
Matters Of The Throne

"Hold on..." The rustling of falling clothes magnifies under the silence of the night. Lying in the midst of torn corpses and bloody soil the couple entwines under the moon. Protected only by the clothes spread out beneath her the young woman shivers. Feeling the touch of his slippery tongue running across the curve of her back. "Wait." She murmurs... "I can't." The man answers as callused hands slip into the fabrics of her dress. It's not that, she tries but unable to express. "They're... watching..." The man laughs instead, "is this another way for you to reject me?" No. That's not it the young woman thought as she listens to the voices overhead. "Hey! Move over, I can't see!" "See?! What are you watching!? Roll to the side, she's my representative!" "Shut up! I can't hear the sounds!!" "Calm down everyone." Tears gather at the corner of her eyes as the young lady listen to the conversation above. Biting on her lips she really wanted to shout to the sky, "you shameless deities!! Stop watching!!!"

Xing_Yue · Fantasy
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143 Chs

Chapter 98: Tell Me, What Did You Do?

"He definitely knows that we were the ones who set the fire." 

Zhitao murmured while rinsing his mouth with water. The fishy taste of blood still lingering within caused the young man to furrow his brows in displeasure.

Accepting the towel handed out by Cipher, the young man wiped the beads of water off his face with a refreshed hum.

While taking a seat at one of the chairs in the bedroom he threw the towel onto the table before sliding halfway down the comfortable cushion with a heavy sigh.

"Have you noticed the taste of the soup?"

Xiao Mei who had not spoken a word the whole time finally voiced. Her large eyes flitted a glance in the direction of Xiao Fanyu before moving away.

Arms crossed over her chest, the young woman angled her face to the side. Eyes lowered to stare at the vase of lavender flowers on the stand to her right. 

"Of course! That's why I said that the butler must know something!"