
tournament first rounds.

Lots of people rounded up for the tournament and max wasn't used to being in place with lots of crowds there wall in an open field and lots of trainers were gathered around some knew each other and some are just scouting the competition.

Skyla called for him so that he doesn't get lost riolu was beside him and Meloatta was watching this from the top so that she can doesn't get spotted.

Skyla was approached by many people because were curious about her sudden retirement but when they saw max some of the girls thought that he was her boyfriend.

This of course got the two blushing and say that there not a couple.

After managing to get away from the crowd Skyla let out a sigh of relief.

Skyla: we family lost them.

Max: yeah tell me about it.

Skyla: hey max.

Max: yeah?

Skyla: are you sure you want to do this? If they see you fighting Pokemon your going to get a lot of attention.

Max: like I said I don't care what they think besides even if they try anything I can handle it.

Skyla: you sound too arrogant for your own good.

Max: I'm not arrogant it's a fact I know my own strength and I have a little back up.

On that moment moline appeared sitting on his shoulders surprising riolu and Skyla.

Max: this is my adopted little sister moline she is my guide and she can help me in a fight.

Moline: hey.

Skyla: uhh. hi? So she is a spirit?

Max: yeah she died when she was 10 I found her and she became part of the family.

Skyla: wow. So what can she do?

Max: she stores my weapons. And our stuff.

Skyla: weapons? Wait. Oh so that's were your backpack is but shouldn't she be. I don't know.fat?

Max: her second stomach is a pocket dimension that's why she doesn't have a big stomach.

Moline grew a tick mark and smack the back of max's head.

Max: ow!

Moline: stop talking about my weight you inconsiderate jackasses!

Riolu was just watching this whole thing and wondered what kind of group did he get stuck with.

After that little commotion the tournament finally started and the screen showed who is facing who.

Max saw his picture and he was facing some guy named Stephan.

And Skyla was facing some girl named burgundy.

All the participants were told to stay in small stations below the crowd of people.

And when the first round started max and Skyla were approached by a group of people but the one who caught his eye was a boy with a red cap and a pikachu if he remembered from the Pokédex.

The red haired guy that he reconnected as Stephan approached him and max is getting massive Peter vibes from this guy.

Stephan: hey there names Stephan I saw that we will be facing each other I just wanted to say let's the best trainer wins.

Max took at glance at Skyla who was talking with a green haired guy with a suit and other people.

He put his attention back to Stephan and he could see a splitting image of Peter beside him.

Max: yeah thanks.

Stephan glanced at riolu who had his guard up.

Stephan: is riolu your Pokemon?

Max: nah he is just following me and he doesn't seem to want to talk to me.

Riolu: because I think you are going get yourself killed in that field.

Max: whatever you say furball.

Stephan was wide eyed at hearing his response.

Stephan: wait you can understand him!?

Max: yeah it's a special gimmick of mine.

Stephan: woah I bet it so cool hearing what Pokemon actually say.

Max looked at riolu who looked back with a blank look.

Max: no you it's not.

Him and Stephan kept on talking until it was Skyla and burgundy turn to battle.

and let's just say Skyla wiped the floor with her. burgundy was good in strategy but Skyla has more experience since she is a gym leader and thanks to the tough training that max put her and her Pokemon through her Pokemon are stronger than before.

So burgundy stood no chance.

But while the battle was happening max noticed that riolu had a sour look on his face and he knew why.

Max: I know you don't trust me but believe me when I say I don't like these battles either.

Riolu didn't respond he just looked at him and back at the field.

Meloatta could see him from above and she floated down turning invisible to not be seen.

She sat by his side he could feel her aura so he knew that she was there.

His mood was lifted a little since she was the only one he could open up to.

It was now Stephan and max's turn to battle.

They both got on the field and everyone were excited about the upcoming battle.

However like Skyla max stepped onto the field directly leaving everyone confused.

Referee: excuse me contestant max please get into your position.

Max: nah I'm fighting myself.

There was a stunned silence when he said that and no body knew how to respond to that.

Stephan: woah! hey you're joking right?

Max: does it look like I'm joking?

Everyone was quite.

At the station the group were wide eyed at this situation.

Ash: hey he can't be serious right he's planning to fight Pokémon's himself.

Georgia: he's crazy that's what he is.

Iris: I'm with her. He's going to get hurt. Skyla you know him right shouldn't you stop him.

Skyla however didn't look shocked.

Skyla: if he is allowed to continue you sure will be in for a surprise.

All of them were of course confused.

The host of the tournament were discussing this unexpected situation.

