
Mature +18

They life is turning upside down as they as been fucked with their own member idol on their sexy body toward them.

Haziqah1997 · LGBT+
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96 Chs

Tamura saying thank you to Haruki for saving her life

Flashback later once Haruki had to save Tamura's life from something that she couldn't see anything to wake beside him and see that thing attacking her while he was using his vampire wings to cover her.

Haruki: are you okay?

Tamura: I was fine Haruki but thanks for saving me how did you manage to do that

Haruki: it was my duty to protect humans from being attacked by something that you can't unsee for sure

Meanwhile, Haruyo was calling his vampire brother from his phone he was picking up his phone and he was saying to his human sister.

Haruki: what it is, Haruyo?

Haruyo: nii-chan went you want to come back home to see me back

Haruki: I will come back pretty soon but make sure to listen to Yamashita or others to keep you safe

Once they had ended the call suddenly Haruki had to go from somewhere else to help even more people who were to be rescued by someone else as much as Tamura wanted to have even more fun with him and talk about his story of becoming the vampire prince that makes him stronger every time on his life.

Haruki: hey...Tamura I will be right back okay I just want to help someone and I will be right back here and be with you alone if you are okay with that

Tamura: uh...sure of course I will wait here for you and once you are done with rescuing the people what are you going to do

Yamadaki: Tamura just wait for him at the security guard box there

Later Tamura Hono just nodded at Yamadaki who gave her some clues as soon as possible when he was back from saving the people's lives from the new vampire prince who was in the human world to save them.

Tamura: hey...Haruki please be careful and don't hurt yourself out there

Haruki: Hono...please I am the vampire prince and I will not get hurt besides I can heal myself went I get hurt remember that

Tamura: right sorry I forgot about vampires having healing power

Right before Haruki started to fly up to the sky he was going to save another idol who was much different from them and it was the Nogizaka46 member idol who got trapped inside the van that it going to explode any minute time if he couldn't get them out from there.

Haruki: hey...I was here and what was the problem?

Umezawa: I'm glad that you are here Haruki and please help the 5th gen member I heard some rumours that one of them is injured please help them

Haruki: sure no problem I will help them but make sure you stand back from the scene Ume

While Umezawa was stepping away from the scene of the van it was going to explode and he went inside as his vampire teleported he could see that it was just the two of them inside the van and her name was Ogawa Aya and Ichinose Miku but Ichinose was badly injured and her stomach was started to bleed out from her shirt while Ogawa was started to cry over her injured body.

Haruki: both of you can you hold tight while I get you both out of the van

Aya: please help Ichinose she was badly injured herself help me

Haruki: of course, I will help her heal but first is to hold right onto my shirt can you do that for me, Ogawa

In the meantime, Ogawa worried nodded at Haruki and same as Ichinose still grabbed onto Ogawa's shirt and Suddenly both of them were out of the van and they were the same as on the side with Umezawa and the van exploded when the fire truck came to put the fire out and get some ambulance to save Ichinose Miku life from dying.

Haruki: Ume can you please put some pressure on Ichinose stomach while I heal her

Umezawa: uh...okay Haruki and Ichinose please hang on tight you are going to be okay just trust Haruki here

Ichinose: Aya...don't cry I'm not going anywhere

Ogawa Aya was holding onto Ichinose bloody hand and Haruki started to heal her up all of a sudden another had to come and see what just happened to one of the members who had been in the accident because of all the things that had gone wrong.

Haruki: Ichinose you will feel your stomach has been healing up and it is okay you can scream if you feel that much pain in your body

Ichinose: sure I will notice that Haruki

Haruki: okay here I go Ichinose get ready okay

Out of the blue, Ichinose Miku started to scream from her mouth while other of the same members had to see that Haruki was healing the wound inside of her stomach and she now rested the ambulance came to help Ichinose back to the hospital and let them handle the rest of the work done.

Haruki: we'll Ume please keep an eye on Ichinose and Ogawa you can stay with her and keep some company

Ogawa: thank you so much Haruki for healing Ichinose wound

Haruki: hey... it's my job after all and I need to head back to see someone special *flew*

Without any sound coming from the Nogizaka46 member others can even notice that the new Yamaguchi Haruki was the new vampire prince in the human world and he was not even drinking Ichinose blood but he was healing them with his hand.

Nagi: Ume what's wrong did something you know about Haruki's new power

Umezawa: I think so yea and he did heal Ichinose on her wound but he didn't use to drink someone's human blood that weird

Kaki: that because he won't drink anyone's blood that someone's blood is so sweet blood that he only drinks his special someone who was waiting for him

Suddenly Umezawa and Nagi exchange looks at Kaki who just says that Haruki just drank blood with the taste of something sweet blood on her.

Haruki: sorry Hono I did my best to come here inside of the security guard box and did you lock the door inside

Tamura: uh...yes I did lock just like you said to lock the door inside the security guard

Haruki: okay...great but I want to drink your sweet blood if you give some human permission to drink on your neck Hono

Tamura Hono was open her neck just for Haruki to drink her blood on her neck and the next thing they were having some fucking great vampire sex on the human who are getting ready for everything in her life and Haruki were using his condom to protect her from getting pregnant with his vampire sperm inside of her human pussy.

Haruki: Hono...can you open my pant and along with my boxer I want to do that thing here inside this room with you * horny*

Tamura: Haruki...you want us to do that thing here inside of the security guard room together with you

Haruki: I know it is your first day of having some vampire and human sex but I will do the rest of it

Without any sound coming from Yamaguchi Haruki and he was wearing a condom and was putting it inside Tamura's pussy then she had to moan out loud inside the security guard room and he started to rub harder and rough sex inside Hono's pussy and later on both of them are having the great fucking sex with each other and Haruki had much flow of vampire cum inside his condom while he pull out from her pussy and Tamura can see that it much sperm is coming out from Haruki hard vampire cock that she never seen before in her life.

Tamura: Haruki...your fucking vampire hard cock is still coming more of your vampire sperm outside your cock than much

Haruki: you can start rubbing my vampire cock if you want here Hono as fast as you can rubbing my vampire cock

Tamura: are you sure? You want me to feel that fucking good on you

Yamaguchi Haruki forced Tamura's hand to grab his vampire cock and she can feel that his cock are much bigger than usual male humans have on them and she was rubbing even faster Suddenly Haruki had cum that much from his vampire cock and they were continuing inside the guard room and so do Haruki had his condom to have more sex with Tamura Hono human pussy.