
Matters Of The Throne

"Hold on..." The rustling of falling clothes magnifies under the silence of the night. Lying in the midst of torn corpses and bloody soil the couple entwines under the moon. Protected only by the clothes spread out beneath her the young woman shivers. Feeling the touch of his slippery tongue running across the curve of her back. "Wait." She murmurs... "I can't." The man answers as callused hands slip into the fabrics of her dress. It's not that, she tries but unable to express. "They're... watching..." The man laughs instead, "is this another way for you to reject me?" No. That's not it the young woman thought as she listens to the voices overhead. "Hey! Move over, I can't see!" "See?! What are you watching!? Roll to the side, she's my representative!" "Shut up! I can't hear the sounds!!" "Calm down everyone." Tears gather at the corner of her eyes as the young lady listen to the conversation above. Biting on her lips she really wanted to shout to the sky, "you shameless deities!! Stop watching!!!"

Xing_Yue · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
143 Chs

Chapter 14: Devil’s Lair (HH)

Somewhere in the corners of the tower where humans could not access….

"It seems a few rats have snuck in unbeknownst to us." The lavish interior of this devil's lair welcomed another night of scandalous rendezvous. Men and women wearing masks of many kinds wandered the place in search of delectable prey. The crimson hue of wine swirling inside transparent glasses is like a representation of their billowing lust. 


Separate lounges away from the bustling of the main hall were created in order for individual's to enjoy the night to their heart's content. No matter how loud of a volume is created, it is the same as hearing nothing to those outside of the chambers.

Therefore, this is also an ideal place to meet and discuss certain topics. 

"What does it matter?" The woman said in a sultry voice. "Just another addition to the entertainment already presented to us." Lifting the intricate fan over her lips, the eyes under the mask narrow in a seductive glint. Four transparent screens floating in midair each display scenes following four different people and places.

"I suppose so." The young man sitting on the opposite side of the small chamber laughed in a low tone. Crossing his legs over another, the aura of his elegance could not be hidden under the veil of the mask. Tilting his head to the side, the polite curve to his lips did not diminish as the shine of his eyes darken to a frigid temperature.

"But I am a little disappointed. As the one in charge of gatekeeping, did you not say that you will keep others from interfering?" From the beginning to the end of his sentence, not even a slight glance was thrown towards the other two in the room. Like talking to himself in a chamber without others, the elegant man's languid posture of sitting is akin to an emperor seated on his rightful throne. 

"If you would have offered your assistance as a higher being, perhaps we wouldn't be having this conversation." The third person in the room complained as he straightened the creases of his green suit. Folding his arms in arrogance the middle-aged man smiled coldly as their sights collided in silent battle.

However, despite the conceited appearance this man seemed to be portraying. A flash of deep worry present within his pupils cannot be masked as he sneaked a glance at the quiet woman.

The elegant man in white did not answer, instead, he looked at the only woman in the room. "The deal made between us is only for me to grant you enough power to take over a certain area of the tower. Are you now not one of the most distinguished demons among us? Are the offerings you receive from your worshippers not enough to satiate the greediness of your soul? I only see you presenting your hand to receive from me, but where is the repayment you so confidently swore to me?" 

Slender fingers covered by a pair of white gloves tap rhythmically over the transparent screen showing a young woman battling with a spear.

"My patience has its limits and the only reason why I have not forsaken the two of you is because of your usefulness. How can you make up for the failure of this operation?" The young man questioned calmly while releasing an intimidating aura. Murderous rage swirls in silent anger as it twists around the other two in the room like a noose tightening around the neck of a death row. 

"Please calm your anger, My Lord." Feeling the pressure of wrath strangling them breathless, the beautiful woman immediately replied in a flattering tone. Sharing a glance between them, the woman set her fan to the side and headed towards the man sitting opposite of her. Lifting up her legs, that delicate body then straddled on top of the young man's thighs.

A fragrant breath mingling with a womanly scent of perfume and cosmetics gradually wraps around the young man's senses. "It is our fault for not paying closer attention to the movement of unidentifiable intruders, My Lord. Of course it is right for you to be displeased."

Pressing her bosom onto the man's chest, those large white mounds seem as if they would spill out from the holds of her clothing at any moment. The slippery warmth of a wet tongue glided from his neck up to the ear while making wet watery sounds that rang loudly in the silent atmosphere. 

