
Mayu's Melody

Fanfic based on 'Ace Academy' by Pixelfade. An after-story I created for Mayu. Explore post-Ace Academy events with twists. Prior game experience is recommended. This fanfic continues Mayu's route from Ace Academy. Currently developing her ending, with plans for other heroines' stories. New characters will emerge, and my unique take will differentiate it from the original. The story is also much more unique as compared to its original game. As a newcomer, forgive any mistakes.

YukiVerse · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Onslaught Begins

Yesterday on the train, 9 Feb 2053, From the eyes of Kaori...

He had been gone for quite some time now. Perhaps it was best to leave him be a little longer, to give him time to sort out his thoughts. I couldn't fathom how he must be feeling now that he was aware of the looming danger all around us. My tension continued to mount, and judging by Mayu's expression, she was equally concerned.

Mayu: (Worried) Hey Kaori, is Yuki okay?

Kaori: (Reassuring) He just needs a little more alone time. He'll be back any moment now.

Mayu: (in a Concerning tone) Should I go check on him?

Kaori: (Calming her down) It's probably fine. Don't worry too much about it.

Mayu: (Reluctant) But...

Shou: Trust him a little, Mayu. He has his reasons.

Valerie: (Optimistic) Perhaps he's planning our next moves. (^ ‿ <)♡< p>

Kanoe: Another great chapter for my new novel.

Shou: How long have you been writing that?

Kanoe: Quite a while now.

Shou: Hmm. Your reactions make it seem like you're joking.

Kanoe: Maybe I am, maybe I'm not.

Shou: What's that supposed to mean?

Valerie: More importantly, Kaori.

Kaori: Yeah?

Valerie: That coat you've been wrapped up in the whole time, doesn't it feel a bit warm?

Kaori: (Reluctantly) Well, I was feeling a little chilly, you know.

Valerie: Come on, Kaori, there's got to be more to it.

Kaori: (Cant tell them it's because of the device) I promise, there's nothing to hide. I just felt a bit cold, that's all.

Valerie: (Skeptical) Really? Are you sure there's not something else going on?

Kaori: (Admitting) Okay, fine. I was just feeling a bit self-conscious.

Ayaka: I was wondering too. You didn't even take it off when we were in the water. Were you avoiding getting wet?

Kaori: (Nervously) Well, it's just that I suddenly started feeling a bit awkward, and, you know...

Ayaka: Well, it's your call.

Kanoe: Whatever makes you comfortable, Kaori.

Shou: Let's not sweat the small stuff. We all had a blast today, that's what matters.

Valerie: (Teasing) Shou, you've mellowed out a bit too, haven't you? Kaori hasn't called you a pervert in a while.

Shou: (Scratching his head) Yeah, I guess.

Well, at least there isn't any silence anymore. We were having a great conversation but just then I received a text from Yuki.

"Emergency situation. Yuuna is in danger. Need to step off the train. Will explain later. Please understand. And don't come after me. Take care of the rest."

Huh! Why Yuuna? And why did he tell me to take care here? How on earth am I supposed to explain this to everyone?

Mayu: (Concerned) Is everything alright, Kaori?

Kaori: (Nervous) Yeah, just received a text from a friend.

Now that I could see Mayu's expressions, they were shifting towards fear. But I couldn't just tell her that Yuki was dealing with a sensitive situation.

Mayu: (Anxious) I'm gonna check on him.

Kaori: Mayu, he'll be fine. Just wait a little longer.

Mayu: There's something you're hiding, isn't there?

Kaori: (Unsteady) No, he's just working on a few things. He'll be back soon.

Mayu: Tell me, where is he?

Kaori: (In a shaky voice) What are you talking about? He's just a few seats away from ours.

Mayu: Stop lying. WHERE. IS. HE?

Kaori: I don't know, probably in the washroom?

I was fidgeting too much, and it was evident that she had already picked up on my unease. Before I could say anything more, she snatched my phone away and started scrolling through my messages.

Kaori: That won't do you any good, Mayu.

Mayu: (Observant) You've been acting strangely ever since you received that text. Your eyes keep darting around, avoiding direct contact. You've been fidgeting nervously, and you cleared your throat before every reply. Your voice is shaky, and your forced smile doesn't quite reach your eyes, which glisten with a hint of unease, betraying the truth you're desperately trying to conceal. Now, either come clean or I will find out.

Our hushed conversation remained just between us, with the others oblivious to our discussion as our seats were situated a few distances apart. They were engrossed in their own conversation, which made our exchange unheard by them. However, Mayu's curiosity got the better of her, and she couldn't resist checking the text Yuki had sent me earlier, further fueling her determination to know the full story.

Kaori: That's...

Mayu gazed upward, letting out a heavy sigh. The intensity in her eyes grew, and she forced a smile that sent shivers down my spine.

Mayu: (With a deceptive calmness) Let me be clear. I'm going to stay calm right now, but there's something you need to understand. Even if I can't actively help, you should tell me before you take any action. Right now, it feels like someone has torn a piece of my heart away. Can you even begin to grasp how it feels? Keeping everything hidden, withholding any information. If I hadn't seen both of you that day, I doubt you'd ever have told me about this situation.

Kaori: (Regretful) Mayu, I'm... I'm sorry.

Mayu: (Accusing) What's hurt me the most is that you've been lying to me all this time. I already knew he left the train; I was merely testing you to see if you'd tell the truth or keep it from me. And just as I suspected, you didn't say a word. He has a GPS built into Steelbyte, and I have his exact location.

Kaori: (Taken aback) That's a bit unnerving.

Mayu: (Defensive) There's nothing unnerving about it. He's mine, and we're in a relationship. So, there's no need to hold back anything. What if he gets lost somewhere or if I discover he's being unfaithful? I couldn't bear that thought. I love him, deeply. I love him to an extent you can't even imagine. I love him more than anyone else in the entire galaxy. I can't stand the idea of him being away from me. I would do anything to be close to him. He's already dedicated to me, so there's nothing wrong with being protective, right? Why is it strange to keep an eye on him? I've even attempted to seduce him, but he's always insisted on waiting for the right time. I can't hold back any longer.

Kaori: (Concerned) Alright, Mayu, please stop. Your true feelings are becoming quite apparent. And yes, that is undeniably creepy.

Mayu: (Defensive) Wait, do you think monitoring him is unsettling? I'm simply ensuring he doesn't engage in anything I'd disapprove of. Furthermore, I suspect you're hiding something as well. The GPS frequently shows that you two are almost always together. Have you possibly developed feelings for him?

Kaori: (Blushing) No, of course not. Why would you even think that? I don't have the slightest interest in him.

Mayu: (Playfully) Your cheeks seem to tell a different story. Are you perhaps a tsundere?

