

James' POV

"Oh, come on! You're telling me your brother looks like that?" Enza says as she looks down at Art's phone in awe. Taylor is leaning against his chair staring at his lover is complete adoration clearly not bothered by the little crush.

"Looks like what? A little oily potato? We don't stan potatoes Enza, have better taste." Artemis says sassily and I can't help my chuckle. Her and her brother have been at odds since they were little, it was never anything serious like who wants to be heir, but more because Jasper is a cocky asshole that doesn't care.

"Doesn't look like a potato, honey." Enza scoffs in return and she takes her phone back with a roll of her eyes.

"Stare at your own boyfriend!" She says pouting a bit but Enza shakes her head.

"I can't. I have to give him a break." She says patting her lovers hand but Taylor is only amused as he watches the two.