
Chapter 3


I hate to go to this banquet, but what choice do I have? I got a call from Alpha, and he informed me that he may not make it until later, and it's up to me to represent the pack. Ugh, the things I have to do sometimes. I genuinely feel that I should not be a Beta but an Alpha instead. I would not challenge my Alpha, but I believe running a pack is my future. I put on a red tux jacket with black slacks. I gel my hair and place my bow tie on but leave it untied with two buttons open on my shirt. I like the nonconventional look and am pretty sure I will get some women who want to see what's underneath. I'm not bad-looking if you ask me. I have jet-black hair and classic Italian facial features. I sport hazel eyes and olive-toned skin.

I'm very muscular, but then again, I am a wolf. Training is a part of our lives at an early age, and I try to work out about two days a week. I stand at 6’2 and love to tower over others; I find my height can intimidate some when necessary. I walk into the banquet hall, and the most amazing scent hits me. It smells like vanilla and sandalwood; such a strong scent. I have to find the owner of that scent, and I quickly scan the room to do so. I let the scent guide me until I walk toward a full round table. I see a man point to me, and next to him is the most beautiful woman I have seen. Her caramel complexion is golden-looking, and her hair is up in a high bun. She has minimal makeup but really doesn’t need much. She slowly turned her head towards me, and her brown eyes captured me immediately. As soon as our eyes meet, I hear it; Victor simply says, MATE!

I walk over to this vision and extend my hand. “Good evening. I'm Dominic Ribisi, Beta to the Blood Red pack. You are stunning, and I am hoping to get more acquainted.” She slowly stands up and starts to speak, but I simply stop listening when I see her body. “My, my, my….if you don’t have the most exquisite body that I have ever seen….” I give her the most dashing smile as I say that while stroking my hand up her arm, relishing the sparks that are flying at every inch.


MATE Kehlani….MATE!!

I know, I know, Kai. Let’s meet him.

This beautiful man opens his mouth to introduce himself. Dominic, I do like that name; the way it sounds when I say it in my head. He has the prettiest hazel eyes, and I find myself getting lost in them. I can feel the sparks as I take the hand he has offered me. After his introduction, I stood up to try to meet his level. I begin to introduce myself when he interrupts me by talking about my body?! He was stunning until he opened his mouth. What an ass. Don’t get me wrong, I like how my body is shaped, but we are in a banquet hall filled with other people, and he decides to comment on my curves in front of everyone. This is nuts. He is running his hand up my arm, and I feel the sparks, but I'm not feeling him so much at the moment. I go to speak again and again am interrupted.

“Oh baby girl, daddy has made you speechless, has he? Well that's ok. You don’t need to worry about saying too much. I know what is going on in your head, and, yes, you will get to see what is underneath soon enough,” he says as he cocks his head, undressing me with his eyes. He has got to be kidding me. Just, exactly, who does he think he is? I can sense Jax getting upset, and the room has gone silent as we have taken center stage.

“Maybe we can speak in a more private location,” I finally got out. “I don’t think it's wise to have our opening conversation in front of so many.”

“Oh baby, don’t be nervous. You are mine, and no one will be able to interfere in our conversation.” he says as he winks at me. I internally roll my eyes; this man is something else.

Do you want me to kick his ass now??

No, Jax, just let me handle it.

Come on, Kehlani, he is really pissing me off.

Well, I don't like him much more than you, but please, I got this.

“It's probably better for me to take over the talking anyway...you know women are to be seen and not heard,” Dominic states with a chuckle. That's it! I have had enough. Just who the hell does he think he is? There is no way I will tie myself to this chauvinistic pig, mate bond or not. I stand up straight and look into his eyes. I have to try my best not to let the mate bond get me caught up.

“Let me finally introduce myself as I have been trying to do for a while…..I'm Kehlani Masters, Alpha of the Summit Mountain Pack. It's nice to meet you.” I say, making perfect eye contact and keeping a straight face. As soon as I'm done speaking, Dominic looks at me and starts laughing hysterically. I cock my head and look at him with my eyebrow raised. Jax got up from his seat and moved closer behind me. Dominic is laughing so hard that his eyes are starting to water. He finally takes a breath and looks around the room. Everyone has been enthralled with our interaction, and they are staring at him like he is some type of alien. He slowly realized that I didn't tell him a joke, and he straightened up and looked at me with a grin.

