
Mated to the Devil

"Careful," the man whispered that sent shiver down her spine. He is positioned behind her and no matter how hard she uses her strength and try to break free from his grasp-- the man's hand were chained to her neck stopping her to move away from him. "I can feel nothing but the desire to kill me," he muttered. "You are not going to succeed." Her heart hammered inside her chest when she felt a pair of sharp fangs in her neck. "You crossed the line and now you are mine, woman." *** An order to kill a man named Valerian Fenrir was pointed upon the she-wolf Natasha by her father alpha Acanthus ever since she was little. When it is finally the time for her to go to the city to fulfill the wishes of her father- she thought it was going to be easy, little did she know, a couple of surprises awaits her.

DaoistZFglkD · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 9: Not Your Typical CEO

Natasha's POV

"I didn't know you drive," I commented as I stared at Valerian's strong arm and hand gripping the steering wheel.

I roamed my eyes inside his car.

I just know this is one hell of an expensive car by the looks of it.

It looks so classy and beautiful, although I can't see everything since I'm in the shotgun seat with a seatbelt on, and the moves I can make are limited.

"Why won't you just use your speed to go to places that you want? Gasoline is expensive," I remarked.

Valerian just remained silent, and his eyes stayed focused on the road with his forehead slightly creased.

Why is he so serious?

Instead of bugging him, I just closed my mouth and remained seated neatly in my seat.

He let me out, and if I did something that might piss him off, he would change his mind, and worse, he would do something terrible to me. It's true that he needs me too, but it's Valerian Fenrir that we're talking about here. He's vicious and cannot be trusted.

I should always be careful.

My eyes landed on his hand on the steering wheel.

His gold wristwatch sparkled when the rays of the sun hit it, and I just thought it was pretty that I couldn't get my eyes off it.

"Get out." I heard Valerian say that snapped me out of my reverie.

I got so caught up staring at his watch being hit by sun rays that I didn't notice we had already arrived at our destination.

I did as I was told.

I got out of the car and saw that we were inside a parking lot.

I saw Valerian walk towards the elevator, so I quickly followed him.

"I'll be busy today. Do not leave my sight," he commanded.

I sucked on my lower lip.


I was finally outside, but I didn't think of him as a problem. I thought he would just drop me anywhere and do his things. I didn't know he would take me with him like this.

"Are you listening?" Valerian asked as he creased his forehead at me.

I just nodded.

The elevator opened, and he quickly went inside. I just followed him once again.

We're walking in the wide hallway right now, and I have no idea where we are or what are we doing here.

Valerian entered a huge room that looked like an office, and I looked like his tail because I was just following his every step.

I have a plan on my own as soon as I set foot outside, but for now, I need to obey him and don't leave his side. Besides, I don't know much about this place and the city. I don't want to get lost.

He sat in the swivel chair behind the desk, and I sat on the chair in front of him.

"Where are we?" I finally asked.

"My office," he answered as he opened the laptop in front of him.

His office?

"My company," he added.

The sound of the keyboard clattering filled my ears as he started typing on his laptop.

My mouth gaped at the realization. "Your company? You own this?"

I didn't mean to sound so surprised. Still, it already showed, and I couldn't do anything about it anymore because I'm sure my reaction had already registered in his brain.

I haven't seen the entire building, but I know it's massive, judging from all the interior design and view of the city and sky in the enormous set of windows behind Valerian.

His office is so beautiful and elegant. Not to mention that it's so clean.

"A thing to blend in with humans," he said with his eyes still focused on his laptop, "and I need something to spend my time to."

I slowly nodded as I still processed everything.

Maybe the reason why Valerian holds such a "reputation" is that he owns a huge building, and he manages it. I still don't know what he does here exactly, but I'm guessing he's some kind of businessman, considering he's wearing business attire almost every time I see him. It makes sense now.

I thought the only pastime he had was playing women. Good thing there's another more acceptable and humane.

Honestly, this is such a good idea. I'm sure no one suspects Valerian that he's not a human when he literally owns this. He blends well with the humans.

I heard a sudden knock on the door before it slightly opened.

A petite and cute woman peeked her head in.

"Mr. Fenrir?"

"Come in," Valerian answered without looking up.

"I'm just here to remind you about your meeting, sir. They are already in the conference room," the woman said.

Valerian closed his laptop and stood up from his seat. "I'll be there in a minute."

