
Chapter 30

Ella pushed Lily's hand off. "I'm going to see Mary Jane, now move out of my way."

"What do you not understand? You don't belong here, go back to Africa." Lily glared, stepping closer to Ella. "Lucas doesn't need you!"

Ella's jaw clenched, she was lacking confidence to tell Lily how she really felt. The words were on her tongue she just needed a little push.

"Hello?! Did you not hear me? He doesn't need a fat bitch like you!" Lily shoved Ella, making her stumble back. "The only person he needs is me!"

"Shut the fuck up, Lily." Ella was so angry, at the moment she wouldn't have cared if Lily got hit by a bus. "Lucas is my mate, not yours. He doesn't want you, he wants me."

Lily laughed menacingly, pointing her finger at Ella. "You must be dumber than I thought. Have you ever considered that he just feels bad for a fat bitch like you?! He will never want you!"