“Well, this is better than I thought!” he exclaimed. I looked at him questionably and side-glanced my Beta. He slightly hunched his shoulders and took a stance, ready to act if needed.

“What exactly do you mean?” I ask. Dominic looks at me with a gleam in his eye.

“Come, let us discuss my new pack and how things will change. As Alpha, there are a lot of things my new pack needs to be aware of.”

“What the entire hell are you…..” started Jax, but I held up my hand to silence him. I gave my full attention to Dominic and really just looked at him. He is attractive; that's not a lie, but his attitude...his thought process make him such an ugly individual.

“I believe I just told you that I'm Alpha. I'm not sure why you would think that would change in the slightest.”

“Oh baby girl, you amuse me so,” Dominic stated. “You are in no position to be a leader. I mean, you are a woman, after all. I have heard about you and what they have said, but let’s be honest….men are made to lead, and women are made to support. It's ok, my pet, you will get used to your new role easily, and I will get the pack to what it needs to be.” This man has got to be out of his damn mind! I can not believe this, and he says it in front of others as if it's the most logical idea in the world. I realize that some in here may agree, but at least they had the decency to challenge me rather than just push me out due to my gender. I was able to defend my position the same as any other male Alpha, and that I respect regardless of the true nature of the challenges.

I'm so sorry, Kai, but I can't deal with this jackass! He has done too much. I know you want your mate, but he is not the one for us.

I understand Kehlani. It hurts, but I agree. I can't communicate with his wolf, so I don't know if he agrees or not. I do want my mate, but I can't condone this behavior. I truly support you in what you are about to do.

Thanks love. Hopefully, we get a good second chance mate. Either way, we will fulfill our promise to the pack.

I stand up straight and square my shoulders. Dominic grabs my hand so we can walk out of the hall together. I snatch my hand away and stare him down. The room is so quiet you can hear a pin drop, and all eyes are on us.

“You and I….” I start. “We will not work out. You have disrespected me multiple times over, and there is no way I can tie myself to someone who is so quick to dismiss me based on my gender. I have worked hard to get to where I am and to remain there. I have the support of my pack, and anyone who felt they could do better was quickly shown that they were wrong. You could never love me as I'm meant to be loved, and I will not subject myself to less than I deserve, mate bond or not. I will be rejecting you, and you will accept the rejection so we can move on with our lives.” I say this as calmly as possible because, truth be told, I'm pissed. To be treated so callously and just disregarded, I'm having trouble maintaining my temper. Dominic got an evil look in his eye.

“Just who the hell do you think you are speaking to like that?” he spits. “No one, definitely not some woman, speaks to me that way. I'm your mate; you belong to me. You will submit, and I will be the Alpha!” Dominic raises his right hand to strike my face, and right before his hand can make contact, I catch it with mine.

“ENOUGH!” I roar in my Alpha tone. “You will not put your hands on me! YOU….you will be the one to submit!” All the waiters in the room dropped to their knees and bared their necks. I know I'm a strong Alpha, and I try not to use my tone unless absolutely necessary. Even some Alphas watching have trouble remaining in their seats since I'm easily stronger than many. The Betas have taken a knee, including Dominic and Jax. Dominic is struggling but can not keep from baring his neck to me. “I, Kehlani Masters, Alpha to Summit Mountain pack, reject you, Dominic Ribisi, Beta to the Blood Moon pack, as my mate now and henceforth,” I state calmly. I feel a bit of pain in my chest but refuse to let it show to others. Dominic is squirming, trying to break free to stop me, and he is definitely feeling the pain. He has started to sweat, and his face is starting to contort.

“Accept my rejection,” I state.

“I will do no such thing,” Dominic says through gritted teeth.

“I said accept my rejection...NOW!” I roar in my alpha tone again. I swear this man is just so damn hard-headed. He had no choice after my command.

“I, Dominic Ribisi, accept your rejection.” Just like that, the bond is broken, and I feel a bit free. I also feel like I'm in pain, but I refuse to let it show.

We need to leave; I mindlink Jax. I can't stay in this room, and I can't stay at this conference. Let’s go home.

I thought you’d never ask Kehlani. Just lean on me….I got you.

With that, Jax grabbed my elbow, and we walked out of the room with my head held high. As I passed Dominic, I saw him fall to the floor, writhing in pain. Once we got to the elevator, I collapsed and leaned into Jax. He rubbed my back and told me to hold on; we would be on the way home soon.