
Mated to the King

They say that a blind wolf has no value. A wolf pup born blind should be given a swift death by the parents or by nature but what happens when nature decides to spare a blind wolf? Though blind she overcame lots of obstacles and ended up leading the largest pack equal to that of a King. What'll happen when she finds out what her true identity is? Will she and her brother save the world or destroy it? Will they be consumed by their power or will they ignore the temptation?

_Sienna_04 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Garden Party

A few days after their arrival at the palace, the former queen and Anna planned a garden party to 'welcome' Mei to the noble ranks.

"What do you think about it?" Alec asks her and she smirks listening to the hustle and bustle of the final touches being carried out.

"It's a test, Alec. I've told you before stop being a worry wart." She says to him smiling gently.

"How can I not? These people are so fake China denied making them." Alec responds rolling his eyes while the rest of the group stifles their giggles.

"Don't be such a diva." Kelly says rolling her eyes as she lays out the dress that Nate choose for Mei on the couch in her room.

"At least he got her a gorgeous dress." Tom says looking at the lovely sleeveless dress that's sky blue at the top but fades into an ocean blue at the bottom with ocean blue flats to match.

"Everything will be fine." Mei says reassuring her group as they let out breaths they didn't know they were holding.

"Time to get ready." Mei says and everyone leaves the sitting room and heads to their rooms to get ready. Once done with her shower and changed into her light pink lace undergarments she calls out for Kelly since she doesn't have much luck with dresses or skirts since she usually wears jeans and tops.

Once her dress is on along with her shoes, Kelly does a simple natural look on her and styles her hair in a side braid over her right shoulder with vanilla flavored lipgloss on her lips.

"Beautiful as usual." Kelly says looking at her with the gaze of an older sister and Mei smiles in response.

"Thank you." Mei says just as a gentle knock is heard on the suite door.

"I got it." Alec says opening the door to reveal Nate holding a bouquet of daisies and wearing a nervous expression.

"Come in." Alec says opening the door wide enough so that he can enter. He enters and Kelly walks out of the room arm in arm with Mei. His breath hitches as he takes in the sight of her, her beauty is astonishing to him.

"Are those for me?" Mei asks her eyes directed at the bouquet in his hands.

"Yes." He responds taking a step toward her and placing the bouquet gently in her arms placing a gentle kiss on her forehead before pulling back to see a light blush on her cheeks.

"Thank you." She says placing a kiss on his cheek before Kelly takes the bouquet from her placing it in an emerald vase she prepared.

"Ready?" Nate asks Mei as he takes her hand in his.

"Yes." She says nodding and with a soft tug on her hand, he leads her out of the room. When they arrive at the gardens the chatter immediately dies down as everyone gets to take a good look at their King's mate. All the unmated females glare at her but cower away from the couple due to the strong wave of dominance they possess together.

"Nate, there you are." His grandmother says approaching them but Nate ignores her and pulls Mei along away from her.

"Don't be so rude to her." Mei says getting Nate's attention after eating the strawberry he fed her.

"She's out of line." He responds and Mei smiles at him.

"Nate, I know this is a test, a lousy one but a test all the same." Mei says laughing lightly.

"You know?" He asks her and she nods.

"What other reason is there for her insisting my presence is needed at the palace?" Mei asks tilting her head to the side.

"You're observant." Nate says and she smiles at him.

"It's obvious, Nate. She doesn't want you to be mated to a rouge when she has a better prospect in mind." Mei says shrugging her shoulders just as she gets Anna's unpleasant scent.

"Your Majesty. Lady Mei." She says greeting them both but they don't respond to her clearly not wanting her around them.

"I just want to apologize for my behavior." Anna says taking a step closer to Nate trying to get a reaction out of Mei but it doesn't work.

"Are you Nate's childhood friend?" Mei asks and Anna tenses but answers anyway.

"You could say that." Anna responds and Mei looks at her while smiling lightly.

"How'd you meet? I overhead some of the noble ladies saying that the're one more perospn missing from your group." Mei says looking genuinely interested in the missing member of their group.

"He'll come a little later." Nate says and he nods smiling at him.

"Is he your right hand?" Mei asks curious.

"Yes, he is." Nate says with pride and brotherly love evident in his voice.

"Then he's the right choice." Mie says shocking Nate with her words for many people who knew about their brotherly relationship said that Nate chose Derek because he was his friend when his fact he's more than capable and highly skilled in his abilities. He had to go through a lot to gain the respect and fear towards him far from the easy-going and gentle guy he once was.

"Yes, he is." Nate says smiling softly before frowning.

"What's wrong?" Mei asks sensing the change in his mood.

"A matter has come up that needs my attention." Nate says with a sigh.

"Go. It's ok." Mei says and Nate smiles as she gives him a brief hug.

"I won't be long." He says giving her a quick gentle kiss on her lip before leaving.

"Do you work?" Anna asks Mei but gets no response.

"Don't you think that's my personal business?" Mei asks her voice devoid of emotion that makes Anna swallow nervously.

"I have a right to know." Anna says haughtily.

"No, you don't because I know I've not mated to you just Nate so I don't need to answer your questions." Mei says walking away from her and is immediately greeted by a group of curious girls who're cautious at first but open up gradually as she starts speaking to them.

"Did you manage to find out anything?" The former Queen asks Anna watching in disgust at how easily Mei is able to communicate with the nobles.

"No unfortunately but don't worry. I have ways to shift everyone's opinion of her." Anna says taking a sip of her martini.

"Excellent." The Former Queen says and they both smirk as they watch Mei.

It's not long before Nate returns with Derek in tow excited to formally introduce him to his mate.

"Derek this is Mei. Mei this is Derek, my right hand." Nate says and Mei holds out her hand for Derek to shake.

"Pleasure to meet you." He responds shaking her hand and she smiles at him in response.

"A pleasure indeed." Mei says and before they know the three of them are in deep discussion about a trivial topping cracking jokes as though they've been together for a long time while Anna glares at them in envy so obvious that some of the partygoers notice but she pays them no mind.

"Just you wait Mei. I'll get rid of you soon enough." She says before she leaves the party.

Another chapter for up for you guys.

I know I haven't updated twice a week as I usually do for I've been preparing for my exams so that is taking up most of my time.

So one chapter a week until I'm finished and for those who are also reading my other book, Eclissi, I'll update tomorrow.

Hope you enjoy!

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