
Mathematics professor returns to daily life

Lu You, known as Professor Lu, was recommended to a prestigious domestic university. He is nearly thirty years old. He has made good achievements in the field of mathematics and has a promising future. However, an accident happened. Without any preparation, he came to another world and returned to the age of fifteen. In the gentle daily life, he met the rest of his life and learned how to love someone. To the dear readers : This novel isn't written by me but translated INTO ENGLISH!! It is a novel I read and loved. Original title: 数学教授重回日常 Original author: 十页人缘

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40 Chs

I just cheated

Li Yu walked towards the two of them.

"Lu..." Just as he was about to call Lu You, he was suddenly pulled aside.

"I'm so scared. What are you doing!" Li Yu was startled by Xu Nian's sudden pull.

Xu Nian motioned for him to follow.

The two of them came to sit a little further away. There were still unfinished plates on the dining table.

"What are you bringing me here for?" Li Yu asked as soon as he sat down.

The two of them were somewhat familiar. On the first day of school last month, Xu Nian also joined Li Yu's board game game, and then secretly went to the Carp Club with other classmates to play.

Xu Nian tapped Lu You's direction with his chin and said, "Do you still want to interfere in this atmosphere?"

Li Yu glanced in the direction she indicated and asked puzzledly: "What's the atmosphere? Isn't it just normal communication?"

"You really have no vision." Xu Nian shook his head, sighed, and continued to eat his dinner.

Li Yu didn't want to go to Lu You anymore and said to Xu Nian, "I'll go get some food first. Please wait for me."

Xu Nian glanced at him and waved his hand

"When you come back later, tell me about your so-called vision." After saying that, Li Yu got up and went to the window to get some food.

After a while, Li Yu came back with a large plate of food and a bowl of soup.

Xu Nian looked at the two chicken drumsticks, one roast duck, and one Chinese cabbage on his plate, and was stunned, "Do you eat so much?"

Li Yu smiled and said, "I'll give you a chicken leg as a reward for spending time eating with me."

"How do you say I'm like a foil?" Xu Nian was a little confused.

"You talk to me and I give you food. It's fair. Don't you need it?"

Xu Nian immediately picked up the chicken legs with chopsticks, put them on his plate, and said happily: "Why should I refuse when someone offers me food?"

"The chicken drumsticks in school are quite expensive. When I saw the price, I didn't want to order them. I felt like I was losing money."

"It's okay. I don't go out to spend much money after school starts. It's okay to eat once in a while." Li Yu said while chewing on the chicken legs, "Tell me, what's going on over there with Lu You?"

"Do you know that boy?"

"Otherwise? He is my good brother, and I am looking for him."

"Uh..." Xu Nian was embarrassed, "I thought you were looking for Wanwan."

Li Yu was speechless, "What should I do with her? I don't know her well."

"Is there anything strange about the two of them?" Li Yu changed the topic.

"A man and a woman, talking and laughing, isn't it strange?"

"Aren't we the same?"

"But Wanwan knows that boy, I don't."

"Lu You doesn't know you either?"

"And that boy is very good-looking!"

"You're not bad either."

Xu Nian is speechless.

"So, people's vision should not be so narrow. Just meet by chance to have a meal." Li Yu ate a piece of roast duck.

Well, the taste is just so-so.

Tens of minutes later.

Lu You and Tang Wan separated at the stairs on the second floor of the teaching building and returned to their respective classrooms.

As soon as Lu You walked into the classroom, he felt the gaze from Meng Yi. Staring at him all the way back to his seat.

He took out the math test paper he planned to do tonight from the drawer and said, "If you have anything to say, just say it."

Meng Yi showed a lewd expression and said, "So you have a girlfriend. No wonder you are not interested in the girls in our class?"

"Huh? When did I have a girlfriend? I don't even know about it and you know about it?" Lu You said in surprise.

"Stop hiding, I've seen it all. The one eating with you in the dining hall. It's so beautiful."

