
Mayik- The Legend of Strine

A teenager from New York, America lives his life as any average teenager would. He hates going to school and likes to play with his friends. He is a well-mannered child who respects his parents and elders. But life is unfair, he is diagnosed with influenza which leads him to his death. On the other hand in a different world, in a different continent known as Mayik, an epic tale is about to begin, changing the face of the whole continent. Read Luke's journey to become a great man revered by everyone. A journey that consists of hatred, jealousy, love, respect, and many more emotions.

Harsh_Gupta_4218 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Infiltrating the Goblin Village

In the darkness of the night, some silhouettes were seen moving around a little away from the Goblin Village.

The Goblin guards of the village saw the silhouettes of the girls and blew their wooden whistle and around 10 goblins came out from the village. Among them, two were carrying daggers with them. Undoubtedly they were Goblin Soldiers.

Seeing women they ran in their direction with lust visible on their faces. The two guards were still on duty when the Goblin group was far away chasing down the girls.

*Slash* *Slash*

Following two slashes their heads rolled on the ground and from behind them Luke and Arot appeared their swords in blood.

Arot: You surely are skilled. At least more a normal soldier.

Luke thanked him as their 4 soldiers appeared beside them.

Arot: <whispering> Ok time to go but remember we do not have to engage them. Luke your job is to rescue the girls and take them with you back to the village. The rest of us will try to assassinate the Hobgoblin. The lives of our people lie in our hands, so we have to do it. Are you ready?

Everyone is riled up hearing Arot and they enter the village.

Entering the village they see hordes of goblins sleeping around the firecamp. Luke and the group part ways as Luke heads towards the direction of the hut while the group moves towards the cave.

The goblins are not smart enough to make structures so the hut must have been manmade and is too small to fit a hobgoblin. So the captives are most possibly here, while the hobgoblins rest in the cave.

Sneaking towards the hut while avoiding the sleeping goblins on the way, Luke reaches the door and opens it slowly. Inside he sees the 4 girls sitting in the corner very scared to move.

Seeing Luke, Bleny, and the rest are surprised, but the next moment they become scared.

Bleny: Luke what are you doing here? It's dangerous.


Luke motions them to be silent and tells them the situation in short but then he sees that one of them is missing and understands that she is taken by the hobgoblin. He whispers to them to follow him and the girls obey him.

Bleny: Luke Bloom was taken away by them.

Luke: I understood. Leave it to Sir Arot.

Luke leads the girls near the entrance of the village.


Suddenly one of the girls accidentally steps on a twig waking up a nearby goblin. Before Luke could slash the goblin, it blew the whistle waking up more goblins.

Luke: There are no goblins between here and the entrance. Run straight after exiting the village. You will find our soldiers stationed there. Tell them it's time.

The girls followed Luke's instructions as they knew that they will only become a liability to Luke. Bleny watched Lukes's back as he slashed a nearby goblin feeling very helpless but at last, decided to run.

Luke started slashing and stabbing the goblins as they had just woken up and had no idea about the situation and with no weapon with them they were just like a chicken waiting to be killed. After killing around ten of them he saw them reorganize and decided to retreat.


He was about to turn back when he heard a loud Screech. He understood that the group has succeded in their mission, and now they just have to leave this village.


Suddenly the earth began to shake as though there was an earthquake. Luke saw the group coming out of the cave. Their face was filled with horror, and following came a hobgoblin. No sorry two hobgoblins. The nearby goblins shivered in horror seeing their masters angry while the group reached Luke with the captured girl.

Luke:<Shocked> Were there two hobgoblins?

Soldier 1: No three. Sir Arot just killed one as he was trying to ...

He stopped saying and Luke understood what happened.

Arot: Luke, did you rescue the rest?

Luke: Yes, Sir Arot.

Arot: Great now leave with the girl as per your mission our job is still not complete.

Luke was about to decline when he saw the rest of the soldiers entering the village and slaughtering the goblins.

Soldier X: That was a great idea kid they let their guard down and were killed.

Luke: Sir Arot and my fellow comrades I will come back as soon as I leave them safely.

Arot: Don't worry kid. Just relay the information and ask the Reik town for help. They are the nearest to our village and the village will be saved.

Arot: Now soldiers deal with the goblins and leave the hobgoblins to me.

Soldiers: Yes Sir.

Luke ran away from them with the little girl. After reaching a safe distance from the village near the high ground where the rest of the girls were he turned around to look at the village.

What he saw shocked and scared him. He saw many of the soldiers already losing their limbs and many dead goblins. He had just one thought "Even when I am strong, would I be able to fight on a battlefield? No the battlefield is hell, I am not ready yet".

Not wasting any more time he took the girls and ran towards the village. Unknown to him some goblins had escaped the village to follow him.

Running for a while he noticed that the girls were tired and hence stopped and told them to rest. Everyone was exhausted, both physically and mentally.


Suddenly Luke saw a goblin soldier attacking one of the girls and immediately parried his attack. But another goblin appeared behind the first and attacked him.


Luke had no choice but to take the slash. Then goblins appeared and surrounded them while Luke held his shoulder in pain. But he had no time to wince in pain as he and the girls were surrounded and in danger. Gritting his teeth he tried to summon Caterpi.


As he was in pain he put more power into summoning as a result there were two animals summoned. Caterpi and a humanoid lizard with a fire tail. But Luke had no time to react as the goblins started to attack them.

Luke: Caterpi protect the girls and you, I don't know how you came but since you have come help Caterpi.

Listening to his command Caterpi immediately moves near the girls as they were attacked by the goblins.


But before Caterpi could do anything the creature slashed them with his claws injuring them. Luke was surprised.

Luke: Good job buddy just deal with the goblins that come near the girl. Leave the rest to me. It time.


Luke smirks as he activates the wind magic and his sword is covered in wind.


He slashed the sword at the approaching goblin soldier and the goblin was instantly chopped in half. Seeing this the other three goblin soldiers stopped but the rest of the goblins attacked him and were met with the same mercy as the previous one. On the other hand, the Lizard was slashing at any approaching goblins with his claws.

The battle went on like this for some time when finally Luke reached his limit. He was no longer able to generate wind magic. But they had cleared nearly all the goblins.

Seeing Luke no longer use magic two goblin soldiers moved to fight him while the other one sneaked near the girls unnoticed by anyone.


Everyone's attention moved toward's the noise and they saw the goblin soldier near Bleny but his dagger was embedded in Caterpi. He took the stab meant for bleny.

Luke: <Horrified> NO Caterpi.

Luke fought the two goblin soldiers angrily as his slashes started becoming heavier.

On the other side, the lizard was also enraged seeing his fellow comrade like this and roared at the goblin soldier in his anger.


As he roared a ball of fire came from his mouth and was fired towards the goblin soldier burning him while Luke activated his wind magic again with much effort and slashed the remaining two goblin soldiers.

After killing them he rushed towards Caterpi, bending on the ground he took him in his arms.

Luke: <Crying> No Caterpi hold on. You will be fine.

Sensing its death near Caterpi made a small squeak seeing Luke and Bleny one last time as if saying thank you and closing its eyes. Never to open it again as it's body turned into light. Bleny was still in shock seeing this while Luke was crying.

Suddenly one of the goblins was able to bypass the lizard and charged towards Luke.


Suddenly Luke's world went blank as he fell to the ground.

Hello folks.

Sorry for the late update but this is my first time writing a novel so I was researching how to write it effectively.

So enjoy.

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