
Mayik- The Legend of Strine

A teenager from New York, America lives his life as any average teenager would. He hates going to school and likes to play with his friends. He is a well-mannered child who respects his parents and elders. But life is unfair, he is diagnosed with influenza which leads him to his death. On the other hand in a different world, in a different continent known as Mayik, an epic tale is about to begin, changing the face of the whole continent. Read Luke's journey to become a great man revered by everyone. A journey that consists of hatred, jealousy, love, respect, and many more emotions.

Harsh_Gupta_4218 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Life of Mike

I woke up at 6:10 am to get ready for high school. Monday is a very boring day. I don't like it. Or you can say I don't like to go to school. After a good and exciting weekend, I have to go to school again.

"Mike are you awake ?" Aunt asked knocking at my door.

Yeah, she is talking about me. I am Mike Tyler. I am 15 years old and in grade 9. I live with my Dad and Aunt, well basically aunt as my dad always is on his business trip. I see him only once or twice a month. My mom passed away when I was three due to an accident. I don't remember her much because after her death her sister is taking care of me and treated me like her own son. I am more comfortable with her than with my father.

"Mike get ready fast or you will be late for school" Her voice made me come back to reality. I quickly took my uniform and opened the door to go to the bathroom to take bath. When I opened the door she was still standing there wearing an apron.

Aunt: Good morning Mike, get ready fast or you will be late for school. I am preparing you a delicious breakfast.

Mike: <yawning> Good morning aunt. Don't worry I will not be late.

Wishing her morning I went to take a nice shower. My aunt lived in our house as my dad was not there to take care of me. She was my guardian. She was around 32 but still unmarried. Sometimes I think that I am the reason, why she is not getting married, because she has a boyfriend. His name is Peter. Well, he is a cool guy. We go to the arcade nearly every weekend. Well, he is much closer to me than my father. Sometimes he even stays at our house as it is quite big.

My dad is a rich businessman that's the reason he travels that much as he has many branches of the office all over America. I live in an apartment that has 5 bedrooms, 1 living room, 1 kitchen, and 3 bathrooms two in the bedroom and 1 in the hallway for common use. It's pretty big considering that we live in New York, as it is one of the most expensive places in the world to buy a house.

My room is the largest. I don't know why. it has always been like that. I have a cupboard, a bed, a computer set, a studying table (which I barely use), and lots of stickers of my favorite cartoon (mostly Ben 10 and Pocket Monsters). We have a sofa in the living room in front of the Television and a dining table in the kitchen.

I finish taking my shower and after wearing my uniform I got out of the bathroom and went straight to the kitchen. I don't know why but I am feeling a bit of cough in my throat. Maybe I caught a cold, well it will go over time.

Aunt: Are you ready?

Mike: Yes. <Smells something familiar > Wow is that a pancake I like pancakes very much. Thanks, aunt. Please but extra...

Aunt: <Interrupting> extra honey with jam in between. <Serving the pancake on the table> Orders ready as you like.

Aunt knows me better than me. I quickly sat at the table to have my favorite breakfast.

Aunt: How is it?

Mike: You should stop being a lawyer and become a chef.

Aunt: You flatter me. It's just pancakes. Now finish quickly or you will be late for school.

I looked at the time it was 6:50. Damn I took more than half an hour to get ready. My school start's at 7:30 am and It takes around 25 to 30 mins to reach school from home.

Mike: <Gobbling up the pancakes> Don't worry Aunt I will not be late. And besides, why are you not eating don't you have any case to investigate? You will be late to your office.

My aunt and Peter are both lawyers. They finished law at the same college.

Aunt: I am free this week as I have no cases pending. So if you study hard then I will take you anywhere you want on the weekend.

Mike: I will stay at home at the weekend rather than study.

Aunt:<Sigh> You should study every day. Last time you started studying just 4 days before the exam started still you did not fail and got above average if you study hard every day then you will surely .....

Mike:<Interrupting> Ok I am getting late for school. See you in the afternoon. Sorry.

Sliding my empty plate away I got up quickly as I noticed that it was 6:58 am. My aunt noticed the time and bid me farewell.

Aunt: Ok. Goodbye. Have a nice day.

Mike:<Opening the door> Goodbye aunt.

I opened the door and quickly went to the elevator and to add my luck the elevator was out of order. What the fxxx. My apartment was on the 17th floor of the building. I was not a very athletic student in my school. I was not the last but my build was below average a little bit on the fatter side.

Well, I had no choice I quickly took the stairs and got down as soon as possible. After running down I ran towards the school.


I left the school at 4 pm as I was in detention for 1 hour for being late. Damn, those elevators. I started walking home and as I was walking Jim my best friend came to me.

Mike: Oh how nice of you to wait for me.

Jim: Don't be so delusional I was also in detention. You just had to sit in class and study extra but I had to do P.E (Physical Exercise) for an hour.

Mike: Well what did you do to gain that honor?

Jim: I did nothing.

Mike: ???

Jim: Really they did punish me, but I did nothing.

???: You got punished because you did nothing.

Mike: Oh hi Lara. What do you mean by that?

Lara and Jim were the only friends I had in high school as I am a bit introverted. . . . . . Ok a lot introverted. Lara is your typical ideal student. She is the topper of our class and the captain of the girl's volleyball team and damn beautiful. While Jim was a lazy bump.

