
Maybe giving Creation Magic to a Weapon Expert wasn't such a good idea

Max Harris was a 34 years old researcher who worked at a company specializing in developing modern weapons. At least until he got killed by the mistake of the God of Earth. Now he is to be transmigrated to another world "Gaia", while he gains the power of Creation Magic. Can he use his new power to survive in this new world or will he succumb to one of the many unknown dangers of Gaia?

UnwantedTraveler · Fantasy
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Chapter 2 - Arrival in another World, Naked (and Afraid?)

"Ughhh..." groaned Max as he regained his consciousness and opened his eyes. He could see the clear blue sky above him with a couple of branches with green oak tree like leaves on the periphery of his vision.

As he continued laying there taking the view in he could feel the gentle wind caressing his whole body and the grass blades touching his skin.

'Wait.' he thought. 'I can feel the wind and the grass a little too well. Please don't say I am actually...'

"AAAAHHH!" he screamed pushing himself into standing position in one smooth motion and scanning his surroundings while trying to hide his prized possessions.

He could only see the trees in every direction he looked.

"Don't tell me... did she really just drop me off in the middle of the woods completely naked?!"

"Okay, first things first, I should make myself some clothes. Let's see how Creation Magic works."

"According to the system I just have to imagine the item as accurately as possible and then think "Create: X item"."

'Create: Men underwear' he tought and watched as a pair of male underpants materialized in the grass front of him.

"YES! Hahahaha... Oh god I would never imagine I would feel so happy just for seeing an underwear." he said while putting it on.

.Let's see how much mana that took. System.'


Name: Max Harris

Level: 1

Experience: 0%/100%

Health: 100%

Mana: 95/100


"I used 5 points mana just to make that. Guess I will have to work on expanding my mana reserves."

"I would love to create a woodland camo army uniform but if I met anyone I'm sure I would look suspicious wearing that."

'Create: Green cotton shirt'

'Create: Brown linen pants with leather belt'

'Create: Leather boots'

"That should look inconspicuous enough." said Max as he put his clothes on.

"I have 40 mana left, I should create something to defend myself with, but I don't think I have enough mana left for something like a pistol, much less the ammo. I will have to be content with a knife."

'Create: M9 Bayonet'

"Ughh... my head" Max groaned while the knife materialized in front of him and he collapsed to the ground.



Name: Max Harris

Level: 1

Experience: 0%/100%

Health: 100%

Mana: 10/100

[WARNING: Low mana levels can cause intense migraine and/or loss of consciousness until the mana level normalizes.]


"Gee, thanks for mentioning that before I almost made myself a free meal for some wild animal." he said while panting.

'Note to self: Never overuse mana.'

He rested on the ground for a few minutes until his headache went away and then stood up.

'I guess it's time to pick a direction and start walking. Let's go towards the sun. At least that will ensure that I am not walking in circles.' he thought to himself while picking up his knife.

While carefully walking through the forest he also kept an eye on his mana levels. He noticed that he regained 2 mana point in around a minute or so.

As he continued walking, Max noticed a few squirrel like animals running about in the trees but nothing that would warrant his attention.

After walking for an hour he heard the sound of running water.

'Finally, a river.' he said to himself while approaching it.

The river was around 20 meter wide and it's water looked cleaner than any running body of water Max ever seen on Earth. The water was clear enough to see even the river bed.

'Now I just have to follow the river down it path and I should most likely find a town.' he thought to himself as he followed the running water.

'My mana is full now I should probably create a ranged weapon as well. Also a scabbard to keep my knife in when I'm not using it.

'Create scabbard.'

After creating his scabbard he attached it to his belt and put his knife away.

'On second thought since I don't have enough mana to create an entire pistol in one go, I should be able to create parts of it and then put it together when I have everything for it to work. I think I will do just that, while following the river.'

While walking and recovering his mana he thought about what kind of pistol to create. First he thought about creating a revolver, because compared to modern semi-automatic pistols revolvers were easier to put together and they could be loaded one bullet at a time. That would have made it easier for Max not to overuse his mana.

But he ultimately decided on creating a FN Five-Seven pistol because it could use bullets with high armor piercing capabilities and unlike the revolver, he could put a suppressor on it.

Since he didn't have the tools neccessary for putting a pistol together nor a workbench to work on, he decided on creating the different parts one by one already connected to the previous part.

Thankfully creating a single weapon part didnt take much mana at all so the creation of the gun went smoothly, while Max continued walking.

After walking for about an hour Max started to feel hungry so he sat down on a large rock next to the river and created a sandwich for himself. It cost him 5 mana points to make it.

The pistol was just about done, but after he completes it, he will still need to create bullets for it. While eating his sandwich he rested for about 10 minutes to regenerate his mana.

"Finally, I finished it." - He exclaimed after creating the last part of his pistol, now that he got enough mana. - "Now I only need to craft the bullets and a silencer."

He immediately checked whether the gun was working as intended, after making sure everything was in order, he created a bullet, put it into the magazine and loaded it into the pistol.

"Hmmm... creating a single bullet costs 3 mana points, so that means I need 60 mana to full load a magazine. I have 25 right now but I don't want to go under that and risk falling unconscious. I will need about half an hour to have all 20 bullets. The silencer should cost about another 30 mana too." He said, talking to himself, while he got up and started to walk again.

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