Kaori felt her face growing warm. She couldn't deny the strange feelings that had been stirring, but she didn't want to admit them, especially considering Yuki's relationship with Mayu.

Kaori: I am not a tsundere, and I certainly don't have feelings for him. He's just a friend.

Mayu: It looks like I've got a rival here.

Kaori: Mayu, I've said...

Mayu: It's alright if it's you.

Kaori: Huh?

Mayu's expression shifted to one of sadness.

Mayu: I mean, you might be a better match for him.

Kaori: Why are you getting the wro...?

Mayu: It's fine, Kaori. You can have him.

Her words stung, but it was clear she was going through a difficult time. I knew this conversation wasn't helping while Yuki was in danger. But Why am I even doing this? I know he isn't mine anymore. But deep inside my heart, I feel there is a piece that sparks whenever I see Yuki. I can confirm this later. But now...

I placed a reassuring hand on Mayu's shoulder.

Kaori: Mayu, please don't worry about this right now. Yuki is devoted to you, and that's what matters most. We can discuss this sometime later. I'm not even sure if I feel anything toward him. At most, I can say there's a part of me that seems to be infatuated with him. But I don't know if that's what I can call love.

Mayu's expression didn't change, but it seemed like my words were having an effect, even if just a little.

Kaori: I'm sorry if I made things a bit worse, but I hope you'll forgive me. From now on, I promise to tell you everything. Don't worry too much about me stealing him away; that's still yet to be confirmed. We can have this conversation some other time. Maybe I should go now and help him. So, Mayu, will you promise to trust me until the very end?

Mayu: (teary-eyed) I trust you already, but you never spoke to me about anything.

Kaori: I will, from now on. Maybe it's time. I'm leaving everyone else in your hands. Keep the situation under control for now. I'll be back soon.

Mayu: (Choked up) Make sure he's safe.

Kaori: (Patting her head) Leave everything to me. ( '‿' )

I stood up and was ready to leave. Everyone wondered, and Ayaka even asked me if something was wrong. Shou, too, questioned me, and Valerie didn't back down either. I told them I had a matter to resolve and got off at the Yokushire station, vanishing before their eyes.

Kanoe: That was unbelievably fast.

Mayu: Well, it feels like an urgent matter.

Shou: You seem calm throughout this entire moment. Yuki is nowhere to be seen, and Kaori, too, got off. It looks suspicious.

Mayu: (Serious) Yuki got off the train a few stations back. He said he had to visit a place, something personal and needed some alone time. He'll be back by tomorrow. As for Kaori, she had a relative who's sick, and she needed to visit them. She is having a small stroke.

Ayaka: That's unfortunate. Shouldn't we have gone with her?

Mayu: If we all went, wouldn't it be too much pressure for them? We shouldn't invade someone's privacy.

At Kaori's Side,

Now, I just needed to get there quickly. I roamed around the end of the station to find a secluded spot to activate my device. Once I found it, I began removing my coat to reveal the device on my chest. It's embarrassing that I have to either wear a bikini or a camisole to make Starblaze work. Sunlight would be much preferred, but streetlights are fine, too. It's a hassle that I have to be nearly topless to make it work. Hopefully, the device sits a bit above my chest. But I can't worry about these little details right now.

Back then when installing Starblaze on 4 Feb 2053, the next day after Yuki went unconscious,

Uncle Kaito: Before we begin, are you absolutely sure about this? You don't have to go through all this trouble.

Kaori: I'm already in your debt, and I won't back down from repaying you. You mentioned that Yuki is now the centre of attention for that organization. So saving him is my top priority.

Kaito: I was only doing my job when I saved your sisters, and I just lent a helping hand, that's all. You don't have to repay me for that. Furthermore, this organization didn't intend to target them. They simply had a misunderstanding if the person they were looking for was among your family. Hopefully, I can say they're out of the scene now that they know Yuki holds the Steelbyte.

Kaori: You helped, and that's all that matters. Besides, Yuki is one of my friends, and there's no reason for me to back down if I can help him in this situation.

Kaito: Well, it's ultimately your decision, I suppose. Even if I can't provide active assistance, I can still help indirectly. Could you place your hand in the scanner so that I can gather information about where this device would work best?

I did as he said, putting my hand in the scanner and feeling a slight shock. Lines of information flowed across the screen. After a few minutes, it was over.

Kaito: That should do it. Now, Atheria, calculate which device would work the best and provide me with the details.

Atheria: On it.

Kaito: It might take a while, I suppose.

Kaori: I've been curious, what is this thing called Atheria?

Kaito: It's a small device that assists me with my projects. It works with the artificial program named Hawk-2.3. I haven't updated it in a while. Initially, I preferred to use the GAN-5.7 as it receives regular updates, but it had flaws like getting stuck while speaking and other times, it just randomly shut down. Also, the model generator didn't even work. I found an alternative, PF-1.0. It's an all-rounder AI model, but it hasn't received updates for a few years. So, I chose Hawk-2.3. It receives updates, though just slightly less than GAN-5.7. Although it has nice features like a model generator, auto-assistance, standby mode, and more.

Kaori: Not sure I understand all of that, but it sounds pretty awesome.

Kaito: Sorry to bore you with that. Never mind, it seems Atheria will reply in around 13 minutes. It's already 8 p.m. Are you sure you can stay a bit longer?

Kaori: I don't mind. There isn't much to do.

Kaito: Then, I'll get some things done while this takes time. You can do whatever suits you. Maybe go out for a walk.

I went outside for a stroll. The cool and calming breeze greeted me as I ventured into the night. The city had transformed into a magical wonderland under the starry sky. The soft, golden glow of streetlights painted a gentle illumination on the quiet streets, casting elongated shadows of trees and buildings. As I walked further, the skyline came into view, a breathtaking panorama of shimmering city lights that seemed to stretch endlessly. The moon, a radiant silver orb, hung serenely in the inky canvas of the night, casting a delicate, silvery sheen upon the world below. It was a moment of tranquillity and awe, where the world seemed to slow down, and the night unveiled its enchanting beauty. After about 10 minutes, I made my way back to Uncle Kaito's garage. He greeted me with a warm smile as I returned.

Kaito: You returned just in time.

I nodded in understanding and waited for the last few minutes before It began speaking to Uncle Kaito. After around 5 minutes, he turned back to me.

Kaito: It seems Starblaze will suit you the best. According to its recommendation, it should be placed just below your neck and slightly above your chest. It needs to be connected with your soul to work. This device doesn't rely on batteries but on the power from your soul. It features two katanas, considering your proficiency in close-range combat. It also comes equipped with a blaster for engaging at a distance. Additionally, there's a jetpack built in, which requires exposure to light for proper function.

Kaori: In contact with light to work? So I won't be able to use it in the dark?

