
Chapter 54: The Ancestor's Heart-Stabbing Journey

Jiangli probed Boss Cao's pulse.

Boss Cao held his breath, anxiously waiting as he watched her.

After a moment, Jiangli released her hand.

Boss Cao asked eagerly, "Master, what, what did you find?"

"Congenital weakness," Jiangli said flatly, "You can't produce children; those children are indeed not yours."

Boss Cao was stunned, "Wha, what?"

"Weakness..." Xia Xin muttered, "Could it be oligospermia? You might as well get checked here in the hospital, right? Then you'll know."

Jiangli nodded, "That could work."

Boss Cao froze, seeing how both Jiangli and Xia Xin spoke with such certainty, he felt an extraordinary panic, "How could this be possible..."

"Boss Cao, let me ask you something. You and your wife are in discord, right?" Jiangli asked bluntly, "Have both of you been unfaithful with others?"

Boss Cao was taken aback, "Unfaithful?"

"It's like, having an affair," Xia Xin clarified.