
Mathematics professor returns to daily life

Lu You, known as Professor Lu, was recommended to a prestigious domestic university. He is nearly thirty years old. He has made good achievements in the field of mathematics and has a promising future. However, an accident happened. Without any preparation, he came to another world and returned to the age of fifteen. In the gentle daily life, he met the rest of his life and learned how to love someone. To the dear readers : This novel isn't written by me but translated INTO ENGLISH!! It is a novel I read and loved. Original title: 数学教授重回日常 Original author: 十页人缘

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40 Chs

Professor Lu’s Daily Life

At nearly six o'clock in the afternoon, in a well-known university, a clear and clean voice echoed in the classroom, seeming to be explaining certain truths.

I saw a young teacher standing on the podium, holding chalk in his hand, leaving a bunch of numerical symbols on the blackboard, and teaching advanced mathematics to the students below.

Advanced Mathematics, the full name of which is Advanced Mathematics, is a public compulsory course for freshmen, so it can be assigned to a large staircase classroom with six classes at a time and nearly 300 people attending the class.

The classroom was packed, and even though get out of class was about to end, the students were still sitting upright and listening attentively, not daring to relax at all.

If anyone else saw this scene, they would definitely sigh, this is the person who is the pillar of the country.

However, in fact, what college students are thinking in their hearts is: "MD, why are you still talking! Let's highlight the key points!"

The reason why the classroom was full was that near the end of the semester, the young teachers, namely Lu You and Professor Lu, issued a notice in advance to the high-mathematics group that attendance would be checked today, and half of the usual points would be deducted for absences. This means that if you don't come today, Gao Shu can be said to be dead.

Lu You usually doesn't call names, and even if he does, he will notify the group in advance. He understands college students, after all, he has just graduated. As for why he is already a professor, that is his glorious history.

The students listened carefully, but they were afraid that they would miss the key points. Lu You also said in the notice that today's class content is the last chapter of knowledge and the scope of the final exam.

After writing the last number, Lu You put down the chalk and turned to face all the classmates.

"Okay, students, we have finished covering this semester's content today."

After hearing this sentence, the students below immediately concentrated their attention, fearing that they would miss a word next.

Lu You glanced at the students in the classroom, turned off the PPT, and said, "Let's focus on the key points first, and you will review according to the key contents.

The final exam won't be too difficult, and I will post some questions in the group later. If you understand those questions thoroughly, plus the questions I usually post on the homework website, you will definitely have no problem passing. After highlighting the key points, I will roll your name again, and then the get out of class can be over. "

Lu You paused for a moment, then continued: "Okay, students, open the table of contents of the book. Let's first talk about the general scope of the exam..."

Twenty minutes later.

"Zhang San."


Lu You happened to click on the last student, and the bell rang. The classroom became noisy, and he was about to call the get out of class over when he suddenly remembered something he had forgotten to say and quickly added it.

"One more thing, there are two classes on the schedule next week, but you don't have to check your attendance. You don't have to come. I will sit here. If you have any questions, you can ask me then, or go to the office in the mathematics building during working hours. Look for me, I'm basically here. Okay, that's it, get out of class is over.

As soon as he finished speaking, the students left in a swarm from the four classroom doors. Some students who left from the front doors on both sides even said hello to Lu You, and he responded with a smile.

Lu You unplugged the projector cable, closed the notebook, and put it in her handbag. Then he took out the mask from his pocket, put it on, and slowly walked out of the classroom.

He bought an apartment near the school. Although it was a bit far from the city center, the environment was good, the nearby subway station was not far away, and the property price was still affordable.

Moreover, he lives alone and spends most of his time in school doing academic research and improving himself. This kind of location is more suitable for him to live in.

Lu You walked slowly on the way home, with students coming and going around him. Some people have just finished class, some are going to the studio, and some are preparing for evening electives or experimental classes.

The life of college students has different ways of living according to everyone's different choices. It can be said to be colorful.

The university campus covers a very large area. Even though Lu You's home is near the school, it is still a long distance from the teaching building to the school gate. Otherwise, no college students would ride to school.

Lu You focused his gaze on the setting sun on the horizon. The sky within sight was dyed red, and the few scattered thin cirrus clouds formed a gorgeous sunset glow under the red light. And his way home was also coated with a layer of gold powder and sparkled under the afterglow of the setting sun.

Lu You has seen this scene many times. Not only that, he has experienced all kinds of scenes on this road, including the humid and misty early spring, the sunny midsummer, the golden leaves paving the road in late autumn, and the cold and windy late winter.

Lu You's daily life may seem dull and boring to others, but he enjoys it himself.

Every morning, I go to the office to sit in class. If there are classes, I will go to class. If there are no classes, I will read papers, do research, or look for topics to do some research. After getting off work in the afternoon, I go home and work on my cooking skills to make a good dinner. After dinner, go for a walk and exercise. After exercising, take a shower, watch videos or movies, and go to bed between about 11 and 12 o'clock.

He is 29 years old this year, and he is about to end his three-year run, but he is still alone. Not to mention lovers, I don't even have friends. Apart from my parents, the only people I know most well are my colleagues in the academic field.