But one of them don george saw how max didn't have a face that had fear or hesitation he looked completely calm.

Don: let him battle.

Everyone were shocked that the host is actually allowing this.

Don: I know what you are thinking but look at his eyes he has the eyes of someone who isn't scared or hesitant and if he is serious about this then it's his own fault for getting hurt.

Max: (heh. Acknowledges that I'm stronger than I look.)

Referee: alright max you will be allowed to fight but if anything happens it's on you.

Max just shrugged not really giving a damn what they think.

Stephan still wasn't sure about this but max seemed to really want this battle.

He decided to send out sawk he was one of his best on fighting.

In the stations everyone was worried that max will get hurt but Skyla wasn't worried thanks to her already knowing what max is capable of.

Riolu was actually starting to sweat a bit because if max is really going to fight alone then that means that he is really something else.

Meloatta saw his expression and she decided to whisper to him to not be heard.

Meloatta: you're in for a suprised.

Stephan: hey are you sure about this?

Max respond by cranking his neck and stretching his body.

Max: I've needed to stretch out for a while I don't care about winning I just want to let loose.

While he was talking he was shadow boxing the air and when he finished he kicked at the air. And now he took a fighting stance.

Max: so if you're done talking let's go.

Stephan was still hesitant but he ordered sawk to just kick him.

Everyone expected max to be sent flying but to everyone's surprise max caught the kick and he grabbed sawk's waist and threw him in the air and when sawk was able to hit the ground max elbowed him in the gut sending him flying and rolling on the ground.

Everyone was surprised by the counter attack and the fact that a human actually did it.

Sawk got up putting his hand on his gut.

Stephan shook his shock out of his face and he ordered sawk to start attacking.

Sawk charged at max and it tried to punch him but max deflected it and uppercutted sawk but he grabbed him by the leg and slammed him into the ground and threw him towards a wall.

Stephan called out his Pokemon in worried.

But sawk was still standing but it was obviously that it took some damage.

Sawk looked at max who gave him a "come on" gesture.

Sawk went after max and this time he was hitting him with a barrage of punches and kicks.

But who was trained in hand to hand combat was easy holding his ground and he blocked and countered every punch sawk threw at him.

Max saw an opening and he hit sawk with a strong punch that made him dizzy.

And max took this opportunity to lay on him he threw multiple punches at his opponent and to normal people his arms were a blur of motion.

He pulled back his arm and did one final punch to sawk sending him rolling on the ground.

Everyone thought that sawk was knocked out but he slowly got up despite the damage he took.

Stephan ordered sawk to used a move called brick break and his fist was covered in an orange energy.

Sawk charged at him and max crossed his arms to block the punch.

When the punch landed he was sent flying towards a wall.

Everyone was worried that he was gravely injured but to everyone's surprise max walked out of the smoke holding his arm but it wasn't broken it was like a minor scratch.

Even if it was a serious injury he can heal himself.

Max decided to get a little serious.

He enhanced his body with spiritual energy and he blitzed in front of sawk and before he could reach max punched him in the gut sending him flying to the wall again but this time he was knocked out.

Everyone were in shock that a human actually beat a Pokemon riolu was shocked the most he of course didn't believe that max can actually keep up with Pokemon but seeing him actually do it was a big surprise to him.

But what caught him off guard was the fact that he his aura spiked and he couldn't even see him moving.

Meloatta saw his reaction and she whispered to him.

Meloatta: I told you max was special in more ways then one.

Max told Stephan to send out his next Pokemon but Stephan said that in this tournament only one Pokemon can be sent out.

He didn't read the rules and he didn't play attention to the battles.

So he was declared the winner and Stephan and him shook hands in show of respect.

He went back to the station and he was admittedly horded by ash and his friends rivals.

They asked questions about how can he could fight Pokemon but Skyla saved him from being overwhelmed.

He simply said that he was just built different of course that didn't satisfy there curiosity.

He leaned next to riolu who was looking at him like he was an alien.

Riolu: so meloetta was telling the truth.

Max: why would she lie?

Riolu: it's not exactly something that is easily believable.

Max: so. Do you think I'm going to do something to you?

Riolu: no I don't if you have that much strength I see no point in you trying to capture me.

Max: good at least you are talking to me and not just ignoring me.

Riolu looked at max and closed his eyes and felt his aura and now that he gets a closer look his aura felt alien.

He remembered that Skyla and max talked about something but he didn't pay attention on what they were talking.

But he noticed that Skyla's aura was enhanced but not as much as max's.

Just what is he?