"Please forgive us…" unbuttoning the front of her dress, two huge hills of white flesh bounced out of their cages and brushed against the face of the expressionless man. The two small buds on her chest bound up and down along her gentle grinding on their lower halves.

Very soon, those red lips of hers open and close while letting out alluring moans of insatiable pleasure. Movements of her waist rubbed faster at the hardening object below her cave. The slight sound of wetness each time she opened and closed her legs from the movement rings out in the quiet room.

"Ah….. ah... mmm... haa…." Immersed in her own world, the woman failed to notice the scorn of the man she is riding on. Only the sudden entering of a foreign object brought her dazed mind to a shocking awakening.

"AH!... ah….. Ah.. ah… ah… ha… harder…" 

Two thick fingers enter the area between her legs without warning. Like two slippery snakes, it entered and slid deep into its depths without feeling, causing the woman to tremble incessantly under the motion of his burrowing digits. 

"Schlip. Schlip."

The roughness of the fabric pushing back and forth only further accentuates the stimulation received from those gloved hands. 

"Ngh!... Ha.. ha… ah….. ngh…." 

Closing his eyes to enjoy the sound of depravity the young man curved a side of his lips as his fingers thrust in a faster tempo. Dark eyes flash with cruelty along a tinge of crimson hue unraveling gradually like a droplet of ink on clear water.

"Ngh, Ah!..... Ah…. ah….. mmm…."

Sitting on the side witnessing as a bystander, the third man swallowed a gulp of saliva as he felt the amorous heat of desire. The object between his legs also began to swell in size as his gaze stared deeply at the rocking figure in red.

For some reason however, the corner of the man's eyes began to redden with slight discomfort as a sour feeling filled his chest and nose. Akin to a collection of cotton stuffed inside without ways to claw out.

Unable to control himself he unzipped the barrier of his pants and revealed the purplish rod twitching like a maddening animal. "Ngh!..."


Grabbing onto his own shaft, coarse hands start to move up and down without straying his sights away from up front.

"... …"

Catching in every little movement happening in the chamber, the elegant young man's irises flitted past a streak of belittlement before returning to disinterest. Eyes only painted in boredom, the young man swirled his fingers a few times before extracting those burrowing fingers. Allowing silver threads of glistening liquid to cover those digits like honey flowing from its combs.

"?? My Lor- AHHhh!!!!"

Confused at his ceasing motions, the woman wanted to inquire when another object much bigger and more heated than those two wandering digits suddenly ram into her without preparation.

"Squelch! Squelch!" 

"AHHH! NGH. AH! My Lord! So big! Too fast! It's too fast! Deeper…. Ah….. ha…. Mmmm…. Ah….. ah… ha. Ah! Ram into me harder!!"

Wanton words spill out as much as the lewd sound of dripping and slapping fluids. With no intentions of stopping the young man thrust upwards into the deepest parts of her dripping cave as his two hands spread both of her legs apart. Allowing the area where their flesh combines to be displayed, his gaze darkens as he stares at the moving pink flesh sliding in and out along his plunging rod.

"Is this what you prefer?" The man asked with a slight smile, "look how you cling onto me like this."

"Ah….. ah... mmm…. A….. ahh…. AH!"

Slowly slipping out, the man then roughly shoves his hard shaft back in akin to an arrow shooting off its bow. This coarse motion seems to part the walls inside her cave and grant his large member an access way towards a sensitive spot inside.


Hot fluids spilled from their connected parts and dripped onto the man's white clothes. The madame's tender body leaned against his chest out of exhaustion of her release, the twitching of her walls clearly felt the bulging object still burrowing inside. 

"My Lord…." The woman panting breathlessly looks into his eyes with a flush of lustful connotation, sleek hips commence to push downward while taking him deeper into her.


Just as she was about to move once again, the man's strong palm slipped under her backside to stop her plunging movements. "You," he glanced at the man in the corner with murky liquid covering his thick fingers and pants, a clear indication of his happy engagement. 

Seeing the young man staring ahead without speaking, the madame cleverly understood his notion, peering back at the man in the corner she purred, "my friend." Lifting up her waist she arched her back while sending an inviting glance toward her acquaintance's way, "come enjoy with us."

Raising the folds of her dress, her glistening body is uncovered along with the attachment of a throbbing shaft and twitching flesh of her cavern. Wriggling her flexible bottom as two slender hands spread both sides of her bottom apart, a smaller hole could be seen squirming in enticement. 


