
Maximus power

Maximus Power the power to enhance your strength is a powerful skill, but is it strong enough to beat a monster of shadow

Maximus_Blick · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Waking up

"Hey, hey Lucas, I think he's waking up." was the first voice, Maximus heard when he started to gain consciousness as Maximus opened his eyes more awake he saw a bright light flashing on his face he couldn't move due to his body still feeling numb.

"Hey look whose finally awake." Lucas said coming in the room, sitting on the bed next to him "So... how'd your sleep go cause you miss three hours of lecture." Lucas moaned as he put his head on his hand.

"So this is the new thorn on my side that I'll have to deal with!" someone yelled with a thick Scottish accent as the sounds of curtains were pushed.

"Lucas help me lift Maximus up." Calida said out lifting one of Maximus arm, as Lucas grabbed the other side lifting Maximus up.

As Maximus was lifted he saw a woman with glasses staring daggers at him with her red tired eyes, she wore a blue knitted sweater and torn trousers she also wore a lab coat filled with scrunched up bits of paper, she had black messy short hair and a pale like face. On the top pocket of her lab coat had her id.

"0W09W9, Amelia Smith"

"By the way you were staring at my card I'm guessing that you know my name so I'll skip introduction, how the hell did you get that massive cut on your chest?" Amelia asked pulling her chair from the other side of the room towards Maximus bed.

"Calida, Lucas please can you go to the other room, once I'm done you can go back to your heart felt reunion." Amelia asked sitting down on the chair. As the two left Amelia continued to speak to Maximus.

"I already have both of these dunderheads report on what happened so, now it's your turn so I'll give you this medicine to hurry your healing a bit." Amelia said grabbing a small tube filled with pink liquid.

As Maximus drank the pink liquid all he could he think about was what to say, "If I say anything different from what they say I'm screwed, I can't think of what either would say." as Maximus finished the medicine he felt his whole body was slowly working again but that also meant he also had short time left to think of what to do.

"Okay the medicine should be kicking in right now, so spill it how'd you get the scar." Amelia demanded as she took took a piece of paper and pen out

"I... I got it from training." Maximus stuttered. "Accident" Maximus said.

"Oh, an accident the same as the other two so that should do it, and it's a good excuse to not have to deal with you lot now once your done healing to the point where you can walk your out of here." Amelia said jotting what Maximus said down and putting it in with the other reports.

"wait what why did I suddenly said two completely different things and at the same time." Maximus thought as he realised what had happened.

"looks like the nurse left and left her chair with it." Lucas said as he came in with Calida, jumping on to the office chair and spinning on it.

"What happened just now, did I..?" Maximus asked still confused on what just happened.

"Cool right, new trick sound manipulation basically I can change sound particles and twist them so what you heard was me changing voices and ur lowering your volume.

"That's not helpful name one time, we'll use that stupid ability." Calida asked sitting next to Maximus.

"Many times on secret ops mission or if we need privacy like right now I made a small field making all sound particles normal volume to zero." Lucas said as he took out his phone.

"Guys please I need to rest, please then you can continue this skirmish you got." Maximus groaned as he went under the sheets.

"Hey but Maximus before we let you rest, I got to ask... what did happened." Calida asked as she poked Maximus. Maximus for a second stayed silent Lucas was staring at him also intrigued of what the hell happened to him.

"My.. set back kicked in." Maximus said still under the sheets not looking at either of them.

"Uh... what's your set back?" Calida asked standing up.

"It's something his kind had to go through a certain law, so their wont be a set back." Lucas answered looking down at the ground, "This is something I got from Master but turns out the reason Max keeps getting knocked down so easily is because of his set back something everyone is given at birth to hold them back from their true strength." Lucas started to explain "Even in your own school you were given something to lower your actual power as well as Charles the power to increase yours and everyone else's ability, so yours had to be the strongest thing to weaken you something that can hold your ability am I right." Lucas asked

"The person who had that rule done was a tyrant he wanted the power so he made it so only military personal got that power and my mom was to be born out of the royal system so it died with my grandad, and we were hidden away because my mom was the last royal blood before she had me." Maximus said sitting up again as he climbed of the bed. "But when the Red sun came he got rid of most of the government and our mom left for war, then my dad went to help with the medical and engineering fields, while we were in that school in the other side of the country till our dad pulled us out." Maximus said as he picked up his shirt and jacket from the desk, as he put on his shirt he continued. "We should go before the nurse kicks us out." as they left the room, Amelia pulled out the note and ripped it to shreds.

"I hate my job." Amelia said sighing as she went back to her computer pulling up a small tab with a video showing everything that happened at the roof. "What the hell are they?" Amelia said re watching the video over and over again.

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