

Catherines · Teen
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4 Chs

Chapter 4

I laid in bed hoping just to take a quick nap.

I couldn't sleep it was like I had no one good on my side.

I went into the closet and saw clothes exactly in my size.

I decided to take a shower in the nearest bathroom.

I came out and wore some fancy clothes.

I walked down the hallway hungry, just then I saw the door open.

I wanted to escape but I didn't know if it was a trap.

I had nothing to lose.

I went back upstairs and came collected some money I saw on the desk.

I tiptoed back downstairs and to the door.

I placed my leg on the front of the door and suddenly an alarm went on.

I immediately leaped forward away from the house.

I saw the man follow the back door and run after me.

I ran like never before.

I ran into a nearby bar and hid in the croud.

I saw pull his car and walk in.

He was searching everywhere for me.

A man pushed me to the floor and stepped on me, I wanted to Punch him but I saw the man that was chasing me so I had to lie low.

He stepped on me too and was searching among other people away from me.

I took that chance and escaped the bar.

I ran as far away as I could.

I soon entered the streets.

It was dark and lonely.

I saw a dustbin by the side of the road I immediately entered there covered myself with the trash and hid .


After a few hours I peeped and saw his car pass.

I gave a sigh of relief and slept in the trashcan.


I woke up still in the same place.

I smelt my breath it smelled like rotten cheese.

I got out and saw some people in a dark alley looking like they want to fight.

What are you doing here, yeah this place is reserved for gangsters only.

I want to join your group.

You in our group , yes please I can join.

We do need one more person.

I shivered in fear.

They asked me what I was good at doing.

I said I'm good at fighting and also a genius at technologies and cars.

They all looked at me and said welcome to

Silly bandits.

I'm ava, Zulu, Marcus, Melanie, max , zircon, scorpina and you are.

Ohh me i-m-m-m-m-mmmm Valerie.

Valerie your breath stinks.

I noticed that.

Let's take her to her secret spot.

Alright let's go.

Wow here is good, and comfy.

Go get dressed your room is up the stairs to your right.


*A few minutes later*

Wow you look good, now tell us what happened.

I told them everything about my life.

They also said whenever I join I can't go back.

I agreed.

They said they planned mudering someone in the night at a nearby cafe.

I reluctantly agreed and brought up a plan to stop them.

I was going to be the one to shut off every cameras and gain access into the lock while me and the rest go to slay blood.

But the person we were killing was non other than my......


please support me.

can you guess the person they were killing

Catherinescreators' thoughts