

Embark on a thrilling journey with Maya as she discovers a world beyond her wildest imagination - a mythical world inhabited by the Ucans. As Maya navigates this enchanting new realm, she realizes that the Ucans are living amongst humans in secret. But what happens when the truth is revealed? Will humans accept the Ucans or turn against them? Maya's fate becomes intertwined with the Ucans as she discovers a deep connection to their world. When their very existence is threatened, Maya takes on the role of Emaev, their leader, and fights to protect the Ucans from harm. But as a born human, can she truly convince others to see the Ucans as allies instead of threats? "MAYA THE EMAEV" is a captivating tale that will leave readers on the edge of their seats, exploring themes of identity, belonging, and the power of acceptance. Join Maya on her journey and discover a world beyond your wildest dreams. “Wha- Wha- What is that?" Minho screamed at the top of his lungs while pointing toward one tree. He was in a deep panic after discovering something unusual behind the trees. As he said, everyone looked toward the tree in fear, and when they realized the situation, they ran in the opposite direction except Jaena, who was sitting on the ground while her twin brother Jaebin lay half unconscious on her lap. Jaena looked toward the tree and saw that some unusual creature was peeking innocently from behind the tree. "Don't come near—don't come near, please," Jaena said with fear as she saw that thing slowly start coming toward her. When Maya saw her trembling body, she became sad, but without saying anything, she reassured Jaena with her eyes as if they were saying, "I won't hurt you; please trust me."

Hibah_Siddiqui · Eastern
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51 Chs

Blend In, Stand Out

The group knew they needed to blend in and go unnoticed if they were going to pull off their plan. Maya's long hair was a dead giveaway, so they decided to buy big, white, oversize hoodies for everyone. It wasn't just about hiding Maya's hair, it was about looking like a cohesive group, a group that belonged together.

As they searched through stores, they realized that every color they picked out turned white when Maya was around. It was like she had a magical power that drained the color from everything. So, they settled on the white hoodies, pants, and boots, creating a monochromatic look that made them almost disappear into the background.

Maya's hair was still stubborn, and they had to coax her to put on the hoodie, but eventually, she relented. They all slipped inside their oversized hoodies, becoming one with the group. It was a strange feeling, being hidden in plain sight, but they knew it was necessary.

As they prepared for their journey, Maya couldn't help but feel nostalgic, as the hoodie reminded her of a time when she was human. However, she still wore her dress, a symbol of her past life. After weeks of planning, they were finally ready to leave the forest and embark on their adventure. Maya was overjoyed, but couldn't help but feel sad about leaving her animal friends behind.

Minho and Jaena comforted Maya, assuring her that she could always come back and visit. Maya was grateful for their friendship, and couldn't believe how lucky she was to have found true friends in her current situation. Jaebin's comforting gaze also gave her hope, and for a moment, they shared a connection that lasted longer than usual.

As they began their journey, Minho happily carried the bag of Minizs, which he felt was a responsibility rather than a burden.

"Maya! You don't have to worry about your children. Your children are safe with me," Minho winked at Maya while showing her his al the best thumb and said with a big smile.

His care and concern for her children brought a smile to Maya's face. She trusted her friends implicitly, knowing that they would always be there for her, no matter what.

She also made a promise to return the things she had stolen from the forest, if possible, once everything was done.

Despite her excitement, Maya was apprehensive about returning to her human life. She worried that her parents might not recognize her, shattering all her hopes and dreams. However, she pushed those thoughts aside and focused on the journey ahead, eager to see the world again.

"Listen up, everyone," Daehyun called out to the group, his voice ringing out through the narrow alleyway. "We need to act natural and blend in with the crowd. Don't look suspicious and keep a confident stride. Imagine you're a tourist wandering through the city. And Maya," he turned to Maya, giving her a reassuring smile, "you stay close to us and keep your head down. Don't make eye contact with anyone. Here, pretend to read this book."

The group was positioned strategically as they made their way. Daehyun led the way, his sharp eyes scanning for any potential dangers that lay ahead. In the middle were Seola, Maya, and Jaena; their steps synchronized as they moved in unison.

Bringing up the rear were Jaebin and Minho, both towering figures with impressive physiques. Their imposing presence provided a shield for the trio in front of them, ensuring that Maya remained perfectly concealed from any prying eyes. It was a well-planned formation that left nothing to chance.

Seola held onto Maya's hand tightly, offering silent support. As they walked, Maya couldn't help but feel the weight of their dangerous mission bearing down on her. But just as she felt overwhelmed, Jaebin leaned in close to her, his calm voice sending shivers down her spine.

"Don't be scared," he whispered. "We're all here for you. If you need anything, just hold onto my hand. We'll get through this together."

Seola noticed Maya's fear and pulled her even closer, giving her a comforting squeeze.

Minho, who was walking behind them, couldn't help but notice the intimate display of affection. He knew that Jaebin didn't usually like physical touch, so he wondered what was going on between her and Jaebin. Despite his annoyance, he kept his thoughts to himself and focused on the task at hand.

Walking through the city, they felt like a university group on a field trip. They chatted and laughed, making sure to act as inconspicuously as possible. The white hoodies were like a cloak of invisibility, allowing them to move through the crowds undetected.

As they arrived at the bus stop, Maya's heart was pounding with fear. It had been years since she had been in the real world. Her eyes darted around nervously as she stepped onto the bus, trying to avoid the curious gazes of the other passengers. They were giving them strange looks, likely assuming they were part of some bizarre cult or perhaps a team from a university or company.

The group had created fake company logos that were emblazoned on their hoodies and bags, attempting to blend in and avoid drawing unwanted attention. But Maya couldn't help but feel like a fraud, a stranger in a foreign land.

As she found a backseat and settled in, she felt something tugging at her scalp. It was her unruly hair, which had been neglected for far too long. Maya tried to tame it, but it seemed to have a mind of its own. Just as she thought she had it under control, it would wriggle free and cause a scene.

Jaena, sensing her distress, stepped in and offered to braid her hair. Eventually, no one saw or noticed the chaos on the back seat, and her hair also let their guards down and, for the first time, let Jaena turn them into braids.

The group was sitting nervously on the bus, the anticipation building as they neared the port. They were all dressed in matching hoodies, a symbol of their unity and shared goal. Would their plan succeed, or would they get caught? Their hearts raced as they approached the checkpoint, where they would have to undergo an identity check to board the ship. Luckily, they had a friend on the inside who helped them bypass security.

But there was something Maya hadn't told them before—she was able to swim and breathe underwater. As they made their way to the ship, Maya threw herself into the ocean, leaving her friends stunned and worried. But when she surfaced, smiling and unharmed, they realized that she had done it on purpose.

Minho shouted as quietly as possible, "Maya! What are you doing, get out of the water."

"Actually... I didn't tell you that I can breathe in the water," Maya said with a sly smile.

Everyone was dumbfounded by her action and froze at their spot, after realizing they laughed at each other's funny faces they made when they were worried.

"You have to tell us before I was scared to death that you will drown," Jaena said while awkwardly laughing.

"You amaze me every second," Minho said with admiration.

As they continued their journey, keeping an eye on Maya to make sure she was safe, they chatted and laughed to keep her company. This adventure was like nothing any of them had experienced before, and Maya was thrilled at how much her life had changed in just a few short days.