The woman nodded before she closed the door again.

Valerian fixed his tie, and I couldn't help but study him.

At first look, you can assume that he is a model because of his whole appearance. His looks that my father warned me about.

Valerian looks nothing like a dangerous vampire. He just looks wealthy and powerful. Stern and intimidating, yes, but nothing like a vampire.

"How old are you?" The question just slipped out my mouth without thinking.

Valerian stopped at what he was doing and looked at me.

"Honestly, you don't strike me as someone who is talkative, Natasha."

I sucked on my lower lip.

Maybe that's his first impression of me? Someone who's aloof?

Well, yes, I was never really talkative. Back in our town, Sayna is the one who is talkative-- annoying, if Draven would describe her. We are like the opposite.

That question formed because of sheer curiosity. But thinking about it now, I need to be 'talkative' if that's what it takes to get information from Valerian.

I need to start talking for him to get to speak.

I need to know his strength, his weaknesses, everything I can use against him for me to win.

"You don't know me." I flashed a small smile at him. "First impressions don't last."

He stared into my eyes. "Would you believe me if I tell you?"

I chuckled at his words. "I have seen something more unbelievable in our pack."

It's true. All the witches that my father knew, all the witchcraft that they made, I've witnessed how they do it.

I quickly cleared my throat when I realized that I had just mentioned my pack and would possibly gain questions from him about it.

"Before." I took a breath. "I've seen something not quite believable in my pack before," I added and smiled the uneasiness away.

"Mhm, I lost count," Valerian said.

Lost count of his age?

He's that old?

"Hundreds?" I guessed.

"You can say that," he replied as he walked towards the door. "Let's go."

I stood up from the chair and went outside with him.

I'm still processing Valerian's age.

I already know that he's old from all the stories from my father, but I didn't expect him to be this old. I mean, vampires are immortal, and they don't really age, and by the looks of Valerian, he doesn't look like he's the near age hundreds.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

He didn't answer. He just opened the door of a room, and we were welcomed by around eight people inside seated at a long table.

They all look respectable and serious.

I suddenly remember my father.

I fell silent as I followed Valerian inside.

He stood up at the front.

There's already a prepared presentation in front of him, and it looks like he's the only one they're waiting before they start.

On the other hand, I just stood there awkwardly because I didn't know what to do, and I could already feel the people looking at me, and it was starting to make me feel uneasy.

I'm not used to this kind of environment, especially this kind of attention.

'Sit in the corner.'

I suddenly heard Valerian's voice inside my head.

I looked at him, but he was busy in front doing something I don't know.

He must've noticed my uneasiness.


I told him in my mind before walking to the corner to sit down.

"Good morning," Valerian greeted.

All the people inside the room except me greeted him back in chorus.

"Let's start," he announced.

It looks like they're going to have a meeting, and I feel like it'll take hours, judging by the seriousness on all of their faces.

The petite woman earlier started the presentation, and Valerian began to talk.

Oh wow.

I can't help but stare at him intently as he sounds so intelligent and sure of every word that comes from his mouth.

I... really didn't expect this from him. My father told me things about him, yes, but it was all about him being ruthless and being a monster. He didn't mention this -- ordinary, intelligent businessman Valerian Fenrir.

I sucked on my lower lip when my gaze fell on his neck.

I drank plenty amount of his blood for breakfast earlier, but I can't help but feel the desire to bite his neck.

Suddenly, I can't hear Valerian's voice anymore or any sound anymore. Everything became blurry, and all of my attention focused on the sight of Valerian's neck and how luscious it looked.


'What's happening, Natasha?'

Hearing Valerian's voice snapped me back to reality.

I quickly sat up straight and fixed myself.

Shit. I almost lost control again.

I swallowed hard.

'I need to go to the bathroom.'

I told him.

'You're not allowed to go anywhere without me.'

he answered.

'I need to pee.'

I saw how Valerian's jaw clenched because of what I said. But he just carries on with what he's doing like we're currently not having a conversation inside our minds.

I don't know why he reacted like that. Is it because I'm disobeying him? Or it's the thought of me in the bathroom?

Fuck no.

'I'll be back.'

I didn't wait for him to say anything anymore. I quickly stood up from the chair and went outside.

But, instead of going to the bathroom, I looked for the exit.

Valerian is busy right now, and it'll take a while, so I might as well take advantage of his meeting.

I need to go somewhere.