"She became my girlfriend after we had a meal?" Lu You thought it was a bit funny, "You are still sitting at the same table with me, so aren't you my boyfriend?"

"Fuck..." Meng Yi backed away suddenly and said in horror: "You...you're not from Nantong, are you?"

"Alas!" Lu You felt so tired, "It's as if you and I are just sitting at the same table. That girl and I just know each other and happened to bump into each other while eating in the canteen."

"Is that really all?" Meng Yi was still a little suspicious.

"Don't treat your subjective conjectures as objective facts, and don't just talk nonsense. It can easily cause problems." Lu You said seriously.

Seeing Lu You's serious look, Meng Yi responded quickly: "I didn't talk nonsense. Didn't I just tell you this? How could I go around talking about Stone Hammer without it?"

Lu You glanced at him and said, "It's best this way."

"So you really have no other relationship?"

"No." Lu You replied decisively.

"Then can you let us get to know each other? I'm so excited!" Meng Yi's eyes shone.

"Hurry up, if you want to meet someone else, I won't say a word." Lu You refused without hesitation.

"Oh, just tell me a little bit, just your name, class, too!" Meng Yi refused.

"Haha." Lu You sneered, and then said: "I'm going to take a math test paper, please don't disturb me."

After speaking, he unfolded the test paper and started doing calculations.

"Tch, stingy." Meng Yi turned his head, opened the book distributed in the afternoon, and began to write his name and class.

Not long after, Meng Yi secretly took a look at Lu You's test paper.

"Hey, what does this question mean?"

Lu You didn't even raise his head and responded calmly: "I'll tell you in two hours. Now please let me concentrate on writing the test paper."

Meng Yi immediately stopped talking and looked at the Chinese book by himself, not daring to disturb him anymore.

Not long after Tang Wan returned to her seat, she was about to write the homework assigned by the teacher when Xu Nian returned to her seat and asked quietly: "When did you meet that boy named Lu You? Why haven't I seen him before?"

Logan also lowered his head and whispered: "I also met by chance. When I was walking in the park, I saw a kitten and couldn't help but want to pet it. He happened to be the cat's owner. Later when I was going home , he asked me if I wanted to add a vx, and I agreed."

"Why did you agree?" Xu Nian said incredulously, "You didn't even join anyone in the class before."

"Actually, I originally wanted to ask him about vx, but when I hesitated whether to say it or not, he asked first." Logan was a little embarrassed.

"Wow, Logan, I didn't expect you to be such a person. It's really eye-opening!" Xu Nian said with a smile.

"I'm here for the kitten, don't think too much about it." Logan's voice was a little anxious.

"Have I ever asked you why you went there?" Xu Nian said teasingly.

"I won't talk to you anymore, I have to do my homework, don't talk!" Logan's cheeks were flushed, and his earlobes were slightly warm.

"Oh, classmate Wanwan, why are your ears so red?" Xu Nian's smile gradually became wilder.

"Can't hear! Can't hear!" Logan said and covered his ears with both hands to hide his shame.

At half past six, the self-study bell rang, and Lu You had just finished the twelfth multiple-choice question. Teacher Zeng also walked in with the bell ringing.

"Okay, students, please put down what you are doing and look over."

Lu You temporarily put down his pen and looked up at the podium.

When most students focused their attention on the podium, Teacher Zeng spoke again.

"Let's talk about some more important things. The first thing is about mobile phones. Today is the first day of school. I won't care about you. But starting from tomorrow, those who bring mobile phones to school will be handed over to me. Those who are day students will have them during dinner time. You can take it away when you go home in the evening. Students who live in the dormitory can only take it in the afternoon and weekend breaks. If you are caught keeping it, your parents will be notified directly and a demerit will be recorded. Then there is the matter of military training next week..."

