
Mato's Shinobi

A normal guy gets reincarnated with the powers of some of the strongest shinobis in a world where only women have power. You can guess how that's gonna go. World: Mato Seihei no Slave Genderbend Warning!!!

The_Great_Sage69 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 2: Mato & Family

Its been 2 days since I got into this world and I've already run into a problem. I don't have a place to stay or money to eat. So I've been roaming the streets for two days on an empty stomach.

Well a kind lady did give me some food once but that's it. So I've come up with a 'genius' plan to use genjutsu on a good person and make them act as my parents.

I also tried to awaken my Sharingan and I succeeded on my first try. Hmph! I am a genius! It definitely doesn't have to do with my abilities!

So while having these useless thoughts I started to find a good family that I can be a part of. While looking around I found the same lady that gave me food so I thought, 'Why not her? She looks alot like my original mom too'. Though the main reason might just be because she looked like my real mom.

So that day I used my Sharingan to put her under a strong genjutsu to make her believe that I was her son. It was really tiring to put a genjutsu on the whole family later. It didn't have to do with taking alot of chakra, but rather having more pressure on my eyes since they were still just One Tomoe.

Her husband also really looked like my real dad and she also had a daughter who was a little older than me. Her name was Aoba Wakura and she was really cute. She had long black hair with two strands in the front standing up and bent towards the back. She has a really cheerful personality too and she loves me a little too much.

-----Timeskip 11 years-----

Its been a long time since I got transferred to this world and I am really happy with how everything turned out. I've gotten alot stronger during these years. I've also practiced jutsus but not much as I can't show others my powers in public until I have some kind of backing. It'll cause a huge problem for me. Even if I can put people under a genjutsu how can I hide the damage caused by the jutsu?

It turns out that the screen that I chose my powers on is still with me as a store. I can get anything I want from this store, from items to abilities. I can get Store Points, the currency used by the store, by killing or defeating people and shuuki. There are other ways to get store points too but this way is the fastest and it gives more points.

I also found out that I have a resident living rent free inside me. Just like Naruto, I also have a Nine Tailed Fox inside me. But its not Kurama, more like another being formed by the same chakra as Kurama. I still remember how I first met them.


It was a normal day. Nothing out the ordinary. At night when I finally went to sleep, I was in a different place. It was a wide green landscape with millions of starts illuminating the night sky. It looked absolutely gorgeous.

But there was also one this that was out of the place in this scenery. It was a huge cage with a enormous beast inside it. The moment I looked at the nine tails waving freely I knew who this was. After seeing it here I understood that this is my mindscape.

At first I was a little scared to go near it but I took a deep breath and approached it. When I finally came close enough I saw all the finer details of the beast. It was covered in orange fur that actually looked quite fluffy, had big red eyes that were 3 time the size of my whole body, sharp claws.

"Hmm?" The bijuu said as it noticed me. "So my jailer, you've finally come" It said in a scary and gruffy voice as it realsed its heavy killing intent on me.

I didn't react the intimidation but on the inside I was freaking out. "Hoo? So you can withstand that, How about this then?" It said as it increased the killing intent.

I couldn't bear the pressure at the end and dropped down on one knee as I grit my teeth. "Its commendable that you didn't pass out with all the pressure I was releasing. You're fit to be my jailer." It said as it removed all the killing intent. I started breathing heavily when he released the intimidation with cold sweat on my forehead.

"Hah.. Hah.. Hah.. Was that really necessary!?" I shouted between breaths as the beast just hmphed at me. "Hmph! I, the great Nine Tails, will not accept a weak jinchūriki! If you couldn't even withstand that much pressure then I wouldn't lend you even a sliver of my power!" It said in a loud voice. So you really put all that pressure on me just to test me!?

"You know what? Nevermind it was my bad for asking. Anyways, My name is Shiki Wakura and I'm your jinchūriki." I said. Yes, I changed my name to match my family's. "Hmm" The bijuu just hmmed in acknowledgment.

"Oi! You know that it's bad manner to not introduce yourself right?!" I shouted at it, feeling annoyed. "Hmph! I am the great Nine-Tailed Fox, the strongest Bijuu, Kurumi! There, you happy now kit?" I could literally fell the annoyance out of its voice.

Wait a second, did it just say Kurumi? And did it really tell me it's name that easily!? "Kurumi? Not Kurama? You're a girl!?" I asked in surprise. "So? You got a problem with me being a girl? And who's Kurama?" She asked in an angry voice.

