
Love Me

"Stop invading my dreams!" Liz shouted, jabbing a finger at Callan's chest. The incubus lounged on her bed, an infuriatingly smug smile on his handsome face.

"What, I can't help it if your subconscious desires me," he purred, stretching languidly. His black silk robe slipped open, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of chiseled abs.

Liz averted her gaze, heat rising in her cheeks. "It's not my subconscious, and it's you using your powers on me. Again."

"Liz, Liz, Liz," Callan tsked. "Is it so wrong for me to crave a midnight snack? You're the most delectable treat around."

She scoffed. "So I'm just food to you now? Glad to know where I stand."

Callan rose gracefully to his feet, invading her space in two quick strides. He traced a finger along her jawline, tipping her chin up to meet his heated gaze. "Oh trust me, you are so much more than food. You're…a delicacy. A mouthwatering feast I can't resist."