Kaito: You'll still be able to use its other functions except the jetpack in dark environments. However, there's a minor caveat. To activate the jetpack, you'll need to wear something that reveals the device to light. It's an inconvenience, but it's how the device draws power. Probably be topless I think?

Kaori: Thats harassment you know that, right?

Kaito: Well, never mind that how about something like a suit? It would work, but it might be quite uncomfortable if you keep using it all day considering you may have to use it anytime. 

Kaori: This is going to be incredibly embarrassing.

Kaito: Well, it's the nature of the device. But if you're uncomfortable with it, I can create a new device, although it would take a few months.

Kaori: No, I'll go with this. Let's get it over with.

Kaito: You can stand there, and the device will be implanted. I won't make you uncomfortable, so I'll be upstairs. Meet me after the work is done.

He pointed towards a chamber before vanishing out of the scene. The transparent chamber stood in the centre of the room, its futuristic design giving it an otherworldly appearance. It was a sleek, cylindrical structure, and it seemed to hum with an otherworldly energy. The chamber was crafted from a translucent material, allowing observers to see the intricate machinery and the mysterious, soft blue glow within.

After undressing into my bra I went inside the chamber. Ugh, it's too much embarrassment to deal with. But it is just the beginning how am I even supposed to use the jetpack if I look like this? That will make me feel I should drop dead. Anyway, I have to get over it somehow. There are a few alternatives that might be better like a bandeau, corset, or tube top. But I feel the best would be camisole.

Inside the transparent chamber, I took a deep breath as the implantation procedure began. The mechanical arms, gleaming with advanced technology, reached out towards me with a sense of purpose. My heart raced with a mix of anticipation and anxiety as I knew the significance of this moment.

The mechanical arms, like precise, calculated dancers, approached my chest. I couldn't help but close my eyes briefly, focusing on the mission ahead and the importance of this device. The sensation was peculiar, and I could distinctly feel the device slowly embedding itself just below my neck and slightly above my chest. A slight, transient sensation of pain gripped me for a moment, but it soon faded away.

The chamber itself emitted an ethereal blue glow, casting an otherworldly light that both fascinated and reassured me. As the mechanical arms continued their work with remarkable precision, I couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder at the advanced technology being employed to connect me with the power of the Starblaze.

Despite the unease of potentially revealing the device in contact with light, I understood that my dedication to the mission was far more important than any discomfort. My mind was filled with thoughts of the challenges that awaited and the weight of responsibility I was shouldering. The procedure ended successfully, and I stepped out of the chamber.

After putting my top back on, I ascended the stairs. Kaito was waiting for me at the table, sipping on a cup of coffee, his focus on something displayed on his laptop. As his gaze met mine, he promptly closed the laptop and gestured for me to take a seat across from him. He began explaining everything I needed to know about the Starblaze device, its functions, and how to harness its power. It was an enlightening conversation, and as I took note of the information, half an hour flew by.

Once everything was discussed, I headed home, my mind filled with the significance of this day. It was an event that would reshape my life in ways I couldn't fully comprehend yet. I knew that when Yuki regained consciousness, we would have to share these developments with him. However, for now, I understood the importance of keeping this secret close to my chest, ready to be unveiled when the time was right.

Back to Kaori, 9 Feb 2023 (Sunday), 6:10 pm,

As I launched into the still-illuminated skies, the thrill of using the Starblaze jetpack coursed through me. The sensation of soaring was exhilarating, and I couldn't help but admire the breathtaking view from above. The sun hung low, casting a warm, golden hue over the city of Yokushire, and the distant skyline shimmered in the radiant light.

I scanned the sprawling urban landscape below, navigating my way through the skies with purpose. The amber rays of sunlight played on my skin as I flew, and the wind whispered in my ears, promising a journey filled with determination and hope.

Everything seems to be working well. I just need to focus on where I have to go and it works just fine. Hope I don't crash myself somewhere. Now that I think about it Yokushire looks amazing from here. I hope I can bring him here. Sudden redness crawled through my cheeks. Obviously, I wasn't talking about Yuki. No, What's this sensation? 

Time slipped by quickly as I scoured the eastern part of Yokushire, looking for any sign of Yuki. The minutes turned into nearly twenty, and my heart pounded with a mix of concern and anticipation. My eyes finally caught a glimpse of an abandoned building's rooftop, and there, I saw him.

My heart sank as I spotted Yuki on that desolate rooftop, but the relief of finding him was quickly overshadowed by the grim scene that unfolded before my eyes.

Yuki was standing with his back to me, and a sense of dread clung to the air. Kneeling on the ground was Yuuna, a blaster ominously pointed at her head by a menacing figure. Yuki stood in front of them, a look of desperation etched across his face.

Around him, at least seven other individuals shrouded in masks and dark attire encircled them. The setting sun painted an eerie backdrop to this ominous encounter, and I knew I had to tread carefully, for danger lurked all around.

Now I just need to get both of them out of this. I decreased the distance between us, moving quietly towards them. I spotted a box in a corner and hid behind it so I could listen to their conversation. And in the meantime, I just wore my coat back on.

Unknown girl: Any last words?

Yuki: You said you won't do anything to her if I just cooperate

Unknown girl: I changed the plans as you know my identity now. I'm sorry this would have been easy if you hadn't been that clever.

Her identity? Is she someone who is behind all this?

Yuki: Wait there must be a better way to solve this situation.

Unknown girl: Too bad there aren't any.

At this rate, this will end badly. I have to do something. Wait, I have a blaster, right? Why not put it to use? Just need to aim carefully.

I steadied my aim towards her.

Kaori: (Maybe killing her is the worst idea. As there are a few things I still need to confirm.)

I changed my aim towards her blaster and fired a shot. The blaster went flying in the other direction. 

Kaori: (It's now or never!)

I came out of the hiding spot and confronted her. Yuki turned back to look at me.

Yuki: No way! You?

Girl: Well, well, well, what do we have here?

Kaori: Just leave them alone.

Girl: You've already disarmed them. What are you waiting for? Just take them.

Kaori: (Confused) Um, really?

Girl: Yes. Take them, I don't mind.

One of the individuals spoke up.

Associate 1: Ma'am, are you sure about this?

Associate 2: We can't afford to lose them.

Associate 3: We finally managed to get hold of him.

Girl: Hmm? I said she could take them. I never said she could get away without a fight. So, would you guys mind going back to the base? The boss summoned all of you, so you should go.

Associate 4: But...

As he spoke, the girl tilted her head, and her gaze turned murderous.

Girl: You know what happens if you disobey me, right?

Associates: (Nervously) Yes, ma'am.

After their last words, everyone except her left the scene. She turned to face me.

Girl: Now, where was I?

Kaori: (Resigned) Fine. Let's get this over with.

I drew my katanas, revealing their shimmering blades adorned with intricate engravings, each hummed with hidden power. The weight of my determination filled the air, and I prepared for the inevitable confrontation. 

