
Chapter 16

"I would never." Ella smiled, afterwards stepping closer to Lucas. He noticed how she hesitated before, taking his rough hand in her own, the difference in size not to be overseen. Lucas raised their hands to his mouth and placed a soft kiss upon her knuckles. With his heightened hearing, he heard the small gasp leave her lips. Lucas felt immense pleasure as he stared deep into Ella's brown eyes. His own eyes lost their dark grey color, and radiated a bright blue.

Their moment was quickly over when Lily stepped into the hallway, clearing her throat loudly. Lucas didn't want to pull away from his mate, but he didn't want her to feel uncomfortable either. Together they faced Lily and a very confused MJ, who was oblivious to what had been going on just seconds ago.

Before anyone could speak MJ walked over to Ella, smiled and held her other hand, pulling gently. "Do you want to play Monopoly Disney Villains with Lily and I?"