
Chapter 1934 escaping marriage with a child

Machine Translation

Xiao SI looked at the video and was stunned "This can't be me. I have no memory of walking into the dungeon. How could I walk into the dungeon when I was knocked out? This must be a mistake. That person might just look like me, but it's not me. "

He hurriedly denied it. This was simply too unbelievable. How could he walk into the Dungeon after being knocked out? In his opinion, this was simply a fantasy.

"Why isn't it you? Open your eyes and take a look. This person looks exactly like you. Who else could it be if not you? Is there anyone else in this palace who looks exactly like you? "?

Xiao Si, you are simply too daring. You walked in yourself and replaced Charlie. You still dare to deny it?

To think that I have always treated you as a good brother. You just harmed me like this. "Charlie is lost. I, as the captain of the guards, have to bear the responsibility. Are you trying to cause my death? " The captain of the guards roared angrily.

The guards in the dungeon and the guards guarding the imperial garden still had some contact. Everyone knew each other. Although they were not that close, they were familiar with each other.

He now pushed all the responsibility onto Xiao Si. He hoped that Emperor Willam would not blame him.

"But I really don't remember walking in by myself. "Your Majesty, You have to believe me. If I knew what I had done when I walked into the Dungeon, I definitely would not have done this. How would I have the courage to Betray Your Majesty? " Xiao SI knelt on the ground again.

His entire body was covered in cold sweat. He could not deny that the person in the video was himself. However, he clearly did not have this memory. Even he himself could not figure out what was going on with him Could it be that she had lost her memory?

But even if he had lost his memory, why would he come to the Dungeon These things could not be explained at all.

Willam's eyes darkened. He pressed his hand on the top of Xiao Si's head and pressed Xiao SI's head down.

His hand touched the back of Xiao Si's neck. He could clearly feel that the back of Xiao Si's neck had been beaten until it was somewhat swollen.

This was enough to prove that Xiao SI was not lying. He had indeed been beaten.

"Bring Xiao Si into the cell first, " Willam instructed.

"Yes, I will definitely have the jailer interrogate him ruthlessly and beat him to the truth, " the captain of the guards said.

"No, I did not ask you to interrogate him, " Willam said.

The captain of the guards was stunned. "Then His majesty means to only lock him in the cell and not interrogate him. "

He was a little surprised. Xiao SI was obviously the one who replaced Charlie. Why did Willam not interrogate him.

"Yes, just lock him up. I will inform you how to deal with him. " After saying that, Willam turned around and walked out of the Dungeon.

Xiao SI weakly knelt on the ground. The only fortunate thing was that he did not need to be interrogated and he was not executed. However, he did not know what kind of punishment awaited him.

The captain of the guards kicked Xiao Si. "Get up and go to the cell yourself. Do you want me to carry you there? "

He was still worried. Willam did not make the final punishment. In other words, he did not pass this round safely.

Who knew what kind of punishment Willam would give later Could he continue to be the captain of the guards.

All of his anger was directed at Xiao Si. If it was not for Xiao Si, who suddenly appeared in the cell and Charlie was suddenly lost, he could have been safe and continued to be the captain of his guards.

Xiao SI rolled and crawled up from the ground. He did not dare to offend the captain of the guards. He was afraid that he would be tortured.

"I can leave on my own, I can leave on my own. " He ran to an empty cell, opened the door, and walked in. He locked himself up, the only thing missing was him locking himself up.

The captain of the guards immediately ordered his subordinates to lock that cell tightly. He couldn't lose Charlie, he couldn't lose this person as well.

After leaving the prison, Willam headed straight for Ye Xinghun's small building. Regarding the matter that Xiao Si had mentioned, he didn't completely deny it. He felt that the matter that Xiao Si had mentioned was also possible. Therefore, he immediately went to look for Ye Xinghun to ask about the situation.

Ye Xinghun was leisurely lying in the courtyard of his little building, looking at the astronomical phenomenon.

The voodoo race loved divination the most. Today, the moon was bright and the stars were sparse. It was a good time to perform divination.

In order to enter the courtyard, he would be able to see ye Xinghun. What was he doing while lying on the Rattan Chair?

"What are you calculating? Did you predict that I would come looking for you? " Willam asked.

The corners of Ye Xinghun's lips curled up, forming a smile that resembled a crescent moon. However, her smile was extremely cold, like a cold snake in the forest.

"I've already calculated that you already knew that I was in the Royal Palace. I've also calculated that you intentionally allowed me to enter the royal palace. I've also calculated that something happened in your palace. " Ye Xinghun said.

Actually, there was no need to calculate this. He could be safe. He had stayed in the royal palace for so long without being investigated by anyone. This was definitely not Arthur's ability. It was Willam who intentionally allowed him to stay in the Royal Palace.

As for the reason why he was kept, he also believed that Willam wouldn't be so kind to tolerate him. It was just that he still had the value of being alive. That was why Willam kept him.

"What happened in my palace? " Willam asked.

"I was observing the sky today and discovered that there was a small star that had disappeared. There should be someone who got lost while you were playing in the palace. " Ye Xinghun replied.

Willam's lips were pursed into a line. He didn't ask the guards of the entire palace to search the palace for Charlie. Only the guards of the dungeon knew about this matter. Therefore, Ye Xinghun shouldn't know about Charlie's disappearance.

Could it be that Ye Xinghun really knew how to calculate?

"Can you calculate where that person ran to? " He asked.

"southeast. " Ye Xinghun pinched his fingers.

"How do you prove that your divination is accurate? " Willam asked.

"If you can catch him, won't you be able to prove that my divination is accurate? I know that you don't believe in the divination of the Voodoo race. However, our Voodoo race has always had the ability to divine. Moreover, our divination has always been effective.

For example, I can divine that Lian Lian is actually very close to you. "I can also divine that you have a daughter. " Ye Xinghun said.

"where's my daughter now? " Willam immediately asked.

"She's not with Lian Lian. What I can see now is the star of the princess that represents your daughter. It's near the sea, and there's a guardian star by his side. So, she's very safe now.

I have to say, Lian Lian has hidden your daughter very well. Even a father like you can't find her."Ye Xinghun sneered.

Willam's hands were clenched into fists. It had to be said that every word from Ye Xinghun had poked his sore spot. Lian Lian had indeed hidden their child very well, so well that he couldn't even find his own child.

From this, it could be seen how distant Lian Lian was from him.

"where's Lian Lian? " He continued to ask.