"Ah, no, I never said that I had a problem just surprised. A-Anyways I'll go now Bye!" I shouted as I quickly escaped my mindscape. I went out before she could say anything. Holy shit she's scary. Just wait till I'm stronger, I'll show you then!

-----Flashback End-----

Well, the only thing I have to say is that we have a better relationship now but not good enough to release the seal. We talk frequently and she's surprisingly kind. Like a tsundere. Also her fur is absolutely the softest and most fluffiest thing I have ever felt. I touched it once by accident. Ahh~~~ I could just melt in that softness~~~

I also found out that I can use the chakra and the chakra nature transformations like Magnet Release of other tailed beasts. Well the chakra capacity of the other tailed beasts is low but I dont care about that. The main thing is the chakra nature transformations.

The only regret that I have right now is that I couldn't save my sister. She got sucked into a 'Mato Disaster' once and never came back. But I am completely sure that she's still alive, so I'll definitely find her.

Mato Disasters are when gates to Mato suddenly open out of nowhere and you get stuck in Mato.

I am currently in my class in school. I go to a public high school known as Kaminoge High School. Its a good school when compared to other schools. But there is a pretty shitty rule that almost all the co-ed high schools have to follow. Its that boys have to come to school earlier than girls and clean the classrooms and such before the girls come.

So after cleaning the class I admired my work. It was so shiny and spotless that I could see me reflection on it and I didn't even break a sweat. Levi would be proud. The other guys looked at me like I was a god since I always finish up earlier and they have to do less work.

I was leaning on the window, looking out and saw the girls entering. "And here are the Ladies' tardy arrival" A guy said from the back. "Thats just how it is. Men can't recieve blessings from the peaches so our lives are on hard mode from the get go." Another guy holding a broom beside him said.

What he said is true though. Since men can't get power they are treated badly. Women get preferential treatment anywhere 95% of the time. Everything is better for women like while the toilets for men will be only a small room with a toilet bowl, women's toilets will be as if it came out straight from a castle.

"What the!? When did they get together!?" A boy holding a cleaning spary bottle exclaimed in shock as they saw a girl and a boy holding hands while walking into the school. To be honest, they dont look like a couple. The guy looks like a servant to her, holding her bags and all.

"Oh that? Apparently he asked for the courtesy of dating her after saying that it was thanks to her he won the competition" The boy holding the broom said. That boyfriend dude is such a simp. "So athletic people really are popular. Must be good...." The first guy said. "Shiki's really popular too" The spray guy said in a whispering voice. I can hear you y'know. "But I've heard that he rejected them all" The broom guy said.

Its true, I rejected them all because their personality was pretty bad. Every time a girl confessed to me it went like, 'You're my boyfriend from now on. Be happy okay?' or 'You are good enough to be my boyfriend. You should be honored.'

Some of them even attacked me after I rejected them so I being the gentleman I am, put them in their place. Beneath my feet. I strive for gender equality and won't shy away from drop kicking a woman like I was taught by Kazuma-San.

Sometimes this mega handsome appearance of mine brings more trouble than necessary.

And due to me beating up many girls who had already received a Peach the others started fearing me. Many guys on the other hand saw me like a role model or a god.

These hands are rated 'E' for Everyone.

-----After School-----

After the school finished I talked a little with my few buddies while walking out the school and took a train home.

The trains were also divided for men and women where the men's trains were always packed to the brim while the women's trains were completely empty with only a few seats taken. Me being me, I took the womens train. I sat there like a total chad while others started at me wierdly with a blush due to my face but I just ignored it.

While walking home I was thinking about how to get into Mato. While I could put the Mato gate security into a genjutsu and enter it'll be too much work and I'll get an hour or two at most. I'll have to find a way to join the Anti-Demon Corps. It doesn't even have to be a real member, just a caretaker or something like that would be enough. I just have to get into Mato and then I'll get to become stronger with no end.

While I was thinking this I noticed that the street was getting mistier and mistier and soon enough I couldn't even see anything. Out of nowhere a huge gust of wind came and started blowing the mist away. I didn't close my eyes and looked around with a serious gaze.

After the mist cleared and when I saw where I am, I couldn't be more elated. I was in Mato. The place I was thinking of getting into just a minute ago. Hahahaha!

This'll be fun.


This is it for this chapter.

See you in the next chapter 👋