
May I see your panties hohoho

I have eat Yomi Yomi No Mi & suddenly after awaken my power, I was reborn to unknown ninja world. My dad was called Hatake Sakumo & younger brother is Hatake Kakashi. By the way my name is Captain Brook From Rumbar Pirate. Hello Ladies may I see your panties hohoho

master1983 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

chapter 4

Natasha has few date with Brook..it was a bit weird but she only used her mouth for now. The taste still salty as ever, Natasha didn't mind at all. The day of purge is coming soon.. All Senju Clan are equipped with M17 machine gun & new latest black army camouflage battle suit instead green. Tsunade, Kushina, Nawaki, Ochimaru & Sakumo divided into 5 group. Their plan was totally erased Shimura, Sarutobi & his 2 advisor clan period. Harashima & Mito are fighting with Danzo & Hiruzen later. Brook aim at Jiraiya & 2 advisor. The rest of Avenger prepared for cleaning those who escaped. It was quick battle & massacre. Those Sarutobi, Shimura & other 2 clan are no longer exist in Konoha. Harashima took over his Hokage seat back & start reformed the Konoha to his original intent. He was too disappointed with the management & coruption especially the civilian. Does Civilian in charge of Konoha where is the other clan go? The whole conspiracy from the root & coruption Hiruzen were discovered by Harashima.. The dark attempt kill Sakumo was recorded 10 time failure by Root. Harashima took at deep breath. Danzo also attempted to massacre Uchiha & Senju than control Hyuga. This was big conspiracy because Hiruzen approved his plan with Hokage official stamp. His wife Mito was right about her suspicious on this Sarutobi & Shimura clan.. They already spend half of Konoha fortune unknown spending & All those death during mission was paid 5% from the mission cost. His pension for the beneficiary only got 5% every month. There is Mighty Duy name include in the list. The Kanabi Bridge was to ambushed & annihilation Kakashi team. Minato accepted the mission & rewarded Rank S include Jiraiya. It was paid by both Jounin. This evidence enough to execute both prisoners death penalty. Sarutobi Asuma attempted Rape Yuhi Kurenai, Anbu Yugao & Mitarei Anko. It was failure attempt but exempt by Sarutobi Hiruzen. It was reported 4 times & closed case😱😱😱😱 Harashima was bloody mad & execute harsher punisher to this rapist with poisonous fire ant & centipede on his crotch for 1 month before public execution. All prisoner will be announced their evil action in public. This prisoner are scum cannot be forgiven. There will be more punishment before execution.. Kakashi & Rin look at the sky & silently pray that Obito murderer was punished by true justice hope he was rest in peace. All the Konoha clan was called for a meeting & a shocking news was revealed to them. Uchiha Clan Patriarch & Hyuga Patriarch was angry & curse Sarutobi & Shimura. Hatake Families was rise due to Brook deeds. It was hidden hero who didn't want to be highlights. Kakashi can only hug thanks to his elder brother for avenge Obito for his team mates. Brook told another shocking news that Obito can't be revived & he told that Obito was still alive. Kakashi & Rin was surprised about Brook announcement. The main reason was that the Summon process was failure 10 times. So Brook was certain that Obito still alive. Brook left them for solving this problem. Brook are certainly that there is a problem with Uchiha Obito in the future so his gut told him to informed his family regards this issue. His gut was similar with facing Loki god of trickster. The manufacturer of hot weapon was established & introduced to Konoha Shinobi. As Avenger was on confidential because it was Konoha hidden card.