

  Interesting Powers!


  The moment, I saw that we were encircled by almost ten wolves, I thought about two ways of surviving, firstly, I could stop the time and run away myself leaving both Liam and Galaxy behind as they were too far away to touch me, so they would stop like the others when I would stop the time. If I decided to leave them behind there was no chance of their survival. So, I decided to face them and help Liam and Galaxy, as I couldn't imagine being such a fish. I was thinking, 'if I use my power now all will know about my true identity. I am not even sure I will be able to control my power." an inner conflict for some unknown reason, might be I was very nervous at that moment. I couldn't decide what to do where on the other side both Liam and Galaxy were injured and their blood turned the snow-covered roads into deep crimson and I saw two wolves already shifted in their human form, were coming towards me.