
Maybe My Soulmate! (GL)

New Update! :- 1 chapter/day will be uploaded. English isn't my first language so, do forgive me if I have made any mistakes. This is a gl novel in a xianxia cultivation novel. No misunderstandings , extremely fast paced romance, No other love interests. Major Update : There will be a BL side couple. This is the story of our two protagonists Mo Yuxin (MC) and Su Yubing(FL) who are bound by a Bond so strong that it transcends reality itself. They are each other's one and only soulmate, their love knows no bound. This is story of their journey to cultivating immortality in a world that is unfair to women , in a world that is wholly dominated by men, where strength is all that matters. Without strength , you don't even get a chance to live peacefully. Our mc Mo Yuxin gets a legendary inheritance from a primordial god who is also one of the oldest gods to live till date and the only one in all of multiverse. This god and her already deceased soulmate decided to leave their inheritance to their only descendant to whom the god's soulmate left a piece of their soul. Watch as how their journey brings about unprecedented changes to the whole world and the multiverse and their sweet and steamy love which will make your tooth ache from sweetness. Mo Yuxin:- Are you exhausted, baby? Su Yubing:- *glares threateningly* It's all your fault. Mo Yuxin:- what do I do? You're just too delicious ~~ *licking her lips* Su Yubing:- Shameless! *a blushing mess* THIS IS MY VERY OWN WORK. Disclaimer:- I do not own the cover, if the owner of this cover wishes for me take it down, please comment and I will take it down.

Saim_Hossain · LGBT+
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84 Chs

Chapter 7 - Is her foundation broken !!

As that horrifying thunder tribulation passed a golden blue mist started gathering from all around her and started healing her body, mind, spirit and also strengthening not only her physic but also her spirit and soul.

As the healing progressed, the burnt and black dried up blood all over her body started cracking like spider webs and when they fell of, new jade like skin could be seen on her body which was far more tough and beautiful than before. It could only be called god's own creation.

As her body and mind gradually healed and returned to its optimal state, she washed herself completely clean with water which she conjured from the air with her qi. Then she willed her sky Avenue Robe and dusk lily pin to appear from her soul space.

Then she told little An to repair the damages done to the system interspace. 

As previously stated, in the foundation building stage you are required to make your dantian take the shape of a crucible which should be tough but also elastic and be greater in size for it to be more valuable.

In foundation building stage your goal should be to make your dantian into the shape of a crucible which will hold all your powers in the future and for that it needs to be extremely compressed and tough but should also be elastic and be greater in size. 

It's colour represents your future potential. Violet being the highest , then purple, then blue, then gold, then ash being the weakest and the most common.

It's size also varies from the size of glass to the size of a water droplets being the weakest.

You have to be extremely carefull when building your foundation as this is the most important phase in cultivators whole lifetime as this stage will decide how much you will progress in the future. This stage should not be rushed at all and be done step by step to ensure utmost perfection.

As stated before that it's colour represents its potential and value ash being the weakest and violent being the strongest which is probably only seen in one in a trillion talent.

90% of the world's cultivator have an ash coloured foundation who can only go upto golden core stage in their lifetime only a few rare cases have been seen where an ash coloured foundation got to the nascent soul realm. 

If the remaining 10% which is quite a lot in number as the world of cultivation is thousands of times more bigger and vast than earth and the population is also in trillions.

Cultivators with gold coloured foundation has the potential to go upto nascent soul realm. Some gold colours can also go upto soul separation realm but that depends entirely upon the individual and his/her luck, will power and many more conditions.

Blue coloured ones has the potential to go upto harmony realm, purple having the potential to go upto tribulation realm and 

VIOLET which is the most rare in the whole universe has the potential to go upto Ascension and beyond after which everything depends on the individuals themselves.

Right now Mo Yuxin was fully healed and the golden blue mist has been completely absorbed by her body and soul. 

As she was checking her body and the newly built foundation she was quite shocked by former but when she saw her foundation and the 3 crucible which she built in her three dantians (namely the middle of the forehead, the center of the heart and in the stomach where the naval is), she was not surprised but her mind was in a bit of a bewilderment and more of a confusion as what she saw only made her frown the more she thought about it.

The colours of the crucible as in the foundation which the system previously told her and the information about it seemed pretty useless in her case as what what she saw was neither ash nor gold or blue or purple, it's not even violet infact it was nothing as it was a transparent colour just like how water has no colour, her foundation also doesn't have any colour.

She asked the system about it.

"What's wrong with my foundation, little An ? It's neither the colours you mentioned in the information and master also hasn't left me any information about this. It's not a broken foundation is it? It shouldn't be right as I feel full of power and energy and vitality."

"That is because you weren't given this specific information as master didn't know if you could get this result as its an extremely difficult feat to achieve even for master herself when she first stepped foot in the foundation building stage.

As for what this is, its the result of the combination of your golden Buddha Body, your divine sense and the unique and only cultivation technique in existence "the divine sense of oblivion" which is master's lifetime of work and achievement. 

This foundation has no limit to it's potential at that's what master believes. You're the third person in the all of existence after master and her soulmate to achieve this feat and for that congratulations big sis."

"Thanks, little An. After all the outrageous feats I've achieved after getting this inheritance, any more doesn't surprise me anymore. Well, maybe also due to the fact that nothing could ever surprise me anymore thanks to my divine sense.

Anyway, how does this benefit me, little An? 

I guess, I will probably cultivate at a crazy fast state and will not encounter any difficulties, is that right?"

"Yes, big sis, hehe, you're sooo~~ smart big sis~~~"

'How cute' I thought in my mind as her cute and coquettish voice made my dull mood disappear in an instant and reminded me that I also have a cute little sister who will be with me for a long time.

After finding about the new information about my transparent foundation and it's potential I felt a little relief and started thinking that I need to quickly cultivate to initial nascent soul realm quickly so that I can leave this dull and boring place as soon as possible and enter my new life.

I was also happy about the bonus i gained from the tribulation as my body strength advanced from initial nascent soul to perfection nascent soul realm. This also gave me a little more confidence in surviving my new life.

After thinking about my immediate future plans, I took a little rest as it seems after arriving in this place I haven't had single bite of food. 

Though I do not need to consume any food as my nascent soul realm body or any cultivator in nascent soul realm can completely abandon food as the qi nourishes the body and food is no longer a necessity.

Food is pretty much viewed as a waste of time by these cultivators normally but my thoughts are a little different.

Even in my previous life the only thing that gave me a little feeling of life in my dull and monotonous life was tasting different varieties of food and that's why unexpected to all, I also learned cooking which is at the level of professional chefs.

I'm pretty confident in making different varieties of food from Chinese cuisine to western.

After asking the system to help me get the ingredients for my cooking which little An was more than happy to do so as little tasks like these are easy for the inheritance.

After getting all the items needed, I started cooking for the first time after a thousand years and the first meal I will have before going into my new life.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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