
Mated To The Devil Alpha

  Effortlessly throwing her over his shoulders, Rex kicked the door open and threw her to the bed. His fist connected with the wall and he began to yell while punching it.     "You are my mate, Rain!" He yelled "My property!!!".    A sly smile spread across Rain's face as she stood up.      "You only want me because your first mate rejected you," Rain said breathless "I won't reject you, Alpha Rex, use me as you want, I don't care" She smirked, "I will make life a living hell for you".                              ^^^^^^^^^^     As long as history can tell, an Alpha has never been rejected before. Well, that changed when Alpha Rex, a ruthless Alpha got rejected by his first mate.      He couldn't tell if he was cursed or not, all his fear is going through the pain of losing his mate again.     He has to keep his Pack strong, keep his mate and protect his dignity.

Bebeeizrael · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Chapter 62: Serves her right


 Panic filled me at once, I looked up expecting to see Brook standing at the door post with eyes filled with anger. Instead, I found a young girl standing with a tray of food. She wrapped her fingers in the tray and as soon as our eyes locked, she gave me a warm smile but I was too angry to smile back and not notice her short hair. Instead, I stared at her so harshly that she quickly looked away and walked toward me.

 "The master said that I should give you this" she announced and placed the tray of food at my foot.

 I didn't say a word to her, instead, I averted my gaze to the tray only to find a plate filled with cereal. Of course, I had no appetite to eat anything, I don't trust anyone around me, including Nora....?

 A bright smile spread across my face as I raised my head the second time to stare into Nora's amused eyes. I want to jump, I want to scream and gig her but she quickly looked over her shoulders and negatively shook her head slightly.