
Chapter 283 missing him like a tide

Machine Translation

Qin Sheng took a deep breath. They'd had sex a few times in the past, and it seemed like Gong Mochen wanted to use this method to try to cure himself.

When the man had grabbed her, he said he wanted to try this. She didn't expect that she would be put in such a life or death situation!

She bit her lips and blushed. Looking into the man's bloodshot eyes made her realize that she didn't really want him to die... She had to find a way to help him!

"How about I hire a woman for you? I think the medicine is really strong," she said in a low voice.

She couldn't love him, but she didn't want him to die either. Finding a woman seemed to be the best solution!

Gong Mochen's facial features were deformed. He roared, "You want me to find another woman?"

She really didn't love him anymore... She would rather find him another woman than help him herself.

He still clearly remembered her childish face screaming at him, saying that he wasn't allowed to find another woman. She was the only woman he could have in his life!

However, it seemed like she didn't love him anymore, but he still loved her deeply. His body couldn't accept the touch of another woman!

His big hand grabbed the back of her head and pressed her head down...

Qin Sheng felt dizzy from the man's roar. The man was like an angry beast, drawing out the fear from the bottom of her heart. She wasn't really afraid of anyone, but him!

The man's roar also brought her to her senses. Could she really accept him touching other women?

Before she could finish hesitating, she was pressed down by Gong Mochen.

Comfortable gasps escaped from Gong Mochen's throat. However, not long after, Gong Mochen interrupted the little woman's movements.

"Baby, I can't, I'm going to explode!" He pulled the little woman up.

Qin Sheng's gaze focused on the blue veins on the man's forehead. The blood vessels on his body were so tensed up.

She bit her lips hard. Even though it hurt, she couldn't regain her rationality. There was only one thought in her mind, which was exceptionally clear. He could not die! She would not let him die!

She stepped into the bathtub and sat on his body...

The man, who had finally found his home, embraced the little woman in his arms.

At that moment, he wanted to take her there and then!

The water in the bathtub splashed around them as they moved. It was stirred up and overflowed all over the floor.

The sound of overflowing water echoed in the bathroom...


At the other end of the corridor, Qin Zixian was lifted up from the wheelchair and strangled by Ta Luosi.

"You, you can't kill me!" she said with difficulty. She didn't understand how she had provoked the man again...

"Let me ask you, did you ask Yanzi to drug Qin Sheng?" Ta Luosi scolded angrily.

"Yes, I asked Yanzi to drug Qin Sheng. Didn't you already teach me a lesson? I won't dare to act on my own anymore!" Qin Zixian said.

She was completely confused by this man. Didn't he already teach her a lesson? Why did he have to teach her a lesson again?

"Are you sure that you gave the drug to Qin Sheng?" Ta Luosi asked coldly.

Qin Zixian was so scared that she didn't dare to speak. Did he say it was good or not good?

The woman's hesitation seemed to have angered the man. He retracted his fingers. "Tell me the truth!"

"I'll tell you the truth! I asked Yanzi, and she said that she had already given it to Qin Sheng!" Qin Zixian said.

"Then why is Qin Sheng fine?" The corner of Ta Luosi's lips twitched.

He had changed the medicine in Yanzi's bag into a strong aphrodisiac. This medicine was made by him, and it was absolutely powerful. There was only one way to relieve it...

As time passed, the blood vessels would explode and cause instant death. In other words, if Qin Sheng took this medicine, she would have to find a man!

He had been waiting for Qin Sheng's medicine to take effect, but Qin Sheng was completely fine. Not only was she fine, she even entered the lounge with Gong Mochen!

With Gong Mochen and Qin Sheng together, he couldn't get close to Qin Sheng. Whether Qin Sheng took the medicine or not became the key question!

"Ah? That's impossible, right? I asked Yanzi myself. Why don't you let go of me and I'll go ask her again!" Qin Zixian said.

Ta Luosi loosened his grip, and Qin Zixian fell back into her wheelchair.

She hurriedly pressed the button on the wheelchair and ran away, as if she was running for her life.

Yanzi followed Qin Zixian into the corridor with great dissatisfaction. She'd been chatting with a few big bosses. With her pure and sweet appearance, her smooth speaking skills, and her innocent cuteness, she simply charmed those bosses. They wanted to acknowledge her as their goddaughter!

In this era of competing fathers, if she acknowledged a few powerful godfathers, her career would surely sky rocket!

"What's the matter? Can't you see that I was talking to a few CEOs? You called me over in such a hurry!" she said unhappily.

Qin Zixian could've at least waited until she'd chosen her godfather!

Qin Zixian hated it when women disrespected her. What kind of person was she? She was the daughter of the Qin family! Only she disrespected others. No one dared to disrespect her!

The disdain in Yanzi's tone angered her so much that she slapped Yanzi's face.

"What kind of attitude is that? I asked you to come over, so you can only come over obediently!" she roared angrily.

Yanzi's face was hurting from the slap. She covered her face with her hand. "Qin Zixian, why did you hit me? Even if we work together, we're just a partnership. What right do you have to order me around?"

"Why do I have to order you around? Let me ask you, did you put the medicine in Qin Sheng's wine?" Qin Zixian asked fiercely.

Yanzi's heart was choked by the question. She had talked too much with the big bosses just now. She had forgotten all about Qin Sheng!

"I did. I put it in her champagne. You were there just now. I passed the wine to her! Didn't we drink together to celebrate?" she said while rolling her eyes.

Qin Zixian frowned and thought that it was true. Qin Sheng had indeed drunk the champagne. "Since she drank the medicine, why is she fine?"

"How would I know? Maybe your medicine has expired or the effect isn't good!" Yanzi found an excuse.

"Impossible! You gave her the wine and watched her drink it?" Qin Zixian thought of the key question.

The corner of Yanzi's lips twitched. "There were so many people at that time, how could I watch? Anyway, she drank the wine!"

It seemed that she had reached the end of her story. She couldn't continue to make it up!

Qin Zixian was almost driven mad by Yanzi. She reached out and hit her again. "Idiot! You didn't watch her drink it! You were meant to be drugging her!"

Because Yanzi had already been hit by Qin Zixian, she was prepared this time. She managed to grab Qin Zixian's hand and said, "You asked me to drug her, and I did as you said!

"If you're not satisfied, go and do it yourself. I'm not your servant, and I'm not being yelled at by you. If you really p*ss me off, I'll make the matter public and we'll see who suffers the worst!"

She shook Qin Zixian's hand away and turned to leave. She was sure that Qin Zixian wouldn't dare to expose her!

Qin Zixian was so angry that she pounded the armrest of the wheelchair.

She turned to look at the end of the corridor. "You heard it. It was Yanzi who didn't do the job properly!"

Ta Luosi walked out from the darkness and said in a cold voice, "Get lost!"

He now knew why Qin Sheng was fine, and he could guess who had drunk the drugged wine...

His eyes narrowed, and in an instant, the corners of his lips curled into a sinister smile. He took out his phone and gave the order, "Inform the reporters to come over!"