Jim: Hey don't you have your volleyball practice?

Lara: No I feel like I have cold and a little fever so I am leaving early. Besides don't change the topic. Mike, Jim was punished because he did not complete the project.

Mike: But if it was that, then why did he have to do P.E. He should have been in detention with me to complete the project.

Lara: You are right but that was not the only reason. When the teacher called him for his project he did not respond as he was sleeping in class. The teacher got angry and woke him up and asked for the project which he did not have so he had to P.E. as a wake up call punishment.

Mike: HA HA HA! Serves you right.

Jim:<Annoyed> Stop laughing.

???: Hey Lara stop. Where do you think you are going?

We were interrupted by a boy from our school probably as he was wearing our uniform.

Lara:<scared> John what are you doing here?

John: Waiting for your answer.

Lara: I have already said no.

John: Well bad for you as that is not the right answer. You have to accept my proposal and be my girlfriend.

Lara:<scared> Please I just want to focus on my studies. just leave me alone.

Enraged John raises his hand to hit Lara. But his hands were caught by Mike instantly.

Mike: Hey bro I don't know what the matter is between you and Lara. But she is my friend and wants you to leave now.

Jim and Lara were shocked to see their friend block John and tried to warn him.

Jim and Lara: Mike please leave him he is very powerful and has won several district-level fighting championships. No one in this district can challenge him and win. He has all the schools in this area under him.

John:<smirks> You heard him brat. Now apologize to me on your knee and I may let you go.

Mike: You know my Peter told me to not bow in front of anyone, especially to bully's like you.

Hearing him John punches him with his free arm.


The next moment everyone is wide-eyed to see John grunting in pain on the ground.

Mike: Listen you punk. A no is a no. The next time I see you terrorizing someone you will end up in a wheelchair, that is if you are lucky. Now scram.

Hearing Mike, John hurried and ran away even with the pain from earlier still lingering.

Mike:<annoyed> Lara is that the reason you were feeling cold and skipping practice.

Lara:<appologetic> I am sorry Mike. I didn't know what to do. I mean he is the strongest around here.

Jim: Correction. Was. Dude, you are awesome you just slammed him like nothing. Are you taking any fighting lessons?

Mike: Oh yeah I am being trained by Peter. He was a National Champion in his School times.

Jim: Wow so does that means you are also participating in any competition?

Mike: Yeah. Actually last year I participated in the U-15 fighting competition. But I was knocked out in the quarter-final.

Jim: That's amazing bro. That means you were in the top 8 in the nation. John didn't even stand a chance.

Lara: Ok enough of your talk. Mike, I am very grateful to you as you saved me from John.

Mike: Hey we are friends. And the next time you have any of have any worry just ask me I will be there to help you.

We went our own way after some time as our houses were in different places. When I reached home breathing heavily (yes they still had not fixed the elevator. Curse them.) I opened the door with my key and when I saw Aunt watching T.V. She gazed at me angrily.

Aunt:<Annoyed> Where were you till now? Your school ends at 3 but it's 5:50 now.

Mike:<Sitting on the sofa beside her> The lift is not working.

Aunt: So It took you nearly 2 hours to climb stairs ???

Mike: No. It is not working since morning, which is why I was late for school and had to receive a one-hour detention.

Aunt:<Relieved> Ohh! Well, they should have at least called me. Well, whatever should I make some pancakes for you as snacks?

Mike: I will never say no to that.

After eating snacks I watched some TV with my aunt and then I studied for a whole hour, more like I was forced to study. She did not leave my side till I finished studying for a whole hour then she went on a date with Peter at night after making me some dinner.

I watched the Pocket Monster episode on T.V. I am watching it since when I was small. It has truly changed now. In this season mega pocket monsters are introduced. In today's episode, the group heads into the mountains around Pomace Mountain and meets with Mabel, a flower arranger who has mastered the art of Mega Evolution with her Mawile which prompts Korrina to have a friendly match with Mabel.

After watching it I went to sleep.


{Time lapse}

Day 2 = I had to study again for an hour.

Day 3 = Lara is absent today so Jim and I went to her house and found out that she has flu. And I had to again study for an hour.

Day 4 = Influenza has spread throughout North America. Well even I am feeling a little cough in my through. Today she made me study for one and a half hour.

Day 5 = While leaving I saw a girl drowning in the school swimming pool. I had to save her as I could see no one around. I am damned wet. I found out that she was a teachers daughter I left her to the teacher and went home. Today aunt had some work so I enjoyed life to the fullest.

Day 6 = I am not feeling well. I have a high fever aunt took me to the hospital the doctor diagnosed me and said that I am suffering from Pneumonia and had to be admitted in the hospital. There goes my weekend.

Hello everyone, this is my first time writing a story. In this, the main character lives in New York. I don't live in New York, I don't even live in America. So there will be some mistakes as I have only written based on my research and watching the movies. So SORRY in anticipation

I hope you like the story well we have not even begun the story. So stay tuned I will try to update it every week on Monday (according to IST). I am open to any suggestions. Thank you.

Have some idea about my story? Comment on it and let me know.

Next CHAPTER = Death of Mike.

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