Girl: Oh, that's interesting. Well, let's see. Okay, I'll choose my single blade.

On a holographic interface, she pressed a few buttons. Moments later, she revealed a single long blade, performing Tameshigiri. 

Girl: (Smirking) This is the Hyperion Blade. I won't bore you with excess information. Just know that it has three features, and I'll be using one of them. So, it'll be fair.

The Hyperion Blade glistened under the ambient light, its sleek design characterized by a narrow, gleaming blade that seemed to vibrate with contained power. The edges of the blade appeared razor-sharp, promising exceptional cutting ability. It was a futuristic marvel, seamlessly combining precision engineering with formidable cutting capabilities, and its silvery sheen caught the eye, hinting at the deadly efficiency that it held.

Kaori: (Determined) That's something. Well, what a coincidence. My katanas also have four features. I'll use one of them.

Girl: (Taunting) You can use pretty much anything you like. Anyway, come at me with all you've got.

Kaori: As you say. (I don't think I will be needing much. Let's see.)

Kaori: Void, Unleash: Molecular Disruption Edge.

My words were laced with quiet determination as my blades took on a foreboding, dark-red glow. With a subtle yet potent power, I was ready for my first strike.

With swift, graceful movements, I closed the gap between us in the blink of an eye, the air trembling with anticipation as I bore down on her.

Girl: Oh, so it's a low-level weapon. Do you have to recite incantations to make those puny features work? Utterly useless.

The girl's mocking tone did little to deter me. Her words merely fueled the fire of my resolve. I ignored her taunts and focused on the task at hand. The dark red aura that enveloped my blades held secrets yet unseen, and I was prepared to demonstrate the true extent of their destructive capabilities. With the grace of a seasoned warrior, I launched my assault, my blades poised to unleash their devastating power.

After my initial strike, the girl showcased incredible speed and agility, narrowly evading the devastating power of my attack. The fight took on a new dynamic as she weaved gracefully to the side, her movements fluid and almost dance-like in their grace.

Kaori: Impressive reflexes.

Our battle continued to unfold with each exchange, the clang of our blades and the sparking impact filling the air with palpable tension. I could sense her confidence, but it only fueled my determination.

Girl: You'll have to do better than that.

Kaori: I plan to.

With renewed focus and a sense of urgency, I pressed forward, each swing of my dark-red-tinged blades a testament to my resolve. My strikes were quick and precise, but she proved to be a formidable opponent.

Girl: You're still predictable.

Kaori: Predictable, or determined?

I decided to mix things up, unleashing a rapid flurry of strikes, combining both speed and precision in my attacks, attempting to keep her on her toes.

Girl: You won't break through my defences.

Kaori: We'll see about that.

The battle between us raged on, a mesmerizing dance of skill and determination. It was clear that only one of us would emerge victorious, and I was determined to make sure it was me.

With the fight hanging in the balance, I knew I had to dig deep and access my full potential to gain an advantage. 

Kaori: Time to end it. Unleash:Energy-Vortex Pommels.

The dark-red aura surrounding my blades intensified, and the air crackled with anticipation.

I executed the technique, and the energy vortex emerged, a swirling maelstrom of power that reached out to Mahiru. She struggled against its force, but it was like trying to resist the pull of a whirlpool. The vortex immobilized her and drew her in, rendering her defenceless.

The look of desperation in Mahiru's eyes was palpable as she tried in vain to escape the inexorable grasp of the energy vortex. But my determination and the power of my attack proved insurmountable. She was pulled closer and closer, unable to break free.

In the aftermath of the battle, the field fell into silence. My Energy-Vortex Pommels had proven to be an overwhelming force, leaving Mahiru defeated and disarmed, her sword cast aside. She knelt on the ground, her vulnerability apparent as I approached, one of my blades poised at her neck.

Kaori: So, who are you?

Mahiru let out a resigned sigh, seemingly aware that her secrets couldn't remain hidden forever.

Mahiru: There won't be anything hiding now. Sooner or later, you will find out about me. Just know that I am Mahiru Shiina.

Kaori: What is your goal?

Mahiru: Goal? That's too early to reveal.

With a sudden, determined motion, Mahiru pushed herself to her feet. I remained vigilant, keeping the blade close.

Kaori: Come clean, or I'll have to do it the hard way. You know there's nowhere you can run.

Mahiru: If there's a will, there's a way. You recognize that line?

Kaori: There isn't any in this situa-

But before I could finish my sentence, Mahiru swiftly triggered one of the buttons on her wrist, and in the blink of an eye, she vanished from my sight, leaving me standing there, my blade lowered and my questions unanswered.

Kaori: (In a frustrated tone) Dammit! 

As the night settled around us and the stars emerged in the sky, I found myself in a challenging situation. Mahiru had managed to escape my grasp with her advanced technology, leaving me with them being unconscious, Yuuna and Yuki. There was no way to restrain her, and I could only speculate about the purpose behind her actions.

I moved them to a safer location and waited for them to wake up. Despite my efforts to rouse them, they remained unresponsive, their heartbeats indicating they were alive but not in critical condition. Yuuna had some scratches and seemed fatigued, with dark circles around her eyes. Yuki, on the other hand, had fainted, possibly due to the device that had caused this whole ordeal.

Kaori: You seem pretty fine.

I gently laid Yuuna in my lap, and her discomfort began to subside.

Yuuna: How is he?

Kaori: You should worry about yourself now. You look pretty beat up.

Yuuna: I don't know how all of this is happening. A few days ago, I was perfectly fine, then Mahiru came to my house. We talked for a bit, but moments later, something bright hit my eyes. The next thing I knew, I was in a warehouse. Since then, I've been like this.

Kaori: Did they do something to you?

Yuuna: (Terrified) No, I was just in a dark room all the time. The rest I- I can't remember. It's like I was kidnapped yesterday, and they gave me some sort of medicine, and then I passed out.

Her eyes told a story of trauma and fear. This had been an incredibly distressing experience for her, and I knew it was crucial to calm her down.

Kaori: Now might not be the best time to discuss this. I can explain everything later. Can you walk now?

Yuuna: My right leg has a little cramp, but everything seems fine.

Now, I needed to find a safe place for Yuuna to stay. Leaving her at her house was out of the question. My dorm seemed like the best option, but we were in Yorkshire, and the train wasn't available for another 2-3 hours. I contemplated various options but settled on the one that seemed most practical.

Kaori: Yuuna, before we start, let me ask you, are you afraid of heights?

Yuuna: No, not much. Why are you asking me this?

Kaori: We're going to fly.

Yuuna: Like birds? Stop joking.

My words were no joke, and I could sense the incredulity in her tone. But given the circumstances, flying was indeed our best option.

Kaori: Here look.

