
Mathematics professor returns to daily life

Lu You, known as Professor Lu, was recommended to a prestigious domestic university. He is nearly thirty years old. He has made good achievements in the field of mathematics and has a promising future. However, an accident happened. Without any preparation, he came to another world and returned to the age of fifteen. In the gentle daily life, he met the rest of his life and learned how to love someone. To the dear readers : This novel isn't written by me but translated INTO ENGLISH!! It is a novel I read and loved. Original title: 数学教授重回日常 Original author: 十页人缘

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40 Chs

Parents, topic

Lu You stood alone on the stage, and the piano prelude sounded. Compared with "The Plum Fragrance Is Still the Same", where you can experience the emotions of the characters in the play, "Ruyu" is more like his own story.

He could sympathize with Meng Yi's family situation when he heard about it a few days ago. But Meng Yi's views on his parents were completely different.

In his previous life, Lu You's parents became very busy after he entered elementary school. They were only busy with the world of making breakfast for themselves, and they had to rely on others to pick him up and drop him off. Even when they are at home, they work in the study room.

In the third grade, Lu You showed a strong interest in mathematics and a strong talent. His parents were very surprised and delighted, so he was able to enter the study room and study with his parents.

His parents would often tell him, "Study hard and serve the motherland." At that time, schools generally talked about how good foreign countries are. Lu You didn't understand why they should serve the motherland and asked them, wouldn't it be better to just go abroad?

The parents responded kindly, "There are bad things about our motherland. What we should do is to do our best to make it better instead of complaining or even escaping. You will understand later."

Lu You nodded in understanding.

When he was 14 years old, his body began to grow and Lu You was able to take care of himself independently. His parents asked him to participate in competitions, and they themselves moved out of the house and rarely came back.

At the age of junior high school, he entered a university full of adults. Everyone was a head taller than him. There was a generation gap between Lu You and everyone else, and he had nothing to say. Basically, I am immersed in the world of mathematics.

During his two-year college career, Lu You studied with a professor friend of his parents in college, and the family never got together once. He could only learn about his parents' situation from his professor. Which scientific research has made progress, which steps have caused problems, etc.

At the age of sixteen, when others were in high school, Lu You was already a graduate student of that professor. His thoughts became extreme, his rebellious period arrived, and he began to have a tendency to sit crooked on his buttocks. He resented why his parents were not by his side, and he felt a little self-defeating. The professor saw the signs and showed him some photos of his parents at work.

"The family and the country are in a dilemma. It's not that they don't want to be around you, it's just that they love everyone where they are more."

Lu You cried loudly: "So I was the one who was given up? If this is the case, why did you give birth to me in the first place!"

The professor sighed, "Your parents said you can resent them, but they hope you can't give up on yourself or blame your country."

Lu You didn't speak anymore, but became more immersed in his own world. My math ability has improved by leaps and bounds, and I take good care of myself. He wouldn't say that he would give up on himself because he hates his parents. That would be stupid. Only by living a better life and becoming better can we reduce the impact of their lack on ourselves.

At the age of eighteen, Lu You came of age, received a master's degree, and received invitations from prestigious foreign universities to study for a Ph.D. His parents returned home at this time, and his life suddenly became free. His parents didn't have any other words of concern, they just said, "Remember to come back after graduation." He left without looking back.

After spending several years abroad, Lu You really thought about never going back, but he always subconsciously tried to understand domestic information. He gradually understood what his parents said when he was a child. Even with all his shortcomings, which are his roots, he is still a member of his country. So a few years after getting his doctorate, he went back.

After returning to China, his parents once again devoted themselves to the cause of the country, and he also served as a domestic university teacher, while doing research to improve himself, slowly approaching his parents' field, and gradually reconciled with them.

His nearly thirty years of life may have been spent chasing after his parents, but he didn't realize it, or maybe he didn't want to admit it.

Lu You's dazzle only lasted a moment on the stage. Recalling his past life, he spoke slowly to the rhythm of the music.

You are a long way away

Lamps in the foggy mountains

I am a child

Walking in your eyes.

Lu You did not deliberately imitate Faye Wong's singing style. Her voice is unparalleled in the world. I didn't deliberately use too many techniques, I just included my own memories in it.

And I will love the world you love

May you have the smile you wish for

Logan's whole body felt tingling, and an unknown emotion surged out of his heart. She wanted to hug the young man singing on the stage.

And I will dream of the reunion you dreamed of

May your wishes last forever

Take the long road you take

Love you so much

At this moment, Lu You felt completely relieved. In his previous life, he had been searching for his parents. There might have been some twists and turns, but he was still on the road to get closer to them in the end.

I will also see the world you have never seen

Write poems you haven't written yet

The thoughts in the heart of the moon in the sky

you will always be by my side

Meet you for a lifetime of clarity

As young as your face

At the end of the song, Lu You looked into the distance and was lost in thought. His parents are no longer the couple who dedicated their lives to the country, but his knowledge and thoughts have not changed. He will use his light and heat in this new and very similar place.

At the end of the song, there was thunderous applause, and Lu You bowed and left the stage. When passing by the audience, Shao Ling wanted to say something else, but was ignored.

Lu You found Instructor Liu and said, "Instructor, I want to go to the toilet."

Instructor Liu looked at him and felt that his mood was a little different, but he didn't ask any more questions. He nodded and said, "Go ahead and come back before the team gathers."

