
Maybe... I am yours?

Aiden Jiménez is college student struggling to think what he wanna do in future. One day at midnight he goes to buy some beer and stops by a park nearby, that's when he hears someone singing, he approaches that person and but she runs away. The next day when he goes to college the teacher asks him to teach a student who is weak in studies and that student turns out to be the girl who was singing in the park. (I'm bad at writing synopsis TvT) (no chapters on weekends)

HoneyPepper · Realistic
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9 Chs

The Whole Building Was Listening!!

Finally after many hours or struggle and despair

Aiden finally wakes up because he had to go to the toilet.

He goes to the toilet without noticing the whole ritual thing surrounding him.

after coming from the bathroom he notices everyone

"Haa! all the pressure is gone, Oh you guys what are you all doing and Miss Eletha, I'm really impressed, you made them your friends in such a little time."

"From today onwards I'll have a lot in common with these guys so I decide to be friends."

"Hmm...what happened here?"

"Well a lot of things happening but I guess you'll never know."

"oooookeeey! what about you guys?"

"We are just sharing our pain with each other while drinking this coffee your teacher, Miss Eletha made."

"Seriously what happened when I was alseep!!?"

"Well, we won't trouble you anymore, let's leave guys Aiden is awake now."

And so the gang left leaving just Eletha who was in despair after witnessing the sleeping beauty who don't wake up at all in real life and it wasn't a good experience at all.

"Miss Eletha? are you OK?"

"Don't you dare ask me if I'm OK or not, you are the reason my morning just turned into hell, I thought you were a good man yesterday seeing you do housework, you walked like an angle, you talked like an angle but I got wise, you are the devil in disguise."

"Oh a classic song reference."

"Don't change the topic!!!"

"Well I probably should have said you yesterday that due to heavy rain yesterday, our sewage system stopped working and it flooded our college. I got message from the college that today is holiday so everyone got a day off."

"but I used one of my paid leave to get holiday today... NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!"

It was a bad day for Eletha.

"Get fresh Miss Eletha, our singer is gonna come today."



"Say that sooner dummy!!? what should I wear?"

"You don't need to wear anything special."

"But the first impression is the last impression."

"You know that person very well already so you won't be needing the first impression."

"the singer is someone who I know?"

"Yes, don't ask who, you'll know."

Ding Dong Ding Dong Ding Dong ringed the bell

Eletha went to open the door and it was Belle.

saying that Eletha was surprised to see Belle would be an understatement because Belle and Aiden were not on good terms when she left for her hometown but suddenly Belle is at the door of Aiden

"HI Miss Eletha, I'm sure you didn't see this coming." Said Belle.


Eletha uses all the power of her 2 brain cells to figure out why Belle was there.

"Belle, tell me honestly, do you like Aiden and when you heard that I'm with him which got you jealous and you came here to fight with me for his love!!?"

"No! what made you jump to that kind of bizarre conclusion."

"Oh because I just experience that a few hours ago."

"What happend!!?"

"Nothing...Nothing happened."

Eletha went in the kitchen to make some more coffee to recover from the morning incident and also some for Belle.

"Here you go Belle, have some coffee."

"Oh, thank you Miss Eletha."

"So why did you came here?"

"to help you guys out?"

"help us out? so you are the one who is helping Aiden to find a singer."

"What? I was suppose to find another singer?"

Aiden comes out of his bedroom after eating dust off the Instruments.

"Don't pay attention to her Belle.

and Miss Eletha, the singer who is gonna help us both is Belle herself."

"What!!? Belle you can sing?"

"Ya I can sing a little bit."

"Would you sing for me a little so that I can hear it."

"Ya sure."

"Here Belle take this, these are the lyrics I wrote, I'll like to hear you sing them."

"I'll try my best."

Belle clears her throat and proceeds to sing

"You are my fantasy

You mean everything to me

No one would love you

Like I do~

My royal majesty

I'll love you for eternity

I feel like you are the one

the one and only~

Hearing Belle sing turned Eletha's bad day into a very good one, her voice was as soothing as nature and the way she uses her voice to make these sounds that can't be defined by words was just miracle. Eletha never thought that's Belle would be soo good at singing it was a pleasant surprise for her that one of her student was a genius in singing.

"Miss Eletha, I heard Belle for the first time at the park in this area during midnight and I can't forget that moment. Her singing was soo strong that the nature itself was reacting to it, there is just some magic to her."

"What kind of back story is that!!? but yess, you are right, she does have some magic."

"So Miss Eletha wanna join her?"

"What do you mean?"

"Grab the bass and I'll get the drums."

"Oooooooo, let's turn the world upside down."

Eletha and Aiden quickly went and brought the Instruments outside and started playing. Their timing was out of sync at the start but as they both tried to to match their speed with Belle slowly their terrible sound was turning into a beautiful melody.

Line by line, as Belle kept singing her voice was getting better and better and beat by beat, as Eletha and Aiden kept playing, their sound kept getting more and more in sync and at the climax they finally got in sync with each other.

Base, drum and voice, as all 3 got together in their best form. Yhe song it made was nothing like they ever heard before.

while playing their hearts out they forgot that they were not actually in the bed room where there was sound proof panels, they were in the living room.

The song they were playing was heard by everyone in the building, everyone stop what they were doing just to hear this sweet song.

" Like the sky so big

and the sea so deep

my love for you is

even more then them.

Unlimited luxury

nothing seems good to me

I'll already have you

and thats enough for me."

and soon their performance came to an end.

"Heeeey!!?" someone was at the door.

"All 3 went to see who was at the door."

there wasn't just 1 person on the door, there was a whole group. They were the same people who came to wake Aiden up.

"Oh it's you guys! what's up?" asks Aiden.

"Well we heard a noise from you room and-" says one of the girls.

"I'm sorry we'll stop it right away, we are sorry for disturbing you all." said Belle immediately

"Hey Belle! what are you doing?" asked Eletha

"Can't you see Miss Eletha, some scary people have come to pick a fight, I've learned that apologizing is a best way to solve the problem." answered Belle

"I can't blame you for thinking that, but don't worry these are good people, Aiden is the one who is a bad person." said Eletha.

"Aiden!!?" said Belle out of shock.

"So, you guys are hearing noise, sorry we'll practice in our noise proof room." said Aiden

"No you got it wrong." said one of the people

"The whole building including us liked your song, consider us as your fans, So please keep it up." The whole gang said together.

"Whaatt!? The whole building was listening!!"

I'll be posting chapter rarely for sometime because I'm writing 2 series and also because I don't want to rush, i want to take time to write the best story I can. So please continue to love and support Maybe... I am yours?.

Also if you have time check our my other series 'Assassin X Revenge'

HoneyPeppercreators' thoughts