It's not that Lu You's conditions are not good, on the contrary, his conditions can be considered very good. I have a house but it is fully paid, I don't have a car but I have a seven-digit savings starting with 5, I am an only child, my parents work in the system and contribute to the country.

Although his appearance is not as good as that of a star, he can still be said to have good facial features, a clean face, and a height of 1.78 meters. His current occupation is a specially appointed teacher in a university, and his professional title is professor.

He rose to prominence in CMO at the age of 14, won a gold medal, and was recommended to a prestigious university. He also won the gold medal at the IMO the following year, and together with several other students, the national team reached the top spot.

Then after getting a bachelor's degree in China, go abroad until you get a doctorate and return home safely.

He had no friends or anyone he liked. It wasn't that he didn't want to find them, but he walked too fast, leaving his peers far behind.

The relationship between people takes time to accumulate, and he will not stay in one place for too long.

As for his parents, they were very busy when he was a child, and they spent very little time together.

Over a long period of time, he gradually became accustomed to this kind of life, and also liked this kind of calm and repetitive daily life, alone, and did not want other factors to get involved.

When I got home, the sunset had gradually disappeared into the sky.

Lu You opened the refrigerator. Today is Friday. There are not many ingredients left in it. The next weekend will be the time to replenish it.

He took out an egg, a green onion, and the remaining cabbage sum from the refrigerator, and decided to make a simple egg noodle for dinner, and he would replenish it tomorrow to make it more generous.

Lu You took out a stainless steel pot, added an appropriate amount of water, placed it on the gas stove, lit the fire, closed the lid, and then started washing vegetables and frying eggs...

After working in the kitchen for a while, Lu You brought out a bowl of steaming noodles.

The eggs are fried just right, and a few cabbage sums and chopped green onions add a bit of color to the noodles. It's not as good as the delicacies from the mountains and seas, but it's more than enough to fill your stomach.

While chatting, Lu You was thinking about the future.

Next semester, I still have to teach advanced mathematics to the new freshman class.

Then preparations will begin for recruiting graduate students.

A new topic is almost on the agenda.

Lu You stuffed the dishes into the dishwasher and sat on the sofa watching cute pet videos.

He likes cats very much, and his financial conditions allow it. Unfortunately, he lives alone and has a lot of things to do, so he basically can't take care of them, so he can only raise cats in the cloud and get cat energy from videos.

Adhering to the idea of ​​not being fooled in vain, Lu You voted coins to like a few videos, then went to the room to change into sportswear, put on a small satchel around his waist, put on Bluetooth headphones, and went out for a run to exercise.

I trot from home to the school stadium, run a few laps on the playground track, then go to the gym next to the stadium to exercise my upper body muscles, and then trot home. The daily exercise task is completed.

After returning home and taking a shower, Lu You leaned on the bed, put his cell phone on the bedside table to charge, and started using his tablet to kill time.

At this time, the time came to nine o'clock.

Lu You checked the up owners he followed at station b, League of Legends events, and several Apex up owners, which showed that they were live broadcasting.

Although he doesn't play games very much, he has heard about some trends. He occasionally watches them to pass the time, and he can also understand the fun of contemporary college students.

As a game that has developed world-class competitions, Lu You would naturally pay attention to League of Legends, and Apex discovered it accidentally. The skills between different legends and the fierce gun battles are quite attractive, and Slowly paying attention.

After wandering around various live broadcast rooms for a while, Lu You returned to the homepage and refreshed the page to see if there were any videos from the "Science Fiction Zone" up owner.

Although he doesn't fall in love, it doesn't mean that he doesn't like falling in love. On the contrary, he still maintains a fantasy about love, and also likes to watch others fall in love. That sweet, greasy feeling always makes people turn into maggots and writhe around on the bed.

Shakespeare once said: All love without the purpose of marriage is a hooliganism.

Lu You's idea is also very different. He feels that love is a very important thing and cannot be started or ended casually.

Although the current society pursues freedom and openness, if it feels inappropriate, just leave it and quickly connect to the next one. But he still insisted on his own idea. The so-called "break up if it's inappropriate" is just that he can't see himself clearly and doesn't pay attention to feelings.

Lu You didn't want to care about others. He had no way and didn't want to change anything. He just had to be himself and not be affected.

He still hopes that his emotional history is clean. If you don't meet that person, it would be a good thing to carry a blank piece of paper to the end of your life.

After stuffing his mouth full of dog food, Lu You put down the tablet with satisfaction, turned off the light, and lay flat on the bed.

Today was another peaceful and peaceful day. No accidents occurred and the students did not cause trouble.

I hope to get a kitten one day.

I envy people who have girlfriends. What does it feel like when a girl hugs you?

Tomorrow is the weekend and I have to go to the market to buy vegetables in the morning.

Well, I have free time in the afternoon, so I can make some desserts to eat.

Go to bed early, tomorrow will be another familiar day.

After a period of random thoughts, Lu You's consciousness gradually sank to the bottom of the water, and only the sound of gentle breathing was left in the room.

A few hours later, in another world, a handsome young man was sleeping on a soft mattress.

Suddenly, the long and thick eyelashes trembled slightly. The young man slowly raised his eyes.