After Lu You got permission, he bought a bottle of mineral water from the canteen. He didn't even open it to drink, he just held it like this. He came to the stone bench next to him and sat down, looking up at the night sky. He has many and complicated emotions in his heart right now, and he needs a quiet environment to clear them out.

the other side.

Tang Wan watched Lu You walk off the stage. After more than ten minutes, the program had passed and the seat in front was still empty.

Seeing her distracted look, Xu Nian said, "Wanwan, help me buy a bottle of water."

"Well, I'm going now." Logan stood up and walked out of the team.

She looked around the training ground and saw no one, so she had to go to the canteen to buy water first.

As soon as he walked to the canteen department, Logan found the figure, who was looking up at the sky in a daze.

Lu You's inner emotions gradually stabilized. Just as he came to his senses, there was an extra person beside him, carrying a faint fragrance.

"What are you doing here? Looking at the stars?" Logan imitated what he had just done, looking up at the night sky. Unfortunately, the clouds were thick and there was only darkness.

"There are no stars tonight." Lu You looked at Tang Wan's side face and sighed in his heart: It's perfect.

"How long have you been looking at the stars without them?" Logan also turned his head, and the two of them looked at each other.

Lu You's eyes reflected Tang Wan's figure, with a warm light shining.

"I'm thinking about the past, another past."

Tang Wan was a little fascinated and asked in a daze: "What happened?"

"The non-existent past." After speaking, Lu You put the mineral water in her hand and said, "Come back to your senses. If you look at me like this, I will think too much."

Tang Wan was startled, turned around, and unconsciously grabbed the mineral water in her hand.

"No... I'm sorry, I lost my temper a little." Her voice was still trembling slightly.

"It's okay, are you in a hurry to go back?"

Logan squeezed the water bottle, adjusted his mood, and then responded: "You can be in a hurry or not."

"Then sit here and stay with me."

"Need to talk about something?"

"No need." It's good to have you by my side.

Lu You didn't say the last sentence.

It wasn't until the last show was about to end that the two returned to their seats together. The girls around saw Logan going out by himself, and the two of them came back together. After such a long time, their eyes changed.

Li Yu saw him sitting on his seat and asked, "Where have you gone?" The people around him raised their ears at the same time.


"What did you do?"

"Buy water and look at the stars."

"Where's the water?"


"Where are the stars?"

"The clouds are too thick to see."

Li Yu was speechless, "I can't see why you haven't come back for so long?"

"Then it's cloud-watching."

"It's pitch dark at night, what can you see?"

"Can't see anything clearly."

"Then why are you back so late?"

"I don't know. When I came back to my senses, I realized it was almost over."

Lu You's tone was calm throughout the whole process, without any disturbance.

"Okay. By the way, what was the name of that one just now? It's saucy, right?"

Lu You was silent for a moment, "It's Shao Ling."

"Oh oh oh, yes, that's him. He can sing well, but he's just not as handsome as you, and he doesn't sing as well as you."


The girls were a little disappointed, expecting to hear some gossip, but found nothing. He could only turn his attention to Logan. Hope to get some exciting news.

Tang Wan is not as sophisticated as Lu You, and he can't hide his emotions very well on his face. He still has a faint smile on his face now, and his whole person is sparkling.

There is a situation!

The girls looked at each other and decided the topic of the dormitory tonight.

Seeing that Tang Wan was still having fun, Xu Nian could only express his condolences to her in his heart.

Poor Wanwan, I can only wrong you tonight.

The party ended successfully.

Lu You and several roommates returned to the dormitory with several large bottles of drinks and bags of snacks in their hands.

As soon as he entered, several shirtless boys cheered.

"Wuhu! No sleep tonight!"

"Open a silver party!"

On the last night tonight, the instructors are not incompetent. Although they will turn off the lights on time, their management efforts are greatly relaxed. Instructor Liu told them that as long as they didn't get too presumptuous, no one would care about them.

Lu You smiled and said, "Don't worry, let's wait until everyone has finished their work before we start." Then he put everything under Meng Yi's bed.

A boy came over and asked curiously and excitedly: "What did you buy, monitor?"

"You have bought everything you want to eat, including melon seeds, peanuts, Weilong, and infinite."

After a while, people from a dormitory gathered in front of the window. Some people sat on the bed, and a few moved out on benches. This location is very good. When the lights are turned off, the light from the big lights outside can support them to continue playing.

Lu You gave everyone a disposable plastic cup and said, "Orange juice, Coke, Sprite, and Wanglaoji are all available. Pour whatever you need by yourself." After that, he poured himself a glass of Wanglaoji.

The conversation quickly started, each telling interesting stories about their own encounters or complaining about certain behaviors. Lu You basically just drank, nibbled on the duck neck, and listened quietly. His own past is quite boring, so he just needs to be a listener.

"I liked that girl in my third year of junior high school, but after I asked her to go to a comic exhibition, we stopped keeping in touch." A boy said melancholy.

Another boy laughed at him directly, "Yeah! How can any idiot ask someone to go to a comic convention? This place has no hobbies and is just going to jail."

"You're right, I feel like a fool now. I wish I could ask her to go to the movies." The boy directly took a cup of soda and then refilled it for himself.

Meng Yi seemed to have an idea. When no one was talking, he asked, "Hey, my deskmate. If it were you, where would you go with a girl?"