
Mayflower compact: Tribulation power

All things are wearisome, more than one can say. The eye never has enough of seeing,nor the ear its fill of hearing. What has been will be again What has been done will be done again There is nothing new under the sun . . What about beyond the sun?

Hope_bringer · Eastern
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49 Chs

The secret (l)

When Ba yucho walked into the kitchen a half hour later. Jess was no where in sight, not even in her room. Lunch would be waiting when she returned and then there was the event met to contend with as well.

"Ready?" Jess entered beaming. "What's cooking?" She inquired, looking interested.

"I already made the salads and lunch is a casserole." Ba yucho turned to Jess."and don't expect me to get you dinner, I am not your slave." Sending her out.

"Ohh,piffle!" Jess brushed aside Ba yucho frustration "of course you won't, yucho."

"And it called a 'cook' not slave."

Ba yucho scoffed facing north side




The two of us left the busy area and went directly to a private quarter."you realize that this means something don't you, Ba yucho?" She said.

"I supposed so," I agreed. "It'd look suspicious the didn't a positive expedition at this point. Let's not do anything out of character. I don't want people to start making wild guesses right now."

"I'll send messages to my insider in the city stronghold to find out information about the city Lord."

"Don't bother. I'll take care of that myself. Now let's go pay visit to the investigators. then you and I are going to take a little trip."

"Yucho! I can't leave now."

"You'll have to. I don't know my way around the central."

"I'll let that side by. Let's go before they start questioning our competence."


Two days later, location:Ketan central


Have you ever had that peculiar feeling that what's happening now has happened before? One of the reasons you have is because it's really true. The interruption of the rules of the world had locked everything in one spot, and time and events were simply marching in place. This might help to explain these "repetitions" my past life. In my case, though, I get not only the feeling that something's happened before but also a slight different feeling that going to happen again.`every ruler has one or two things to hide•

"It can't be helped, my source has been transferred to the city Lord main residence."

"What are you going to do?"Ba yucho asked.

"I don't think we need to worry about that," Jess replied with more confidence than I really felt."we'll get an answer through our investigation. Anyways,Who received the FP to the tournament in your village?"

"Just two rowdy boys, two level eight vischaunt. They should be able to top fifty."

"You hope."

"We should go and see the tournament. It'll start soon maybe in a week i guess."


Somewhere in the woods.

"His body is giving response but he hasn't opened his eyes." Cleavon alerted Elder Fa.

Elder Fa sighed,"what about the investigators?"

"Nothing still-" Cleavon found a place to sit."they have nothing. I did my job perfectly old man."

"Okay. Do you know why the city Lord is fully involved in this. I can see something fishy going on. I never expect a city Lord to start investigating on a local village elders death."

"You are right.^should I go find out the answers."

"Can you?"

"Just say the word."

"Don't die!"

"Urghhh! I will go now."

Cleavon dashed away from the cave.


The Storm had finally passed, and brighter side is under a brighter blue sky.

Four days before the tournament.


A woman who seemed young. Her hair was fawning and her eyes a curious dark blue color. Oddly, she didn't wear any shoes, and I noticed that she had pretty feet.

Yes, I've, if that what you think.

I manage to open my eyes and regain consciousness four days before the tournament.

She stood in the doorway as I wake up.-almost as if she'd been expecting me. Recognizing her, 'Niki!'

Lucian muttered those words before he passed out again.

Once again opening his eyes. A fire burned merrily on her hearth, and a large kettle bubbled and hiccupped over it. Wondrous smell come from that kettle and from the loaves of freshly baked bread on the hearth.

"One wonder if you would care to wash before you eat," she suggested with a certain delicacy.

To be honest, I hadn't ever thought of that.

All I felt not is hunger and pain.

She seemed to take my hesitation for agreement. She fetched me a pail of water,warm from the hearth, a cloth,a towel of sorts, and a cake of brown country soap. "Out there,"she told me, pointing at the door.