I unveiled my coat once more, revealing the mysterious device strapped to my chest. Yuuna's eyes widened in astonishment as she took in the enigmatic contraption. With a determined push of the designated switch, I deployed the jetpack.

Yuuna: A jetpack? Seriously?

Kaori: We don't have time for a train, and we need to be safe fast. This is the quickest way. Don't worry about how it works. We can talk about that later.

Yuuna: Okay, but how is this supposed to help us?

Kaori: First, you need to put on my coat. It's got a hook that you can attach to my jetpack to stay secure. For Yuki, I'll hold him close, and we'll strap him in too just in case I get tired.

I gestured for her to come closer, and we executed the plan as intended. Yuki was safely fastened to my back using the jetpack's built-in straps.

Kaori: It's simple. I'll do the flying, and you just hold on to the hook. There's a safety harness for you. Just stay still and follow me, or things could get worse.

Yuuna: Okay, I trust you. But where are we going?

Kaori: We're going to my dorm. It's the safest place for now. We'll figure out what to do next when we get there.

Yuuna: By the way, won't you feel weird?

Kaori: What do you mean?

Yuuna: Yuki is hanging on to you, and you're not wearing much. Is that going to be embarrassing?

Kaori: I have to do it. The gadget needs light contact to work. I've got enough on my plate so I can't worry about this right now. Let's not waste time.

Yuuna: Okay, I get it.

With Yuuna on board and the plan understood, I powered up the jetpack and got ready to take off.

As we flew into the night sky, the wind rushing past us, Yuuna's nervousness turned into awe. Yuki was sleeping soundly, though I could feel his heart beating. Oh well, I couldn't worry about that now. Still, a slight blush appeared on my cheeks.

Yuuna: This is amazing! I can't believe we're flying like this!

Kaori: It's quite a ride, right? Hang on tight, and we'll be at my dorm soon.

Yuuna: Kaori, why is your face getting red?

Kaori: Just the cold air.

Yuuna: Are you sure you're okay?

Kaori: Focus on yourself for now.

Our journey was something special, full of wonder and uncertainty. As we soared through the dark sky, it was clear that Yuuna and I were in for an adventure neither of us could have predicted.

After about half an hour, we touched down at my dorm. It was time to land safely, and I couldn't help but marvel at how this jetpack could handle both the weight and the precision of landing. It was surprising, to say the least.

Kaori: Head to room number 204. Here's the keycard. I'll be back in 15 minutes.

I handed her my keycard.

Yuuna: Why not let him sleep here for now? You look exhausted, and pushing yourself might be risky. Plus, we can take him back to his place before sunrise.

I shook my head, signalling my disagreement.

Kaori: His family must be worried sick, and he probably won't be allowed in the girls' dorm. Besides, his uncle is at home now, and he can take care of him if things get worse. He knows more about this situation than I do.

Yuuna: You're right. Alright, I'll get everything ready by the time you return.

Kaori: And the same goes for you; don't overexert yourself. You look like you've been through a lot. Maybe take a rest, and I'll handle the rest when I get back.

After that, I took up once again roaring through the skies with my jetpack. Well, it seems like it still has a lot of battery left. Well, let's get this over with.

As I soared through the night with Yuki safely strapped to my back, I couldn't help but reflect on the situation. The world around us was cloaked in darkness, and the city lights below created a mesmerizing view.

After a few moments of silence, I found myself engaged in an inner conversation with myself-

Kaori: (Do I really have feelings for this person? And I wonder if these are more than just a sense of responsibility and friendship. These questions, Will they even be sorted out, in some way? We have been like this for a year, but nowadays it seems to be increasing.)

The question had lingered in my mind for some time, and now, high above the ground with Yuki beside me, it demanded an answer.

Kaori: (Should I even get a move on him? Won't it be unfair for Mayu? He isn't mine...)

My heart raced as I contemplated a simple, affectionate gesture – a kiss on the cheek. I thought it might be a sweet way to express my feelings. Slowly, I leaned in, inching closer to Yuki's cheek...

The flashback gently faded away, returning me to the present moment.

It was February 12, 2013, a Wednesday, exactly two days after the pivotal match. The clock indicated it was 6:45 PM, an hour after our classes had concluded. Mayu, Yuki, and I sat together on a bench in a quiet spot on the campus grounds. Shou, too, leaning against a tree, was listening intently to our exchange. The soft buzz of students going about their business served as a backdrop to our conversation.

Kaori: So, that's everything that happened. (I explained the entire sequence of events, leaving out the feelings part and the kiss, which was a secret I couldn't reveal.)

Yuki: I see. I'm sorry for putting both of you through so much pressure.

Mayu: It's okay. We understand what you've been through, and we know you didn't want to burden us.

Yuki: I'm glad you guys understood.

Shou: That's pretty awesome, Broseph! You're like a hero now! Should we expect to see you in the headlines?

Yuki: Kaori did most of the heavy lifting. You should nominate her for that role.

Shou: Nah, dude. She's always giving me a hard time, so I can't live up to her standards.

Kaori: (With a mix of fury and satisfaction) Well, I appreciate the thought. Let me repay you.

I playfully smacked Shou on the arm, and he let out a small sound of pain.

Shou: Ouch! See, Broseph, she's always like this.

Yuki: (Chuckling) Can't change the fact that she's both fierce and cool.

Shou: You think she's cool?

Yuki: Sometimes.

Kaori: At least one of you has some sense.

Shou: I do, which is why I'm being honest, unlike him.

Kaori: Shou!!!!

Shou: See you Broseph! I have a marathon to run now! 

From Yuki's perspective - 

I watched as the playful scene unfolded before me. Mayu and I couldn't help but burst into laughter as they witnessed Shou being chased down by Kaori. The sight of Shou's attempted escape and Kaori's relentless pursuit was both comical and endearing.

Kaori: Face me! Why are you being a coward?

Shou: I care for my life!

I found it mesmerizing to observe their dynamic. The chase continued for a little while, with Shou's energy slowly waning until Kaori finally managed to catch him.

Kaori: Now, how should I do it?

Shou: Please forgive me!

Mayu interjected, trying to mediate the situation.

Mayu: Kaori, that should be enough.

Kaori relented, releasing Shou from her grasp, and he took a moment to catch his breath.

Shou: Saved by an angel. Thanks, Mayu.

Kaori: Don't think you're saved just yet.

Yuki: Now that the play is over, Should we go somewhere to eat? 

Shou: Yea let's party out. Kaori and Mayu, You are up for it.

Mayu: I don't mind tagging along.

Kaori: It's already 7:30 p.m. Well, if I can be back by 9 then sure.

Shou: The team is rocking tonight.

Yuki: (Putting a finger on my lip) Okay Shou, But don't scream much. You are attracting too much attention.

Shou: Oops! (While Scratching his head)

Yuki: Now then, Which should be a perfect fit.