Still locking onto his sight, she began to move again. Sliding upwards and downwards, her gaze seems to be telling him to hurry. Making him couldn't help but focus on the linked flesh sliding in and out of each other with those provocative moisture sounds.

Finally, unable to hold on any longer, the man rushes into the fray. Stopping a few inches from her precious tunnel his thick shaft gently rubbed the entrance of the cave behind her. Making sure his fluids have made the entrance sleek enough to slide in, he took a deep breath before lunging right in.

"Hgnh! AH!..... Ah…. ha…. mmm. Slower….. I feel so... full….."

Two foreign objects took their place inside both her entrances, making her breathing erratic with a mixture of pain and pleasure. Unable to lift up her waist any longer, the woman's body sits down without strength.

But perhaps forgetting that another shaft is situated under her, the moment her body went down an electrical current coming from her lower entrance and the one behind hit the deepest part of her core at once.

"AHHH!! AH!! AGH!!" 

Spurred on by the excitement, both men began to work on her caverns with unending vigor. Pounding into her harder and faster with each pull back, the night seems neverending for every guest under the same source of entertainment. 


At the same time in another chamber assumed to be closed for the same purposes as other's, four individuals stare at one another in a tense stalemate.

"You must be blind old man, when have I ever touched your stuff?" A child of around five or six sneered in an innocent voice. The sunny blond hair which resembles the shine of the rising sun goes well with the beautiful color of his glittering eyes. "I heard you almost lost your legs while trying to chase after your wife. Who would've thought that you actually lost your sight instead, is that why you walk around with that cane? If so, my condolences."

The corners of the Old Man On The Moon's mouth twitched with annoyance at the rudeness of this child's words. Trying to curb his nerves, the elderly man took a deep breath before saying with clenched teeth. "Actually, my cane is used for beating the shit out of bow holding childrens with exibitionistic fetishes."


Half climbing over the table, Eros snarled in a loud tone, "who are you calling a exibitionist!?"

"Ah! Who else in this room but you?!" The Old Man On The Moon rebutted with an even louder voice, "it's about time I teach you the correct way to treat your elders!" Climbing halfway up the table to reach the other side, the chinese god of love scowled in a way that made the skin of his face scrunch up like the folds of a pug.

Finally, unable to bear the clamor coming from these two gods of love, Hathor, the only one in the room that seems to care, decided to stop the scuffle. "Stop! Do you want the demons outside to know of our existence?" She commanded in a tone full of pressure and power that would have made normal humans kneel in awe. 

But, of course, the key point is "normal" humans. This type of intimidation has no effect on the full blown might of these two idols. It is like a drop of water falling into a large lake which barely makes even a splash or ripple and instead, a plate of cookies flew into her glorious face. The black and gold greeting card with the word "complementary," slid down the side of her face along the crumbling jam of delicious butter cookies.

"You…. How Dare You!" An almost transparent aura gradually covered the Egyptian goddess as a pair of horns formed on top of her head. The building aura of three powerful beings swayed the walls of this mysterious building so much that cries of alarms rang out along the storming steps of frightened demons.

Just as the three were about to engage in a fight for their honor, a crisp joyful voice of an older woman broke the tense barrier apart. "My representative caught a big fish!" The charming laughter of Ishtar sounded with a slight tinge of pride, "as expected of the person I chose."

Immediately, all three sights swiped into the transparent screen hovering over the delicate woman sitting on the sofa, "let me see!" 

"No way." Hugging the screen tightly to her chest Ishtar stuck out her little tongue with a childish tantrum. "This is my representative, you guys go look at your own!" Currently, she just wants to enjoy the looks of jealousy her rivals are giving her right now before sharing the screen. 

Feeling a sense of crisis, The Old Man On The Moon grabbed onto the collar of Eros's flimsy clothes. "You [beep]!!! If you don't hurry and give me back the mirror I swear I'll [beep] you then [beep] [beep] your whole family before [beep] blowing up that flat ass of yours!!"

Eros: "... …"

In that fraction of a second when those bloodshot eyes landed onto the irises of his golden eyes, a flash of terror truly swept down his spine. Eros unconsciously tightened the mouth of his untouched chrysanthemum and with a gulp of saliva, cautiously took out the hidden mirror he took…

"Hmph!" Swiping the item off the child's hands, The Old Man On The Moon immediately found a corner to crouch down. With his back facing the other three extras in the room, he awoke the mirror with a string of divine power, "hurry and pick up…."