
Chapter 25

One week later.

It's been a week since my mom in the hospital. The place that I go every day is office and hospital. I miss her, I miss her food, I miss her hug, I miss everything about her. For Brandon and Grayson, I am grateful that they already be like before. The inseparable twins. We all are in good terms now and we're waiting for mom to wake up and everything will be like we used to be.

Oh, about me and Lucas, we also already back in good terms. He apologizes to me the day after that and telling me everything that happened that day. He even tells me the reason why he lets Elizabeth working at his company and all. So, now my mind is finally in ease. I am glad he's been with me for the whole time when I'm sad thinking about my mom. He really sweet and caring about me. I can say I found the perfect guy for myself.