"I can't live without you, do you hear me?" He says to me definitely, another tear from his eyes drops on me, just so I go mute and…numb. He turns his gaze away from me and onto the platform.
And with a powerful and pain-filled groan and or scream, he pulls with all his might.
I feel the strain this poison is putting on him, he can barely hold himself together, and now he has to pull us up this ledge.
I can tell he won't be able to hold it together much longer, most especially by the grip he has on my hand, which is so tight that it hurts.
It feels as though my hand is about to break in half.
I…I don't react, I…can't seem to react to anything as of now.
With a great deal of effort, Darius carries us over the platform, pulling both of us on top, so we rest on the ground beside the edge.
Darius lies on the ground, patting hard…heaving.
But…this time, this time something is off.