Mayu: Let's go to the VortexVine Dining. 

Shou: I have heard about that place. It opened a few days ago. But even in just a little time, it's bombarded with customers.

Kaori: Will we even get a table at that place?

Yuki: It doesn't hurt to try. Well, we can already go to the alternatives. There are 3 more of them near it.

Mayu: Let's Go then.

Yuki: (Crossing my arms) Okay I can take Mayu. But how are you two gonna come?

Shou: Don't worry about that. I have a bike.

Yuki: Oh yea, You mentioned it yesterday. So Kaori?

Kaori: Ugh! I will deal with this. Shou can give me a ride.

Shou: Cool, Let me get my ride.

Shou went on towards his dorm, and I, too, vanished from the spot, making my way to the parking lot to retrieve my bike. After a few moments, we regrouped in front of the campus gate. Mayu took her place behind me on the bike, and Kaori settled in behind Shou. With our destinations set, we revved the engines and embarked on our journey to the VortexVine Dining for dinner.

The night was alive with a sense of adventure, and the city's vibrant energy surrounded us as we rode through the bustling streets. The soft glow of streetlights created a warm, inviting atmosphere. The hum of the engines and the wind rushing past us was the soundtrack to our exciting night out.

As I felt Mayu's presence behind me, her arms wrapped around my waist, I couldn't help but smile. Her closeness was a reminder of our deep connection, and it filled me with a sense of warmth and happiness. I glanced over at Shou to check if they were keeping up. I noticed that Kaori was maintaining a bit of distance from him, which was not surprising given their dynamic.

I couldn't help but notice a change in Shou. His face emitted a different vibe from what I had sensed just a few minutes ago. It left me wondering about his recent behaviour and I am not being able to ask him about it as he is constantly with someone. It was a concern that had been lingering for a few days, and I knew I needed to address it.

I decided that I would do it somehow by tomorrow and have an honest conversation about the situation. It wasn't easy to approach the subject, especially when he seemed to be distant and preoccupied. But our friendship was important to me, and I hoped that by talking to him, we could sort things out and understand what was going on.

One possibility crossed my mind the thought crossed my mind that perhaps Hitomi might be the reason behind Shou's recent behavior. I hadn't seen her in a long time, and Shou did mention a few days ago that their relationship was going well. He even mentioned a successful picnic they had recently.

However, I decided to set those thoughts aside for the time being. After all, we were in the midst of an enjoyable evening with our friends, and it was best to focus on the present moment.

A few moments later, we arrived at the restaurant. Shou and I dropped off Mayu and Kaori and told them to order whatever suited their preferences. We then rode a bit further to park the bikes. After securing the bikes, we made our way back to the restaurant.

We spotted the girls at their table, and we approached them to join. Seating ourselves across from them, a comfortable atmosphere settled in. Gradually, a conversation began to flow. Shou seemed to have reverted to his usual self, and I was relieved to see him in a more relaxed and sociable mood.

A few moments later, Kaori changed the topic of conversation, bringing up our recent duel. 

Kaori: Still, I can believe you managed to do that. I never thought even in a situation like that you managed to surpass him.

Shou: All thanks to you, Broseph we were able to win that duel.

Mayu: I don't know how we would have done it without you. 

Yuki: C'mon, You guys too played the part. You should be the ones getting praised. I couldn't have done anything without your assistance. Shou, You managed to defeat one even though you were nearly at a loss. Mayu, You did a great job in eliminating one and bringing one of the gears to a critical level. And Kaori, All thanks to your support the leader was already low, So it was easy to defeat.

Mayu: But how were you able to predict his next moments?

Yuki: I...

Time switches to 10 Feb 2053, Monday. In the arena, I am now in a tight spot.

I need to think fast. I did come upon an idea but implementing it needed precision. But how will I be able to get out of this?

Shou: You can do this Broseph!

Mayu: We believe in you.

Kaori: This will be much harder than you anticipated but you have to find a way. If there aren't any...

Will I ever be able to...listen...to...Myself? Do whatever lies deep inside my heart? Without any Restriction? What did Kaori say at the last...

Kaori: Create one!

Yuki: What do you mean by that?

Kaori: Just observe and act accordingly.

Bradley: There aren't any. You are already surrounded. 

With the robots closing in, I knew that attempting to fight them head-on would be a waste of time and energy. In a split second, an idea flashed through my mind. What if I went straight for Him? The odds were against me with just my fists, but then I remembered something crucial: I hadn't even used Overdrive.

My Gear's Overdrive mode had been upgraded with a powerful katana and blasters, significantly enhancing my combat capabilities. It was the ace up my sleeve, a game-changer that could turn the odds from slim to 100% victory.

Without a moment's hesitation, I triggered the Overdrive mode on my Gear. As the transformation began, I could feel the surge of power and the enhanced abilities coursing through me. With the katana in one hand and blasters at the ready, I was now more than ready to take on the challenge and confront the one behind this mechanical onslaught.

Bradley: That looks like something. Hope it can hel...

As Bradley continued to babble, I channelled all my energy into dashing toward him, swiftly slicing through any robots that obstructed my path. His expression quickly shifted from overconfidence to astonishment, leaving all three of my teammates, who had been spectating the match, equally amazed. Kaori couldn't help but express her frustration.

Kaori: Took you long enough to realize that. I don't know how much dumber you can be.

Yuki: Sorry for that, but I'll finish it right here. Right now!

Bradley: It's not possible. How did you slice through them like they were nothi...

Yuki: You left yourself unguarded!

I caught him off guard as he continued to speak. My katana had already demolished his shield. The announcer declared a clear victory for us, sealing the match with our triumphant performance.

" With that, the duel between Hyper X and the Dorky Dodos has concluded, and it was an absolutely thrilling match! In a surprising turn of events, the Dorky Dodos had the upper hand, thanks to their ingenious use of nanite grenades. As the nanites swarmed and the situation looked dire, Hyper X was faced with a formidable challenge.

With each calculated move, the Dorky Dodos displayed their tactical brilliance, and the audience couldn't help but be both impressed and slightly cringed at the surprising turn of events. But it was Yuki, our valiant hero, who remained calm under pressure and showcased unwavering determination.

In a dramatic and daring move, Yuki executed the finishing blow, showcasing an incredible level of skill and precision. With a swift and calculated strike, Yuki's katana sliced through the onslaught of nanites, causing a breathtaking display of sparks and circuits in a truly spectacular fashion.

And that incredible final strike secured the victory for Hyper X! The crowd erupted into thunderous applause, recognizing that even in the face of adversity, Hyper X emerged victorious. Our hats off to the Dorky Dodos for their inventive strategies. This day has been an electrifying showcase of skill and strategy, and the crowd's enthusiasm for the sport remains unparalleled. Let's hear it one more time for the indomitable team that is Hyper X! "

Everyone is cheering for our team, But why am I the one being in the spotlight? 