I staggered on my feet and went outside, get the pail on a stand beside the door, and washed my hands and face. Almost as an after thought, I pulled off my tunic and soaped down my upper torso, as well. I dried off with the towel, pulled my tunic back on, and went inside.

She sniffed."much better,"she said approvingly. Then she pointed at the table,"sit," she told me."I will bring you food." Lucian felt a severe pain in his throat he couldn't speak or make a sound. She fetched an earthen ware plate from a cupboard, padding silently barefooted over her well scrubbed floor. Then she knelt on her hearth, ladled the plate full and brought me a meal such as I had not seen in years.

Her easy familiarity seemed just a bit odd, but it somehow stepped over that awareness than I think we all feel when we first met strangers.

After I'd eaten_ more than I should have, probably_ we talked and I find this 'Niki' woman to have the most uncommon good sense. This is to say that she agreed with most of my opinions.

Feelings gone all over, Lucian excused himself and went back to his slumber. He slept abnormally, °he woke only after twenty hours°

← 19 days ago

What's this feeling.

Oh look! Master won.

Lucian roused his feet up to take a step and felt a pull. On the ground,he couldn't control his breathing, he felt... empty.

What is this feeling? What is pulling me away like this? What...?


Lucian blue eyes began to flicker and then slowly close up, unable to stop it.

He went into vegetative state.


"It such a miracle you have here, elder Fa. Can't believe someone had a breakthrough at the verge of death. This body is completely weakened and couldn't take all the surge all to himself."

"Yes, he should be able to participate in the tournament with this strength.....if he gain consciousness."

"I hope so."

T. D.

Pun family_

It was about dawn in choram. The sentry up there was noticeably startled when he turned around and saw a man standing in a place he'd just passed."I need to talk to the family head."he told him."where is he?"

"I think he's still asleep. Who are you? And how did you get up here?"

Does the name Burtik ring any bells for you?"

He gaped at me.

"Close your mouth and take me to Kari." I told him. I get so tired of having people gawk at me when I'm in a hurry.

Family head Kari was snoring when I reached his bedchamber. The bed was seriously mused up, and so was the playmate,a busty young woman who immediately dived under the covers when I entered. I jerked open the drapes at the window and turned around."All right, Kari," I barked."wake up!"

His eyes popped open. Kari was a fairly young man. He was tall and lean, and he had a decidedly hooked nose.

"Good morning, Burtik," the family head greeted me with unruffled calm."welcome to the pun residence." Fortunately,he was an intelligent man and not nearly excitable like his younger brother.

"Your brother has been hired by the city Lord, I have to come down myself. This is the pill you ordered, the tournament starts tomorrow."

"If he loses, you might offend (him) and come back and find all of pun's infested with poisonous snakes." I started towards the door."you can tell the girl to come out now, Kari," I threw back over my shoulder."she'll smother if she stays under there too long." I stopped."Don't you think it about time for you to stop all of this playing?" I asked him.

"There's no real harm in it, Burtik."

"Not unless it get out of hand. I think it's time for you to get married and settle down."

"I can do that later."he replied"Right now I've got business to take care of."


The brighten stone village_

Violet lazily rolled over her bed and was startled by Quinn. "Why aren't you sleeping?. it not yet sunrise, What happened?" Violet lazy hands flocked away her blanket cover and sit up.

"I'm just waiting for you to wake. I'm going to ketan central, are you with me?" Quinn serious look quickly get Violet's attention.

"Come on,he isn't lost, g'rl. He just didn't want to bother us."

"I used want to tell you that, I don't need you opinion. He disappear after the elders incident, I hope he's still alive and maybe I can see him again at ketan central and you are not stopping me." Quinn got hold of her already packed bagpack and sneaked out of the village.


"What is it?"

"I'm going with you. You guys are the only family I have left."then her revealed her hands"you could have put everything in this storage pouch silly."

"Are you....."

"Don't ask. If we continue to linger here we won't make it to the central before the tournament."

"Fine. Give me the pouch."

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