Lu You continued to lower his head and do the questions. He is the temporary squad leader. If there is anything important, the head teacher will call him over in advance. As for the mobile phone, I won't bring it with me. If you don't play mobile games, it doesn't matter if you have cash in your wallet and don't have a mobile phone.

After that, there was basically nothing else to do. Lu You successfully finished writing and correcting the math test paper at the end of the first period of self-study.

Meng Yi, who had watched almost the whole process on the side, was now numb. He briefly read through the mathematics catalog for the first semester of high school, but it was obvious that the test papers Lu You took were far beyond the scope of the book.

"You... where did you learn mathematics?" Meng Yi's voice was a little trembling.

Lu You thought for a while, but it was not easy to answer this question. After careful consideration, he said, "I know everything you should learn in high school." He didn't want to say that he knew calculus or something, because that wasn't true.

"Then why aren't you downstairs? I think your test paper is so good?" Meng Yi didn't understand very much.

"It should be downstairs next semester. I can only tell you a little unexpected about the high school entrance examination." Lu You simply made up a reason.

"How did you manage to finish high school mathematics now? Although my high school entrance examination score is at Chunhua, I know my own level very well. It can be said that I got here by luck. Can you teach me?" Meng Yi There was a hint of desire and prayer in his eyes.

"Are you weak at math?" Lu You turned her head and looked at him and asked seriously.

"Yeah." Meng Yi nodded vigorously, with a painful look on his face, "I had a question when I was in junior high school. I could understand the answers to those big questions, but when I actually wrote them, I couldn't figure it out at all. Take action."

"That is to say, you know the basic principles, but you don't know when to use it and how to use it." Lu You gave him a rough summary.

"That's how I feel."

"There is only one way to solve this problem. Watch more and practice more. There is no shortcut. It's like playing a game. You know the basic operations, but when to use them and how to use the skills, you need to do more on your own. You can only know it through actual operation. You also need to summarize more, look back at your previous thinking, and then compare it with your current self, so that you can better know the direction you are going in."

"Is there really no good way?" Meng Yi got a headache when he heard that he had to do more questions.

"Do you think you are a genius?" Lu You asked him calmly.

Meng Yi was silent for a while before replying: "No."

"I can guarantee that the people in our school are all ordinary people, and there is not a single genius. If they were geniuses, they would have already started to show their talents." Lu You thought of himself in his previous life, maybe half of him. As for now, hanging a B is not considered a genius.

He quickly came back to his senses and continued: "The reason why grades are good or bad is basically the difference in time accumulation in study. If others have a good foundation and spend more time studying, their grades will be worse. Of course it's good. No one can get good grades without spending time. It's said that you can get high scores even if you play all the time. It's just that you don't see him studying."

"Oh, I still have to study the questions." Meng Yi felt helpless, and then said with a wry smile: "But when I see you doing some test papers that I can't understand, I feel like a waste."

Lu You smiled and reassured him: "There is no need to compete with me. You can also understand these test papers, it just takes a little time. Just follow the teacher's steps. Comparing with others will easily increase your anxiety."

"Okay, thank you, I feel much better now."

As soon as Meng Yi finished speaking, he saw Lu You put the math test paper into a folder and put it away, and then took out another folder with the same length from the drawer.

After flipping through it, Meng Yi only saw a pile of paper written with densely packed English letters. He knew all 26 letters, but after forming words and sentences, he couldn't understand any of them.

Meng Yi asked curiously: "Are you going to start taking English test papers now?"

"English?" Lu You shook his head in denial and said, "I don't need to do that stuff. These are some mathematics papers I printed. Take a look at them when you have time to make sure you are not too far behind the times."

"nmd!" Meng Yi felt like a clown, "You are a genius in terms of emotion, right?"

"Uh..." Lu You couldn't answer this question. He couldn't say that he had lived almost thirty years longer, right?

"Come on, crawl, crawl, if I continue to believe in your chicken soup, I will wear overalls when playing basketball from now on."