

Embark on a thrilling journey with Maya as she discovers a world beyond her wildest imagination - a mythical world inhabited by the Ucans. As Maya navigates this enchanting new realm, she realizes that the Ucans are living amongst humans in secret. But what happens when the truth is revealed? Will humans accept the Ucans or turn against them? Maya's fate becomes intertwined with the Ucans as she discovers a deep connection to their world. When their very existence is threatened, Maya takes on the role of Emaev, their leader, and fights to protect the Ucans from harm. But as a born human, can she truly convince others to see the Ucans as allies instead of threats? "MAYA THE EMAEV" is a captivating tale that will leave readers on the edge of their seats, exploring themes of identity, belonging, and the power of acceptance. Join Maya on her journey and discover a world beyond your wildest dreams. “Wha- Wha- What is that?" Minho screamed at the top of his lungs while pointing toward one tree. He was in a deep panic after discovering something unusual behind the trees. As he said, everyone looked toward the tree in fear, and when they realized the situation, they ran in the opposite direction except Jaena, who was sitting on the ground while her twin brother Jaebin lay half unconscious on her lap. Jaena looked toward the tree and saw that some unusual creature was peeking innocently from behind the tree. "Don't come near—don't come near, please," Jaena said with fear as she saw that thing slowly start coming toward her. When Maya saw her trembling body, she became sad, but without saying anything, she reassured Jaena with her eyes as if they were saying, "I won't hurt you; please trust me."

Hibah_Siddiqui · Eastern
Not enough ratings
51 Chs

We're your family now.

Daehyun, Jaebin, and Minho entered the police station, the weight of the responsibility heavy on their shoulders. The killer they caught was sitting in a chair, restrained by handcuffs, staring at them with cold eyes.

"Excuse me, officer," Daehyun stepped forward, his voice clear and confident. "We caught this man last night, and we strongly believe he's the serial killer who has been terrorizing our village."

The officer raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. "And what proof do you have of that?"

Minho cleared his throat. "He attacked us in the forest, sir. He was armed and said he wanted to kill us like the others. We defended ourselves, and he shot both of us."

The officer's expression didn't change. "Do you have any injuries to show for it? Any witnesses?"

Daehyun's confidence wavered for a moment. "Well, no, we don't. But we did find his rifle, and he had it on him when we caught him."

The officer shook his head. "I'm sorry, but that's not enough. We can't just take your word for it. And, as far as we know, there is no serial killer in this village. The person responsible for the murders is a White Witch, and she's been dealt with."

Daehyun, Jaebin, and Minho exchanged a look of disbelief. They had risked their lives to catch this man, and now it seemed like all their efforts were in vain.

"Can't you at least investigate him?" Jaebin spoke up, desperation creeping into her voice. "He was armed and dangerous, and we had to subdue him. He's not just some innocent man."

The officer sighed, clearly annoyed. "I understand your concern, but without any concrete evidence, there's nothing we can do. I'm sorry, but I have to release him."

The three friends left the police station, feeling defeated and frustrated. They had done everything they could, but it seemed like justice was out of their hands. As they walked down the street, they saw the killer being set free, and they knew that he would be out there, somewhere, waiting to strike again.

"We can't just let him go," Minho said, his jaw clenched. "We have to find a way to prove that he's guilty."

Daehyun nodded, determination in his eyes. "You're right. We can't give up now. We'll find a way to bring him to justice, no matter what it takes."

And with that, they set off, their minds racing with plans and strategies to catch the killer and prove his guilt, no matter what obstacles they might face.


Jaena mumbled something unintelligible under Seola's hand before breaking free and glaring at her friend. "Oh please, Seola. Your sense of humor is drier than a desert. You wouldn't know a good joke if it hit you in the face."

Seola rolled her eyes. "That's not true, I can appreciate a good joke. But your jokes are just...well, let's just say they're not your strong suit."

Jaena pouted. "Well excuse me for trying to lighten the mood. We're stuck with you, Am I right, Maya?"

"I think a few jokes from Jaena will help pass the time," Maya suggested.

Seola snickered. "Yeah, but not if they're so bad they make our ears bleed."

Jaena huffed, crossing her arms. "Fine, I'll stop. But don't blame me if this waiting time turns into a snooze-fest."

Seola grinned. "Oh, don't worry. I have a few tricks up my sleeve to keep us entertained."

As girls continued to laugh and tease each other, the boys arrived carrying a hefty load of items, and a sense of relief washed over the group as they reunited.

Seola and Jenna eagerly rushed over to inspect the haul, hoping to find ingredients for breakfast. Maya soon joined them, curious to see what they had brought back.

As Jaebin spotted Maya approaching, he handed her a large bag and simply said, "This is for you."

Although his expression didn't betray his emotions, he was thrilled to have been able to purchase items specifically for her.

Jaena quickly snatched the bag from Maya's grasp and eagerly began to rummage through its contents. She discovered it was filled to the brim with packets of Choco bars, along with toothpaste and an assortment of meat; chicken and beef to be precise.

"Wow, he really listens to you," Seola teased Maya.

Maya blushed and giggled, "Yeah, he's a good listener when it comes to Choco Bar."

Overwhelmed with excitement, Jaena turned to Maya and exclaimed, "Oh my goodness, your new brother is just the sweetest! He's never done something like this for me before. You're so lucky!" She continued to gush without pausing, while Jaebin glared at her fiercely before storming off.

Jaena's inner delight was evident as she playfully teased both her brother and Maya, all the while attempting to confirm her suspicions.

Although she still had some unanswered questions, she had uncovered some clues that brought a smile to her face.

Grabbing Maya's hand, she led her away to start breakfast with a newfound enthusiasm.

"Girls, we tried to hand over the serial killer to the police, but they're not convinced that there's a serial killer in the village," Minho explained to the group.

Daehyun chimed in, feeling frustrated. "They believe that the White Witch is behind the disappearances of villagers."

Jaebin continued, anger lacing her voice. "Now that criminal is on the loose, and the police won't even investigate him. What kind of police is that? People are disappearing, and they're not taking action!"

Jaena added, kicking a nearby rock that accidentally hit Daehyun's legs. The two were always getting into physical altercations and being chaotic.

The rest of the group was tired of their antics, but Maya seemed worried, as noticed by Jaebin. "Is everything okay?" Jaebin asked with a serious expression.

"No, he'll come back, and he'll tell them everything about me," Maya's fear was evident in her facial expression.

Seola stepped in, trying to comfort Maya. "Don't worry. Many people in and outside of the village know about you, but they'll remain skeptical until they see you for themselves."

Minho spoke up, assuring Maya that they were there for her. "You don't have to worry. We'll protect you."

Jaena, who had given up her playful antics, came forward and hugged Maya. "You're going to meet your parents soon. The mission to find them is about to start."

Maya's eyes filled with tears. "What if they don't recognize me or if they don't accept me?"

Daehyun hugged her, playing the role of a big brother. "That won't happen. I'm sure of it. A mother never forgets or hates her child."

Seola agreed and joined in on the hug.