
Mated To The Devil Alpha

  Effortlessly throwing her over his shoulders, Rex kicked the door open and threw her to the bed. His fist connected with the wall and he began to yell while punching it.     "You are my mate, Rain!" He yelled "My property!!!".    A sly smile spread across Rain's face as she stood up.      "You only want me because your first mate rejected you," Rain said breathless "I won't reject you, Alpha Rex, use me as you want, I don't care" She smirked, "I will make life a living hell for you".                              ^^^^^^^^^^     As long as history can tell, an Alpha has never been rejected before. Well, that changed when Alpha Rex, a ruthless Alpha got rejected by his first mate.      He couldn't tell if he was cursed or not, all his fear is going through the pain of losing his mate again.     He has to keep his Pack strong, keep his mate and protect his dignity.

Bebeeizrael · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Chapter 8: Please talk to me , Mate



     Before I could blink, Rain fell. A very loud scream escaped her throat as she tried to get up again but could not. Her eyes were filled with tears, but she kept blinking them back, she just does not want to cry but I can see that she is pain and it was tearing me apart.

     With her knees and palms on the floor, another loud scream came out from her again, making me rush toward her. Holding her I heard it, heard her bone snap, making lots of agonizing sounds.

     "What's happening?" I panicked.

   "She is having her first shift" Alpha Jaxon pulled me away from her "But that is strange, I have given up on her already".

    Puzzled, I looked down at my mate and back at Alpha Jaxon.

    "What are you talking about?".

   Calmly watch Brook stoop beside her and rub her hair. He seems to be whistling some kind of strange song.

     "When Rain was a child, this song used to help her sleep," Alpha Jaxon said "Now she is 22, let's hope it wakes her wolf".


     Not everyone gets this kind of opportunity so I didn't let it pass by for one second. My eyes are fixed on her as I watch my mate scream in agony. Her palms and kneel were on the floor as she crawled towards me with tears in her eyes.

     "Help me" She cried.

   I panicked.

  Forget me trying to act all calm before, my eyes moved everywhere as I watched Hawk who looked unmoved.

    "What's happening to meeeee" she cried more.

    I wish I can help ease her pain, but can't. I know how it is, how some Wolves don't survive it at all, and here she is, an omega wolf struggling for her life.

     My hands went behind me as I began to cheer her in my mind, deep down I know something is off, even Mox could feel it. It didn't make much sense when black furs began to grow out of her skin.

   Wait a minute!

   'She is an omega, right' Hawk mind linked me.

   Without turning back or saying anything I nodded once. I don't want to miss anything, not when her cloth began to rip off her body as more black furs grew. It didn't take much for me to see her transfer into a big black Wolf.

     Big in the sense that I didn't expect her to be that Big with her petite Omega body.

    Omega don't have black furs, not as big as her, and her eyes are the same colors.

     She whimpered as she turned around to look at us. Her head lowered as she looked at me, gosh! She couldn't even look me in the eyes.

     'Rain' I whispered in my mind link.

    No response but her scared face look around. I can feel it now, that connection amd I am sure that she can feel it too. She can feel it as she followed my index finger gesturing her to come toward me.


   I called out at her in our mind link as I stooped to meet her face. Her eyes closed as she sniffed my palm before letting me place it on her head.


  That divine feeling is when you finally have your mate by your side. You have her soft black furs beneath your palm as you let her sniff your wrist and palm again.

      Mix growled in satisfaction as he moved closer and placed the second palm on her head. A sly smile spread across his face as he began to wiggle his fingers behind her ears.

      "Alpha Rex I...".

   Raising my left arm, I growled.

  "We apologize about her behavior we will make sure we tame her and...".

    I growled louder this time as I turned to stare at Alpha Brook. His hands were behind him as he took a few steps toward me and stopped beside Rain. With his eyes glued to mine, he raised his palm and placed it on Rain's back.

     Stroking her gently, he bent and whispered into her ear. I bet he knows that I am right in front of them and I can feel the warmth from his fingertips close to mine. I bet he also knows I heard what he just said and that look on his face is making me want to do one thing.

     'Should I punch him in the face?' Hawk asked.

   Fighting the urge not to laugh at what my beta just said, I cleared my throat awkwardly. My eyes lowered to Brook's own and without talking, he did it just as i want, slowly removed his hand from Rain.

      "She is going with me" I snapped.

    That terror, that fear, that anger, I can see them all in Brook's eyes. He looked at me for a while before looking up at his father and my Beta who had his signature annoying smile on his face.

      "Go get her things ready before arranging me to see the unmated She-wolves in your ball tonight" I ordered.

      With a single bow, Brook walked out. I turned back to look at Jaxon and Hawk who were watching Brook stomp away.

     "I want to be alone with her" I muttered.

     This is what I like, that obedient, No one of them opposed. Although I can see that anger, that little disrespect trying to build itself from inside of him.

     'I don't know what to say but' Hawk mind linked me 'Do take care of her'.

    What the heck is he talking about? Rain is my mate for crying out loud.

       Getting my full attention back at her, I found Rain staring at me. Her scared eyes kept marking my every move even when I placed both hands behind me and walked toward her.

    At first, I thought it was just paranoid or trying to know what is happening to her until she began to whimper and sat on the floor. She covered her face with both of her front limbs as she began to cry.

     'Rain, it's me' I whispered.

   Of course, she knows it's as if she is staring at me. She knows it's me because I am the only person around amd close with her but what I don't get is why she looks sad. Just a moment ago she was free, sniffing my wrist and palm and letting me pet her.

     Moving a few steps towards her, I moved my hands off behind me but immediately she sighted them, she stood up. Her legs were fast to take two steps back each time I take one forward.

      'What are you doing?' I asked harshly.

   Again, her eyes popped out as they will fall out of her socket. She whimpered more I stooped with both of my hands touching the floor trying to make her see I mean no harm at this point.

     'Rain! Can you hear me' I asked.

   I don't get why she is not responding. I can feel her wolf, I know she can hear me but I can't tell if she....oh! Maybe she doesn't know how to respond.

      'Rain of you can hear me just try to think about what you want to tell me and I will get it I said.

    I hope she ignores my emotionless face because she will have to see more of it for the rest of her life. I hope she gets to understand what it takes to reply because she will have to understand that she is no longer alone.

     'Fucking say something Rain!' I growled 'Just send me a...'.

      'What are you doing in my head, Alpha?' Rain asked. Her scared face looked around before back at me, even when she refused to maintain eye contact, I see that regret in her voice 'I am sorry, I... I'.

     I won't lie I felt relieved. I felt like a huge burden is being lifted off my shoulders. Even when I don't know what to say and I am still confused over this fate, the only thing I did was stare at her.

    The moon goddess literally knows I got rejected by my previous mate days ago and she is giving me another one?

     What? Why would she even give me a cute mischievous face as a mate?

    Mind you, I am not against her being extremely beautiful because she mine but my previous mate was beautiful. Well, not anymore. Since she rejected me, I see nothing useful in here, not even the usefulness of the pathetic look Rain is giving me.

     She moved a few steps forward and sniffed the floor. Her brown eyes stared at me as she closed her eyes as of trying to store the scent in her mind. Opening back, I got to face her wolf, those cute black eyes staring back at me as she whimper again.

      'Please tell me that you are not my mate' she howled.