
Chapter 33

"You are going to have to feed before Thursday, that leaves you today and tomorrow." Levi reminded his friend after glancing at the calendar -Thursday marked with the full moon.

"I know." Lucas needed to find a solution to his problem and fast. The possibility of using Ella as a blood bag was not an option!

Speaking of Ella, Lucas's phone started to vibrate in his back pocket. He pulled it out, glancing at the large screen.

~I'm almost ready :) xo ~

Lucas smiled at the message, totally forgetting about Levi, who watched him with curious eyes.

~I'm on my way. I'll be there in 30 minutes xx ~

Lucas sent off the message, barely said goodbye to Levi, before making his way home to his girl.

Lucas had planned something small for him and Ella, a couple hours shared just between the two of them. Lucas carried Ella on his back (much to her dismay) with vampire speed and into a secluded part of one of the many forests on Maui.