

  Panic has surged within me. My legs are rooted as if stuck in cement or something. It seems like there are walls around me, blocking me.

My eyes are filling with a stream of frustration, and my forehead is beginning to grow damp.

Why I'm like this?

What is it that makes me terrified of everything? Of everyone?

I can't put my fingers on exactly.

It's something inside me, woven deep into the very structure of my being. It's in every bone, every muscle, every thought. It never leaves me, always present, a heavy burden on my shoulders.

What the hell happened that made me this way?

I can't remember shit. The memories are all hazy— just a jumble of broken images and faint sounds.

Maybe I was born messed up, cursed with a soul forever haunted by fear.

I just don't get how others can be so damn brave- so full of guts and shit.

What's their deal?

What do they have that I lack? I think they have got some secret weapon up their sleeve that gives them strength.

The darkness inside me is too much to overcome. I am a failure, a lost cause, always being eaten alive by my fears.

It is hard to explain what is happening inside me right now. I am drowning in my tangled web of feelings.

The voices are not shutting down.

They are making me question my sanity to the very limit.


They're continuously yelling in my mind like it's the only option.

I can not do that.

  I can not just run away, leaving everyone behind.

'Run from here!'

I can not leave them to their fate.

I have to fight for them. I can easily do that.

'Get the hell out of this place.'

They trusted me.

How can I turn my back on these boys?

The voices are growing louder with each passing moment, pounding against my eardrums.

I cover my ears with my hands, trying to stop the battle raging inside me.

My heart is rebelling with my brain.

'This is the right time. Leave everyone behind, save yourself.'

They are stuck in this life-or-death mess because of me.

'Pretend you didn't see shit.'

How can I be so blind and selfish?

I'm holding on tight, doing my best to stay sane and keep it together.

My emotions are all over the place, running wild. I'm on the brink of collapsing and could shatter into thousands of freaking pieces at any time.

The world around me is blurring and fading away like it doesn't mean shit.

My focus is solely on Arthur.

I feel like the most self-centred jerk on this planet. The weight of getting them into this mess is crushing me.

My mind starts racing to protect Arthur from harm. Every fibre of my being is screaming at me, begging for action, for movement.

It's frustrating as hell.

This infuriating feeling of sheer powerlessness is running through my veins.

It is a war that will never going to end. I want to overcome my fears and protect those who I care for. But it's hard.

So fucking hard.

My heart starts racing like crazy when I try to confront my fears. My hands? They shake like leaves in a strong wind. It's like I've got a miniature earthquake right in my palms. And My legs? They turn into complete jello. They become these wobbly, unreliable things that can barely support me.

I loathe it so much.

I bloody loathe this fear that turns me into a quivering mess, a pathetic excuse for a human being.

It's a vicious loop that keeps repeating itself.

Arthur's eyes locked with mine, holding a fire, an intensity I had never seen before. It pierces right into my soul and makes me question my worth as a friend.

The guilt is eating away at me.


I have to do something— anything immediately. Lives are at stake, hanging in the balance.

I can't even scream.

This whole situation is like a messed-up film.

This cannot be happening. This cannot be real.

'I won't let them suffer!'

I didn't think twice and rushed towards Arthur to save him. My legs pump like pistons, propelling me forward with unwavering resolve.

I was about to get close to Arthur when a nightmarish scream burst through the atmosphere.

My steps halted abruptly.

Time stands still. I am trying to process what just happened.

The man who was moments away from taking Arthur's life is no longer in sight. Instead, he has fallen over the edge of a hidden cliff, swallowed by the darkness below.

Am I dreaming?

I can't seem to shake off the surreal feeling.

I am taken aback.

He threw the man off the cliff.

The cliff's steep edges are perfectly hidden because it is covered in thick layers of moss, overgrown shrubs, and woody tangled vines. That's why no one can tell that a cliff is down below.

"Well, you sure know how to make an entrance, Leon!" Arthur remarked. He calmly brushes the mud from his clothes with an innocent grin. "And I have to admit, you delivered a really classic kick to that moron just on time!"

"You holding up all right?" Leon asks, still catching his breath.

Leon holds out his hand to help Arthur up. He takes Leon's outstretched hand and smoothly rises to his feet.

Arthur quips, "Nothing could happen to a person like me." His voice carries a playful— devil-may-care tone that has become his trademark.


It is just his way of downplaying the gravity of the situation.

My attention suddenly shifted to his hands, completely covered in rich crimson.

My eyes almost jumped out of my head.

"Your hand..." I manage to stammer, pointing at the blood. "It's freaking bleeding!"

His hand is badly injured.

The thought of it being something serious makes my stomach churn.

Arthur shrugs it off like it's a minor scratch. His laid-back attitude is both impressive and worrying. He claims that his blood still has plenty of fight left in it.

However, this thought disturbed me- driving me nuts. If only I had acted sooner, we could have avoided this whole mess.

Nonetheless, It is not the right time to think about this.

The sounds of those men closing in on us. It feels as though a storm is brewing in the distance.

They are here.

Their presence acts as a chilling reminder that we are still deep in the woods.

"We can't stay here," Leon urges us. "Those voices, they're getting closer by the second."

He is correct.

We cannot waste any more time standing here. We have to move as quickly as possible before they catch us.

Without saying a word, we disappear into the dim hours, leaving the godforsaken forest behind.

Every stride felt like a desperate prayer for escape, to stay alive.