Mayu: You did it. ( ,,ˆᗜˆ,, )

Broseph: Nice one Broseph!

Kaori: Good job not messing up.

Thoughts swirled in my mind as I pondered how I managed such precision during the intense duel. There were a multitude of robots, yet I found a path with fewer obstructions, and my Katana technique was flawlessly executed, slicing through each core without a single miss.

Suddenly, a peculiar sensation washed over me, a faint tingle in my left eye. It was an odd, fleeting feeling as if something had brushed past me.

As the flashback receded, Shou's concerned voice brought me back to the present. I realized we were in a restaurant, our initial reason for being here forgotten in my contemplation.

Kaori, ever observant, questioned my momentary lapse.

Kaori: Hey, why are you dozing off?

Yuki: Sorry, I was just lost in thought.

Kaori's piercing gaze seemed to see through me, but I offered an explanation.

Yuki: Maybe it's because I'm feeling a bit drowsy. I'll be fine.

Shou concurred, checking the time.

Shou: I feel the same. Let's head back; it's already 8:45.

Kaori and Mayu nodded in agreement, and we prepared to leave the restaurant. After paying the bill, Shou and I left the restaurant. We walked back to the spot where our bikes were parked, and the city's neon lights cast a colourful glow on the pavement. The city was filled with the distant sounds of traffic and the energy of the night.

As we approached our bikes, Shou turned to me, a questioning look in his eyes. 

Shou: Hey broseph, Is there something you're hiding? You've seemed a bit distant tonight.

I paused, considering his question, before turning it back to him. 

Yuki: Well, Shou, the same could be asked of you. Is there something you're not telling me? 

Shou hesitated for a moment but eventually brushed it off. 

Shou: Nah, it's nothing, really.

Yuki: Shou, we're best friends. If you keep hiding things from me, how am I supposed to share everything with you? You have been like this for a few days.

He looked thoughtful for a moment before finally nodding. 

Shou: I'll tell you everything tomorrow, after classes. I promise.

With that assurance, we mounted our bikes and prepared for the ride back to our dorms. The conversation had left me with a mix of anticipation and curiosity, wondering what Shou was keeping from me and what he would reveal the next day.

We retraced our path to pick up Kaori and Mayu. The girls joined us on our bikes, and we all rode together for a few minutes, sharing the camaraderie of the night.

However, as we approached a junction, it was time for us to part ways. Kaori's apartment was on one side, while Mayu's was on the other. We bid each other goodnight, the bond of friendship as strong as ever, and we each rode off in our respective directions. 

The night road stretched ahead, with the earlier traffic now a distant memory. The city had taken on a different charm, its quieter streets and the play of streetlights creating a serene, almost dream-like atmosphere.

A few minutes later, I found myself stopping near Mayu's apartment. She hopped off the bike and turned to look at me, her eyes expressing a mixture of gratitude and affection.

Mayu's voice carried a warmth that mirrored the sentiments of the day.

Mayu: It's been a great day. ♡

I couldn't help but smile in response.

Yuki: What can I say? You're like a lucky charm for me.

Her giggle was music to my ears, and I noticed a hint of shyness in her demeanour.

Mayu: Can we spend a few minutes before you head off?

Yuki: As long as you're happy, I don't mind.

I parked my bike near her building, and together we embarked on a short stroll. With every step, her smile worked like a balm on my heart. After a while, I saw her gesture for me to hold her hand, and I didn't hesitate for a second. Our stroll continued, and the moonlight cast its gentle rays upon her, making her shine like a diamond.

Eventually, we arrived at a nearby park and decided to take a seat on the swings, sitting side by side. The serene atmosphere and the presence of Mayu beside me created a moment that I wished would last forever.

Mayu: Can I ask about something?

Yuki: Sure thing. What's on your mind?

Mayu: I was thinking, are our lives ever gonna be normal again?

Yuki: Honestly, I'm not sure. Even when everything calms down, I reckon we'll still face some challenges.

Mayu: I get it. But, you know, as long as you're with me, I think we can handle anything. ♡

Yuki: Your confidence means a lot to me. I'll do my best to keep you safe.

Mayu's cheeks turned a bit rosy, making it a sweet moment.

Yuki: Well, it's been a pretty busy day, hasn't it? ♡

Mayu: Yeah, it has.

Yuki: Since that last incident, life's been kinda quiet. Feels like that device is just part of me now.

Mayu: I was curious. Did it hurt after they put in the device?

Yuki: Not much. I felt a little discomfort, but they gave me something to ease the pain before they put it in, so it wasn't too bad.

Mayu: That's some fancy tech. But I have another question.

Yuki: About that new transfer student?

Mayu: Yeah, that's been on my mind. I'm just wondering why they let him in when admissions were closed.

Yuki: Don't let it bother you too much. He probably has a good reason for it.

Mayu: I'm not exactly worried, just curious, you know?

Yuki: I hear you. Sometimes, we don't need to sweat the small stuff.

Mayu: You're right, Yuki.

Time flew like a swift current, carrying us along its course with no pause. We enjoyed each other's presence. Seated side by side on the swings in the dimly lit park, we found ourselves suspended between the earth and the sky. The gentle creaking of the swings provided a rhythmic backdrop, a soothing lullaby to our thoughts. The night air was cool against our skin, a welcome contrast to the warmth of the day. Overhead, the moon reigned, casting a silvery sheen on the world below, its soft radiance illuminating our faces. The quietude of the night seemed to amplify our connection, allowing for unhurried conversation and moments of unspoken understanding. It was in this tranquil setting that we shared our thoughts, dreams, and a sense of serenity that wrapped around us like a comforting blanket, making the world seem far away, and the two of us, the centre of the universe.

Yuki: Should we head back now?

Mayu: Yeah, but before that.

With a captivating allure, she gracefully descended from the swing, moving closer to Yuki and settling herself on his lap. His heart raced, and a faint blush tinged his cheeks.

Yuki: Wait, Mayu, that's...

Mayu: Shhh. Let's savour the moment.

As her gentle weight rested on his lap, I couldn't help but feel my hands wrapping around her, securing her in a tender embrace. She's warm and soft. Her tender body melted in my arms. Her scent is too alluring for me to handle. I even wondered if I was really in a dream.

A few moments later, Mayu turned her gaze toward me and, with a sudden burst of affection, pressed her lips to his. The kiss was a delightful surprise, leaving me momentarily dazed. That kiss tasted like strawberries which left a deep sign of affection in me.

After we separated, Mayu couldn't resist teasing me, a mischievous glint in her eye.

Mayu: Now you're the one caught off guard.♡ 

Yuki: No fair. But says the one who is bold enough to catch me.♡ 

Mayu: You are the one...mmph!♡ 

I retaliated by leaning in, capturing her lips in a spontaneous kiss, and gradually deepening it. Their kiss was a sweet blend of passion and affection, and we parted, both breathless and with hearts racing. It was a moment of tenderness and connection that seemed to suspend time itself, a memory they would cherish.

Yuki: That's how a real kiss works.♡ 

Mayu: You literally took every last of my breath.♡ 

Yuki: It's your fault for looking like a princess. I just wasn't able to resist.♡ 

Mayu: That's not fair. I want more.

Our playful banter was interrupted by Mayu, who leaned in for another kiss. The night bore witness to their affection, with the park's surroundings steeped in tranquillity. The moon cast a soft, silver glow over the landscape, while the gentle rustling of leaves and the occasional chirping of crickets provided a gentle soundtrack to their tender moments. As Mayu kissed me again, their lips met with a longing that deepened their connection, each second feeling like an eternity. In the embrace of the night, their love bloomed, a memory to be treasured.

A few moments later we separated from each other. I looked at her while admiring how beautiful she looked in this cool shade of night light.

Yuki: We should get back now. 

Mayu: Wait.

Yuki: Well, we are going to be late for school and I don't think we should move this further. There might be someone watching us. ♡ 

Her face flushed into embarrassment as I mentioned that. She agreed to settle the night there. After a few minutes of walking, we reached her apartment and now was the time to bid farewell. I took out my bike from the parking lot and went back to her apartment's gate to end the night. 

Yuki: So I'm off then. See you tomorrow.

Mayu: Sure. Bye, Hubby!

Yuki: Hubby? Aren't you getting too far?

Mayu: I might be... No, I will be the one who is going to call you that someday right?

Yuki: Yea but let's just keep it casual for now.

Mayu: How about 'Darling'?

A sudden embarrassment crawled over me resulting in my face flushing to red.

Mayu: That settles it then. Bye, Darling!♡ 

With that, she vanished from the gate and went inside her apartment. Ugh! This girl, Man. How long is she able to mess with me? At this rate, I won't be able to handle her. Okay then, might as well go all out then.

Yuki: CYA HONEY!♡ 

Well, that was a bit too loud. I don't know if she heard that. If she did her face would be the one worth gazing at.

As I started my bike and revved the engine, I embarked on the journey homeward. The streets, adorned in their midnight attire, held an enchanting charm as I rode through the quietude of the night. The city's bustling energy had transformed into a serene hush, with only a few scattered souls venturing through the tranquil thoroughfares.

The streetlights, like sentinels, cast a warm, amber glow, creating a gentle contrast with the ink-black sky. Their soft illumination painted fleeting patterns on the pavement, guiding me through the labyrinth of the night.

The air held a subtle chill, a reminder of the waning warmth of the day. It wrapped around me, whispering secrets of the night, and I found solace in its touch.

With each passing moment, the world seemed to slow down, allowing me to savor the journey. The ride home was a meditative experience, the road stretching before me like an open book, each bend and turn filled with anticipation and the promise of what lay ahead.

In the stillness of the night, as the city slept and the stars twinkled overhead, I found solace in the solitude of the road. It was a tranquil interlude, a chance to reflect on the events of the day and to appreciate the simple beauty of the world around me. The ride had been a journey of both distance and introspection, a voyage through the depths of my thoughts.

As I pulled into the driveway and parked my bike in the garage, a sense of homecoming washed over me. The garage was dimly lit, and the familiar scent of engine oil and tools hung in the air. I could see Uncle Kaito's silhouette in his favourite armchair, deep in the embrace of slumber, a testament to the day's fatigue. Nikki was also peacefully asleep in her room, the soft hum of her nightlight providing a gentle serenade.

I made my way up the stairs, my footsteps echoing in the quiet house. The soft glow of moonlight filtered through the curtains, casting a serene ambience. The house seemed to embrace me, a place of safety and familiarity.

In my room, I shed my worn riding gear and slipped into the comfort of my bed. The sheets were cool against my skin, and I nestled into the embrace of sleep, thoughts of the day's adventures and the promise of the next day's challenges swirling in my mind. As I closed my eyes, the world outside faded into the distance, and I surrendered to the quietude of the night, knowing that the journey of a new day would begin with the first light of dawn.

Everything was perfect today. I got to meet my usual friends, and we hung out together. However, I'm still astonished by how Kaori managed everything when I was unconscious. I can only say she's one person, an ally I can trust. But one thing crosses my mind, every time I chat with her, she blushes quite a lot. The thought that she may have feelings for me crossed my mind, but deep down, I know it's just friendship. Besides, I already have Mayu.

As for Valerie, I'm glad to see she's coping well with Dave's situation. She still seems cheerful and playful as ever, but I can sense that she's wearing a mask to hide her true feelings. However, she opened up to me, and I've realized she's more complex than she appears.

Yuuna is still getting along, but the incident has deeply affected her. I'm curious to know more about Mahiru, as Yuuna seems to have a connection with her. I'll be there to help when she needs a hand.

And then there's Shou. What can I say? He's perfect in every way. But now he's going through some sort of problem, and he'll tell me about it tomorrow. I'll rest assured for now and be ready to support him.

It also surprised me that Mayu showed me a new side of her. I initially thought she was an overpossessive Yandere, but I was wrong. She cares deeply for me, and that answers all my questions. She may get jealous often, maybe a lot, but I love her for who she is.

But all I want is to protect her smile, her alluring personality, her mesmerizing eyes, and...

Her laughter is like a melody that brightens even the darkest days. The warmth of her hand in mine was a comforting reassurance. The way she brushes a strand of hair behind her ear is a gesture of grace. The sound of her voice was soothing and filled with kindness. The moments of shared silence, where our connection speaks volumes. Her dreams and aspirations, and to support her in achieving them. Her fears and insecurities so that I can be her pillar of strength. Her joy in the little things, like a beautiful sunset or a favourite book. The way she looks at the world with curiosity, as if every day is an adventure. The love that blooms between us, deep and enduring, a bond that nothing can break. 

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀!!To Be Continued!!

There are a few more chapters left till I finish this Fanfic's Phase 1. I have a lot planned for this but I might take a break after the ending of phase 1. There are 4 phases that I have thought till now. Rest assured if you are waiting for fanfic of other heroines, I will make it. But a bit later. After I finish this novel's Phase 1, I will be writing a novel that won't be fanfic.

Also, I have thought to make a visual novel out of it but I have a few problems. First, i can't draw or code. Maybe if I learnt a bit I will be able to make it. I did thought of using AI but I think using the drawings by a real artist will be much better. Though anyway, I won't bore you guys any longer.

Till then Farewell!! ( ' ‿ ' )

If needed a bit more info or any talk. You can get in touch with me on discord

Discord: SkyDekayMc#3134